View Full Version : Moab 2007

11/30/2006, 09:09 PM
Moab ZuZoo X...Mid March 2007 :naughty:

11/30/2006, 11:30 PM
REEEEEAlly...I did not know that.

Tell me more about this mysterious "Moab ZuZoo X". I haven't seen the details!

12/01/2006, 06:58 AM
Haha, thats funny V, my brothers live IN Boca, so we both got Chicago ties and Florida ties ;) But I am MOST glad I am NOT there right now.... You Floridians can keep your humidity, bugs, and I-95!

;) Bart

Actually, it was quite nice driving to work this morning in Miami. Nothing like an 80 degree morning on Dec. 1! :p Actually, I find this quite strange. I miss Alaska and snow this time of year... :(

12/01/2006, 07:47 AM
REEEEEAlly...I did not know that.

Tell me more about this mysterious "Moab ZuZoo X". I haven't seen the details!

Do a "forum search" for "Moab 2006...you wish you were here!" ...you'll see.
On pg.5, post #71 of that thread, you'll find a link to VIDEO that'll take you to "planet Bantz"...look there for Moab 2006 vid...it STILL makes the hair on my arms stand @ attention when I watch it. :p

Official "carved in stone" dates won't be set for a while, but find that thread...

It's "Mecca" for goin' off road.

Maybe someone with better comp. skills than I (99% of you at LEAST) would be so kind as to post a link to "the video" ?

12/01/2006, 08:07 AM
Hi Kyle,

We MAY have met a looooooooong time ago at a Seattle VX meet, back when I had my '99 Ironman VX. Tone even made the long journey to be a part of the group!

Anyway, once I get my car delivered, I'd love to get together with you to compare notes. I've got great plans for my new Ebony ride.

Also...what's up with your website?!?

Your server stopped responding!
I apologize to you and anyone else whose tried to look at my web page any time in the recent past - it's actually been down for quite a while because I'm rebuilding all my servers. One of these days I'll get it back online and hopefully throw a few more How-To's up! ;Db;

As far as meets go, I've never really actually made it to one. We tried to do one a couple of years ago in conjunction with the Portland Auto Show, but me and JAFO were the only two who showed up, so that doesn't really count. I am definitely interested though - maybe sometime after the holidays.

12/01/2006, 08:34 AM
LOL, well, that's just it. There is just something terribly wrong in my book with 80°, sunshine, and palm trees on Christmas. :rolleyes:

:) Bart

Actually, it was quite nice driving to work this morning in Miami. Nothing like an 80 degree morning on Dec. 1! :p Actually, I find this quite strange. I miss Alaska and snow this time of year... :(

12/01/2006, 08:35 AM
Wait a tic, I thought it was in May? Sheesh, March is right around the corner!


Moab ZuZoo X...Mid March 2007 :naughty:

12/01/2006, 09:30 AM

My bad...I get all those "M" months mixed up. :(

It is May... :homer:

12/01/2006, 09:43 AM
OK cool. I was damn, I need to start preparing NOW!

:) Bart


My bad...I get all those "M" months mixed up. :(

It is May... :homer:

12/01/2006, 10:43 AM

Something's been bugging me about you.

Which are you: a photographer, or a Vietnamese guy who likes to eat Pho?

12/01/2006, 11:38 AM
I'm a photographer, but I also like Pho...does that count? :p

E-ZooZoo One
12/01/2006, 12:03 PM
Congratulations on the purchase – Welcome to the family!

RE: Moab…

Yahoo Photo Search: “Moab`Zu” (http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=Moab%60Zu&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&b=1)
YouTube Video: ‘See you in May’ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcnM04JVSJk)
YouTube Video: ‘Moab Slideshow’ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aNGDRgG58s&mode=related&search=) (<< Soundtrack is NOT Work Safe!)

Yeah, one of these days… one of these days. :rolleyesg

12/01/2006, 09:19 PM
PHO2GR4... a Vietnamese guy who likes to eat Pho?Hey, you don't have to be Vietnamese to love Pho! ;Db;

12/01/2006, 09:42 PM
OK, after watching some of that stuff on YouTube, I can safely say, with no shame, call me whatever you want, there are some thing I will simply NOT do.....maybe if I had a 2nd VX...

