View Full Version : Track and Field News (for Houston VXers especially)

02/13/2007, 08:02 AM
I know I have promised many of you to keep you updated on my track competitions so here is the information for my last meet in Tallinn, Estonia.

Meet results etc:

European TV Coverage:

Thanks for the incredible family of support from this site and its awesome members, I am just hoping to continue to use my God given abilities for His glory and not my own. Pressing on to 2008.....
In Christ,
Ryan Harlan

VX crazy
02/13/2007, 08:32 AM
Thanks Ryan, and congrats! That is so awesome, how cool to be that good of an athelete! I will email you my address so you can send the magazine to me that you are in!! Catch up with you later! :p

02/13/2007, 09:45 AM
Congratulations my friend! What an accomplishment and honor!

02/13/2007, 10:57 AM

02/13/2007, 11:30 AM
Congratulations! What a fantastic job!
Thanks for sharing.

02/13/2007, 11:42 AM
Way to go, Ryan!!! We are soooo pround of you!!! :clap:

Yes, thru Christ you can do all things!! Good Job!


Scott Harness
02/13/2007, 12:11 PM
Congratulations!!! Ryan, keep up the GOOD work.

02/13/2007, 12:11 PM
Great accomplishment Ryan. I hope to see you tearing it up in Bejing '08! Keep up the good work!

02/13/2007, 12:12 PM
Way to go my friend!! Already have a fall '08 meet in the works so we can all take a look at "Beijing Gold" (I figured it's the very least I can you for letting you down on that other deal :sad1: ---it was harder than I thought it would be)
IOLITE VAPORIZER (http://iolitevaporizer.net/)

02/13/2007, 05:07 PM
Way to go Ryan!!!! That is so awesome! And...you drive a VX. Could you be any cooler?!!! All joking aside though, SO proud of you!

02/14/2007, 06:57 AM

Showed your incredible accomplishments to my wife and how proud you make the VX community feel...She wants to know if you want to marry our daughter! ;eekg; Hey, not a bad idea: first VXs in-law? ;Do; ;Do;

Let us know when you will back in town. We might organize a mini-meet to celebrate your triumph! :_beer: :clap:

02/15/2007, 07:46 PM

We're not worthy, we're not worthy.... that's awesome !!!

Congrats :clap:

02/18/2007, 08:53 PM
You guys and gals are awesome!!!!! Thanks so much for the encouragement it means a lot to me, really thank you all.
Next up is USA Indoor Nationals in Chapel Hill, North Carolina (March 3-4). http://www.usatf.org/events/2007/USAIndoorCEChampionships/ I will be facing tough competition from my buddie Paul Terek who won the event two years in a row in 2003 and 2004, however I won in 2005 and 2006, and no one has ever won Indoor Nationals three times, so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, thanks again. Hope to see you all soon.
Running for Him,

02/19/2007, 10:02 AM
"....no one has ever won Indoor Nationals three times"

no one but you !!!

02/19/2007, 04:53 PM


Are you driving your VX to Chapel Hill?

Raleigh, NC

02/21/2007, 12:20 PM
Yes, I am hoping to win three times, let's hope and pray all goes well.

Oh and no I will be flying myself and my pole vaulting poles into the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area on the 1st.

03/19/2007, 06:23 AM
Ryan or anyone else with info. Does anyone know how Ryan did at the Indoor Nationals?

03/19/2007, 08:29 AM
Here you go Tom...info (http://www.usatf.org/news/view.aspx?DUID=USATF_2007_03_05_13_39_40)

03/19/2007, 10:52 AM
Well, I guess the three-peat monster bit me... One and a half weeks before the competition I tore my left hamstring muscle during pole vault practice just enough to make it impossible to compete at Indoor Nationals. I am healing and it is looking fine for outdoors, but trying to compete at indoor nationals potentially making the hamstring worse was not worth the risk with World Outdoor Championships in Osaka, Japan this year. Thanks for checking up on me though, and I hope to have better news after my next meet in late May.
In Christ,
Ryan H

03/19/2007, 04:29 PM
Hope you heal up 100% and quickly. Good luck at outdoor nats. I hate injuries...it is so hard to do nothing when you are used to training every day!