View Full Version : Transmission?

01/16/2007, 06:23 AM
Hi gang!
Well today morning like usual before i go to work warm up my VX for a couple minutes and then go. After 2 minutes driving stoped on red light on the hill then push gas up to 2.5 RPM starting accelerating and for a second it stop accelerating, felt like transmission on neutural, and then connected back on, and i noticed that moment my TOD showed me full 3 bars and one on my back tires spin a lit bit cuz i heard noise like spinning tire a lit bit and it was dry roude. This never happend before and im starting worried about it what it can be? any suggestions?

01/16/2007, 08:49 AM
Hi gang!
...and i noticed that moment my TOD showed me full 3 bars and one on my back tires spin a lit bit cuz i heard noise like spinning tire a lit bit and it was dry roude. Thanks

DJ, strictly speaking for myself, I'd love to help, but I don't know what that quote is supposed to mean!

If you need technical help with your VX, please take the time to fully describe the problem you are having (no offense here, but use whole words and more complete sentences), and maybe someone will understand what the problem is and tell you what it is and how to fix it. Short-hand slang is fine for talking to friends, but it is pretty limited in its usefulness when writing to describe a technical problem with a car.

Good luck!

01/16/2007, 09:49 AM
Vehigas, i dont know how to explain it more detailed =( okay ill try it explain again. When i start accelerate it felt like transmission drop on neutural and then back on drive, everything happend within 3 seconds. The thing is RPM`s was just around 2.5 and i never had 3 bars on myu TOD system that RPM`s, it usually only one or when i give more gas its 2.
i hope its a lit bit help. my thoght is maybe change transmission oil or maybe differensial fluid, but maybe something else...

01/16/2007, 09:59 AM
let me see if im getting it... on a dry road from takeoff... you hit 2500 rpms and then acceleration stopped? your TOD read 3 bars in the front and you heard your rear wheels spin?

01/16/2007, 10:02 AM
etlsport, you absolutely right

01/16/2007, 10:04 AM
let me see if im getting it... on a dry road from takeoff... you hit 2500 rpms and then acceleration stopped? your TOD read 3 bars in the front and you heard your rear wheels spin? and then everything came back to normal, it never happend before

01/16/2007, 11:35 AM
I had a similar problem after a transmission oil change. They did not filled it up enough so the transmission started slipping. Please check the transmission oil level and/or consider change it. Hope this solves the issue.

01/16/2007, 11:45 AM
Wow, It seems like the transmission just let go and then grabbed again, hard enough to spin some wheels. Did you feel a hard slamming sensation before you heard the tire spinning noise? Did it feel like it would if you had physically put it into neutral and then back into drive while accelerating?

Could be that the tires were in a little gravel or something that got them spinning, or the transmission really did slip.

Are you sure you don't have 3 inches of snow like we do around here? :p

01/16/2007, 12:11 PM
Could have been a PCM glitch. There have been threads about that in the past.

01/16/2007, 01:33 PM
Yeah, does it feel like your just slamming gears inbetween 2nd and 3rd? I would definitely say you should check/change your trans fluid and filter. That would be an easy start anyhow.


01/16/2007, 02:45 PM
I think he was just on a little gravel and a rear wheel spun and kicked in the tod,happens to me sometimes. :luck: :_snowplow

01/16/2007, 02:51 PM
i had that happen once i was coming up a bridge and when i went over a metal joint on the bridge i guess the wheels didnt grip it as well so the tod freaked for a second.. sounds like yours has had this problem more than once though.. id start with havin the transmission looked at since you had trouble with your trans leaking before... if you search for joe blacks how to on changing the transmission fluid (ATF) he shows where the fluid level check is located on the transmission, which is just a bolt, you could check that and see if its full as a first step

01/16/2007, 04:03 PM
I had a similar problem after a transmission oil change. They did not filled it up enough so the transmission started slipping. Please check the transmission oil level and/or consider change it. Hope this solves the issue.

Had the exact same thing happen to me after trans. fluid change...it was less than 2/3 qt. low.

01/16/2007, 06:38 PM
Techy-D , yeah i felt slamming not hard but you can feel it, and no we dont have any snow out here =).
nfpgasmask, It happend on first gear.
etlsport, yeah i think you rught i need to change level of my oil in my tranny, gonan find that posy how...