View Full Version : W8??? anyone

01/16/2007, 11:20 PM
So I was car talking with a buddy of mine. Well more asking questions and him answering. Me being not so mechanically inclined. Ok so I basically know how to change oil now. Well Being in love with this truck I have thought many things what if engine goes kaput what will I do stick a new 3.5L in or try and go ls1 route like alaska and coach reed among others maybe :confused: . Anyways I was wondering what about fitting a W8 in there. I mean its suppose to fit in same space as a v6 right? I heard about em long time ago and it just poped into my mind and now my wheel is spinning

I appose these questions to you to have your insight maybe negatives or posatives.

1.) will it work?
2.) what besides tranny would u think needs to be replaced?
3.) worth it? I mean apposed to ls1 route.
4.) posatives negatives?
5.) anything i may have missed? like the obvious

01/17/2007, 01:57 AM
Do u wanna race it or somthing?unless u r going to be racing it or wanna spend more in fuel cost's i think the 3.5 v6 will be plenty. :yes: :naughty:

01/17/2007, 04:12 AM
W8? what's that. :confused:

01/17/2007, 05:01 AM
(wavy transition screen-four seconds-cue Spinal Tap...)

You know mate...It's like a V-8, only one more...

Like me amp over here...it goes to 11... :cool:

01/17/2007, 05:58 AM
Actually to be honest fuel consumption course its on a passat which I dunno weigh but same mpg on the w8 appose to v6 thats in our trucks now. Now I will not bee racing I will be off roading and such or whatever i feel like it just wanted any insight.

The w8 is basically to v4 smashed together, or in vw case side by side on same crankshaft. Or you can look @ it this way the w12 is 2 vr6 engings so 8 would make 4. Its basically a lil more power than a v8 but fits about the same size as a v6. I was just wonder is this a practical alternative to and ls1 instead if I was going to go that route. Yes I know the 3.5 is plent but never hurts to have more zip. I know even know if it woudl work because again in a smaller car. I think its was 275 bhp and forget torque will have to look that up somwhere.

Was just throwing something out there to get some ideas

Scott Harness
01/17/2007, 06:19 AM
vw vortex.com is the best volkswagon site.

01/17/2007, 09:40 AM
That Vortex site pulled up something other than VW's.

01/17/2007, 09:45 AM
Ya I was thinking same thing as well. I always do a search in google/yahoo b4 i pull up a site so I know whats on it.

I tried looking up info on it last nigth tried to read what i could. This is mearly a thougth and wanted anyoen elses thoughts on matter really. LOL talke dto friend today he said I was nuts I said nope just thinking of ideas really. I aint tearing it apart till it breaks.

01/17/2007, 10:00 AM
Here is the link:


I am seriously considering an engine swap myself. Hopefully by next winter I'll have the money saved and my parts list put together. I will likely be using euro spec spec Isuzu parts to build the first ever (unless someone beats me to it) DIESEL VX. ;Db; We share enough parts with Troopers and Rodeos that there shouldn't be much to do in the way of custom fabrication, so I believe this is the simplest way to go diesel in a VX.

There is also an Isuzu direct injection 3.5L V6 that may be worth taking a look at as an upgrade.

Scott Harness
01/17/2007, 10:09 AM
You guys must have got the address wrong. I've had seven vw's and been on the site for years. vwvortex.com go to forums - volkswagon - phaeton. The Phaeton is or was the flagship model with the W8. It actually was a rebadged Audi A8

01/17/2007, 11:38 AM
You guys must have got the address wrong. I've had seven vw's and been on the site for years. vwvortex.com go to forums - volkswagon - phaeton. The Phaeton is or was the flagship model with the W8. It actually was a rebadged Audi A8What about a V10 VX Tdi?! Scha-weet! ;Db;

Scott Harness
01/17/2007, 11:51 AM
Scha-weet indeed. I think it had somewhere in the range of 500lbs of torque. :eek:

01/17/2007, 11:59 AM
Man if u could fit a v10 tdi in there that would be amazing. I am no mechnical nut but I dont think it would fit. LOL but yeah we can dream i guess.

E-ZooZoo One
01/17/2007, 12:23 PM
The w8 is basically to v4 smashed together, or in vw case side by side on same crankshaft...

More info and a photo... HERE (http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fs earch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DVW%2BW8%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3Dyfp-t-501%26x%3Dwrt&w=175&h=110&imgurl=a332.g.akamai.net%2Ff%2F332%2F936%2F12h%2Fw ww.edmunds.com%2Fmedia%2Froadtests%2Ffirstdrive%2F 2002%2F02.vw.passat.w8%2F02.vw.w8.eng.175.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flat-6.net%2Fforum%2Fshowthread.php%3Fp%3D52148&size=6.7kB&name=02.vw.w8.eng.175.jpg&p=VW+W8&type=jpeg&no=15&tt=3,889&oid=cc8fe65f150446ea&ei=UTF-8)