:) Bart

Congratulations on the purchase – Welcome to the family!

RE: Moab…

Yahoo Photo Search: “Moab`Zu” (http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=Moab%60Zu&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&b=1)
YouTube Video: ‘See you in May’ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcnM04JVSJk)
YouTube Video: ‘Moab Slideshow’ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aNGDRgG58s&mode=related&search=) (<< Soundtrack is NOT Work Safe!)

Yeah, one of these days… one of these days. :rolleyesg

12/02/2006, 06:56 AM
OK, after watching some of that stuff on YouTube, I can safely say, with no shame, call me whatever you want, there are some thing I will simply NOT do.....maybe if I had a 2nd VX...

:) Bart

lol - I agree. but don't let some of that keep ya from zu. plenty of good spotters and some gumption - *poof* - an instant high and a lifetime of good memories.


12/02/2006, 07:26 AM
Beej is right...when the time comes, just sign up for the "tamer" trails, (3.5 or less)& go have fun.
On a lot of obstacles (not all), there are alternate routes that go around the gnarly section...last spring I took the E-Z trail on more than one occaision, & nobody called me any bad names (least wise, not to my face). ;)
My attitude was that I was there to "test the waters", see what it's all about & have fun.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...everyone there, is there to do the same & very supportive of "first timers" & will go out of their way to help out a VX bro. or sis.
It's like going to a family reunion that you actually enjoy, except with family you've never met before & can't wait to see again next year. :cool:
Sorry for the off topic rant... :rolleyes:

12/02/2006, 10:03 AM
I would love to go to Moab but living in Indiana makes it a long trip for me.....

12/02/2006, 10:51 AM
Congratulations on the purchase – Welcome to the family!

RE: Moab…

Yahoo Photo Search: “Moab`Zu” (http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?p=Moab%60Zu&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-501&b=1)
YouTube Video: ‘See you in May’ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcnM04JVSJk)
YouTube Video: ‘Moab Slideshow’ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aNGDRgG58s&mode=related&search=) (<< Soundtrack is NOT Work Safe!)

Yeah, one of these days… one of these days. :rolleyesg

I would love to go to Moab but living in Indiana makes it a long trip for me.....

yeah.. PA is about as far from Moab as i can get.. but im still toying with the idea of taking like 3 days before and 3 days after and gettin to know rt 70 much better......

12/02/2006, 11:11 AM
Yeah, I am thinking of taking hwy 50 out of Reno and driving to the Great Basin National Park, camping there, and then making the rest of the trip to Moab the next day, and doing the same on the way back. Its a 13 hour drive from Reno, so I think It would be nice to break it up a bit, plus I really want to see Great Basin National park. It would be cool if all the VXers coming from the west could congregate there, and then caravan out to Moab together.


:) Bart

12/02/2006, 11:33 AM
I would love to go to Moab but living in Indiana makes it a long trip for me.....

:confused: ...You'll have to come up with a better excuse than that :p , Kenny's coming from Winnepeg...Manitoba...CANADA...Jim & I are making the trip from Fargo...not to mention, you still have the stamina of youth on your side... ;)

12/02/2006, 11:36 AM

How about splitting all this OT (Moab) stuph off into a seperate thread titled Pre-Moab Buzz or something ?

Thanks, Ldub

12/04/2006, 08:51 AM
Done!!! March huh?? I did not know that.. I gotta quit being so busy!!

12/04/2006, 09:40 AM
OK, after watching some of that stuff on YouTube, I can safely say, with no shame, call me whatever you want, there are some thing I will simply NOT do.....maybe if I had a 2nd VX...

:) Bart

There is some stuff I just won't do also....but I'm still trying to find it ;eeky;
Testing the waters...
:naughty: :rotate: :naughty:

From the official mouths at ZuZoo this year...
ZuZoo may or may not be an "official" event however come the 3rd weekend of MAY 2007 there will be people in Isuzus wheeling in Moab. The official thing stems from the insurance issues.
Unfortunately I won't be there in '07. Have to save some vacation time for when I qualify for Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii!
'08 I will be back though! Hopefully with more armour for some of the "funner" trails!

