View Full Version : Who's bringing a moutain bike to MOAB?

05/07/2003, 03:12 PM
I have been round with this a couple times now and really can't decide. It would seem a shame to drive a 1000 miles and not bring my moutain bike. Anybody else bringing theirs?

05/07/2003, 03:52 PM
I would definitely bring mine... if I was going. Sorry.

05/08/2003, 06:40 AM
Here's my dilema. This is my first Zoo. I'm sure I will be meeting new freinds, cracking a beer and checking out rigs. And after spending all day on trails, is there really any time to bike? Not to mention leaving my bike at the campsite unattended. I thought if anyone else would be bringing their bike we could hook up. Another thought was that since this is Moab, there would be a place or two that I could rent a nice spec FS for a day if the feeling strikes, which I'm sure it will.

05/08/2003, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by SPAZZ
No, no mountain bike, but I am bring my climbing gear.....anyone up for some rock climbing(the human body on walls of rock, not your vehicle)????;eekp;

Sorry Spazz, I don't climb. The closest I came to climbing was watching my kid climb to the top of the wall at Galyan's Sports.:mbrasd:

05/08/2003, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by AnalogVX
Another thought was that since this is Moab, there would be a place or two that I could rent a nice spec FS for a day if the feeling strikes, which I'm sure it will.

There are quite a few rental places in Moab so, you shouldn't have a worry.

05/08/2003, 11:36 AM
I use to indoor rock climb... for years. There is a sweet climbing gym in Carrollton, TX (http://www.stoneworkssilos.com/ (Stone Works) ), off of I-35. It's a converted grain tower with (a few) 100ft. (or more) walls in the silos. There are no 500ft. drops, but it's sweet as far as indoor climbing gos.

I would love to get into true rock climbing. I'll have to figure out where in Oregon (preferably closest to Portland) I could go. Of course, kayaking is calling my name as well.

05/08/2003, 11:57 AM
Don't get me started on kayaking. I spent my kayak money on my VX! :eek: