View Full Version : stopping things rolling around

12/30/2006, 11:56 AM
Like most, didn't have a need for the rear seat so pulled it out. But then I had to worry about things smacking me in the back of the seat or head, or worst yet, the new sub-woofer. So I am installing this UNIVERSAL DOG-PET BARRIER-SAFETY GATE-VAN-SUV that Amazon dot com has. It seems pretty sturdy and will stop most things, (I hope) and it was only $39.00 to my mail box. I did have to shorten a few of the tubes, but that was simple enough. It is held in place by friction but a more permanent mounting can be done. Guess I will have to get a dog now,... not sure how our 4 cats will take to that idea,.. quite sure they won't, oh well.

Happy New Year VX Brothers and Sisters

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/IMG_00023.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/IMG_00023.jpg)

12/30/2006, 02:05 PM
I would not worry about the cats; however, hauling 2 "Big Foots" in such a small space could be dangerous. ;)


12/30/2006, 03:55 PM
Your problem with things rolling around and hitting you is, you don't have any front seats. Ever thought of that? I don't even know how you can see over the dashboard. :p

I have one of those interior dog fences as well. I still have my back seats though, so I just roll them up and slap in the fence when I take her somewhere.

12/30/2006, 05:20 PM
Was wondering why I kept bumping into things when I was driving and the seat belt was never tight.

Am doing a few other projects at the sametime. remounting the sub and different local for the amp, not sure what I'm going to do but I have 2 more days to figure it out.

Have fun and Happy New Year :dance: :dance:

01/02/2007, 09:41 AM
I usually just bungy everything down.


Works quite well, but I need a mounting braket for my 4WheelAir.com air tank.