From the 4x4Wire...ZuZoo will be May 16-19 (VX run on the 15?). The new host campground will more than likely be Arch View Resort (http://www.archviewresort.com/)

12/04/2006, 09:49 AM

Seriously, Billy... some of us who were there pooped a little when we saw you in this position... scary, man.



12/04/2006, 09:50 AM
I would love to go to Moab but living in Indiana makes it a long trip for me.....

Moab is a good haul from here too, but is somewhere you MUST visit at least once. I made the trip twice, and (hope I'm not jinxing myself again) plan on making it out there in '07. Work, finances, family, health... all good reasons to miss out. Too long a drive... not good enough! See you there!


12/04/2006, 09:55 AM
Seriously, Billy... some of us who were there pooped a little when we saw you in this position... scary, man.



I was cool as a cuccumber...just ask Larry! :cool!:

12/04/2006, 10:52 AM
Well, hopefully we can get the VX only run date nailed down, because most likely this will be the only day I can stay. I probably can only take like 2 or 3 days off work. I'm not really sure yet. I'm contract to hire right now, and if I get hired my start date would be something like March 1st, which isn't going to afford me much vacation time by May, but we'll see. The sooner I know the confirmed date for the VX only run, the betta.


12/04/2006, 11:19 AM
VX run should be on the 15th. It is always the day before ZuZoo officially starts. Todd where are you? He will have the answer since he is always the trail leader and the driving foce behind putting it together.

12/04/2006, 11:46 AM
Yeah, once we get that set in stone, I can see about taking off Monday-Wednesday. I like to book hotels (and cabins) ahead of time so I don't end up getting left out in the dark, literally. :)


VX run should be on the 15th. It is always the day before ZuZoo officially starts. Todd where are you? He will have the answer since he is always the trail leader and the driving foce behind putting it together.

12/04/2006, 03:56 PM
Well, hopefully we can get the VX only run date nailed down, because most likely this will be the only day I can stay. I probably can only take like 2 or 3 days off work. I'm not really sure yet.


;) - you may just regret that after the run! I know I did, big time :_brickwal !

I figured I'd do the VX run on my way through Utah and onto Vegas. After the VX run I was so tempted to cancel all my Vegas registrations (hotel, shows, etc..) and stay for more - but didn't :( . So began my 364 day countdown...

Free advice: register and leave yourself some room to possibly stay a few more days.

12/04/2006, 04:55 PM
Well, I certainly would love to stay the full week, but I was planning to bring my wife along, which means we BOTH need to take a full week off, which is a lot of time off work. So I dunno, I have about 2 months to go before I know if they are going to hire me or let my contract expire. Basically, I might be out of a job come the end of February. But if I get hired, I don't know how much vacation time I will have accrued by then. So we shall see. Only time will tell.

Basically what I am getting at, is working sucks. I want to be independantly wealthy :)


;) - you may just regret that after the run! I know I did, big time :_brickwal !

I figured I'd do the VX run on my way through Utah and onto Vegas. After the VX run I was so tempted to cancel all my Vegas registrations (hotel, shows, etc..) and stay for more - but didn't :( . So began my 364 day countdown...

Free advice: register and leave yourself some room to possibly stay a few more days.

12/04/2006, 06:01 PM
OK, after watching some of that stuff on YouTube, I can safely say, with no shame, call me whatever you want, there are some thing I will simply NOT do.....maybe if I had a 2nd VX...

:) Bart

ehem... JEEP! Come on, you knew it was coming! :p

In other news... by May, I just may have dual air lockers AND 33's as well as sliders! Yes, in the VX! It seems as though I need to pull my front axle... AGAIN...! If so, I am just going to add the ARB this time and save $$$ for the rear ARB and the compressor. I should be able to swing that by May. Tomorrow night, I take my VX to Rocky Road Outfitters so they can prototype some sliders and give them to me!! I'll let everyone know about them Saturday when I get my ZEUS back. 4.77's, sliders, skids, 33's, dual selectable lockers... might as well find a lower geared transfer case... how mad would you guys get if I threw RUBICON stickers on my VX fenders??? :eek: j/k

Jay Dunford
12/05/2006, 05:37 AM
I'll be there in the new toy!


Can't wait.

Green Dragon
12/05/2006, 05:53 AM
ehem... JEEP! Come on, you knew it was coming! :p

In other news... by May, I just may have dual air lockers AND 33's as well as sliders! Yes, in the VX! It seems as though I need to pull my front axle... AGAIN...! If so, I am just going to add the ARB this time and save $$$ for the rear ARB and the compressor. I should be able to swing that by May. Tomorrow night, I take my VX to Rocky Road Outfitters so they can prototype some sliders and give them to me!! I'll let everyone know about them Saturday when I get my ZEUS back. 4.77's, sliders, skids, 33's, dual selectable lockers... might as well find a lower geared transfer case... how mad would you guys get if I threw RUBICON stickers on my VX fenders??? :eek: j/k

Unless you change the front suspension, I would not install a front locker. Get on board air & install ARB on rear axle.

Bob F

Scott Harness
12/05/2006, 06:22 AM
Hi Jay! I'm thinking of the same thing.How does it drive on the street compared to the VX.I saw a road test they said it rode way better on the street than the new wrangler.Let me know what you think.

12/05/2006, 06:35 AM
Glad to see you with another 4x4. Tell us what package you got.

12/05/2006, 06:46 AM
Looks great Jay...very nice indeed.
Whats that on the mirror?...auxilliary lighting of some sort?...cool. :cool:

Jay Dunford
12/05/2006, 06:51 AM
Hi Jay! I'm thinking of the same thing.How does it drive on the street compared to the VX.I saw a road test they said it rode way better on the street than the new wrangler.Let me know what you think.

It is much smoother than the VX, mainly due to the shocks. You can still tell it's a short wheel base but it doesn't pound you over bumps like the VX (maybe my bones are getting to old for that?). It sure wouldn't out perform in a street setting, but will certainly hold its own off-road - especially with the factory rear locker and ATRAC system. Another plus is the well established aftermarket for Toyota, a subject I am all too familiar with after all the custom work done to my VX over the years. It has great power for the 6 banger (with milage comparable to the VX) and a TRD supercharger will be out later this year to add more if you want it.

Tone and I will be in Dallas Sat. 13th if anyone would like to meet up that morning or early afternoon in the Grand Prairie area.

12/05/2006, 08:10 AM
Wow, very nice indeed. Did you have the white top painted or are these coming with the option to have the white top painted to match? I love the all black look (of course). This FJ is the first one I have seen that I can say I actually like!

:) Bart

I'll be there in the new toy!


Can't wait.

12/05/2006, 08:19 AM
Very nice. Flirted with the idea of an FJ myself....

Now pimp that ride! After all, moab's only a few months away...!!! :eek: :eek:


12/05/2006, 08:36 AM
Jay, did you trade in your VX for this abomination?! :eek: j/k
I hate FJ's but I can tell this one is on it's way above and beyond... But, seriously, did you trade in the VX for the FJ?

Jay Dunford
12/05/2006, 08:54 AM
Let's see if I can answer everyone:

This is the TRD SE edition. It came with the roof painted to match as well as some do-dad upgrades such as TRD mats, wheels, AT tires, shocks, and a factory hack to allow ATRAC and the locker to function together. All in all I liked the look and the upgrades of the tires and options was enough to make it wothwhile. I have had the mirrors, door handles, and front grill surround painted to match the body, and I painted the silver parts of the bumpers with a couple of cans of spray-on bedliner. The lights in the mirrors are a running light, but I will probably get in there while opening the doors for stereo stuff and tie them into the turn signals with an amber bulb.

I didn't trade the VX for this, I sold the VX a while back to someone in Minnesota I think, but he has dropped off the radar. I was driving a 2005 GTO for a couple of years and it was a real blast to drive, just not real practical. I've been eyeing the FJ for a while now and when I saw the SE edition decided to make the switch.

12/06/2006, 06:09 AM
Jay looks very nice!! I hope i don't need to split this thread too ;)

As far as Moab 07, I've kinda been out of the loop (Guess a visit to the wire is in order). I've been very busy as we have a new sheriff in town (our current one lost his re-election bid) and my commander is being forced to retire leaving me the next in line to take over our High Tech Crimes Unit. My hair is falling (pulling) out at an alarming rate! I'll have to get the dates on the radar ASAP.

P.S. Biju, I'm still trying to figure a Colorado meet date for after Christmas..