View Full Version : Im sick of this white #@!&* !!!!!

Jim Hanzak
02/13/2007, 04:01 PM
Well........Im STILL waiting to put on my new wheels/tires, and Im STILL waiting to put on my offroad lights.....and Im STILL waiting to put on my new rear door badge!! WHAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sometimes I wish I didnt live in Ohio. Looks like Ill have to wait till June or July before this snow goes away!! Oh well. As soon as the weather breaks Ill get the pics of my VX on. (ok, Im done whinning) lol

02/13/2007, 04:16 PM
Run outside and empty all the spraycans you can find into the air, and idle your car for three days; turn on every light in your house, and turn the heat up to 85, while cutting down every tree you can find, and burning them in a giant,walkin fireplace. Al says you guys will have Palm trees in 30 or 40 years... do your part

02/13/2007, 04:40 PM
You guys are funny. I'm dying for some snow out here in Reno...I mean, wtf? Where is it? I think Biju and the rest of the Colorado crew hogged all the powder this year...


02/13/2007, 04:50 PM
Im with you Bart I live in Southern, IN and this #### is passing me up this year.

1.) I want to go snowboarding at the peaks I normally go to a little north of me, but 99.9% of their base is fake.

2.) I want to test the VX's limits in the snow. (Co-workers always tell me I dont have an excuse for not coming into work when it comes to weather conditions.)

02/13/2007, 05:43 PM
Bart, JHarris its you who is nuts!!!! I hate snow, I hate cold, I wanna move Back to Tucson!!!!! Though they have had some snow this season. Dang it!! I am trapped. Just kidding guys, well I really do dislike cold weather. It is sposed to be in the 60's this weekend here in Reno.

02/13/2007, 05:49 PM
well if it makes you guys feel any better you can take my place here and ill move to the sunny places and buy an nsx or m3(old school of course) :naughty:

02/13/2007, 06:08 PM
Yes, send some snow up this way. Dryer than a popcorn fart. All the local businesses are dying because there is no snow to attract the snowmobile tourists. Ok for ice fishing, but sucks for other fun stuff.

02/13/2007, 09:13 PM
We've had about 8" of the white stuff in the last 24 hrs. Doesn't sound like much but winds aroud 30 mph we have some nice drifts. I have my new wheels I want to get on also, and they will be my winter wheels but I'm still waiting for it to get over, just can't put them on yet, to many drifts to bust...

02/14/2007, 12:11 PM
U guys should come over here in Florida :coolo: , oh my Gosh it's like 75 degrees and so windy and sunny man it feels like i'm on an Island. mmmm so good, lol :laugho: , just messing with u guys, but really it is this nice over here right now. ;po;

02/14/2007, 03:14 PM
U guys should come over here to Winnipeg :_snowplow, oh my Gosh it's like -30F and it's so windy (now it's more like -48F with windchill) and sunny man (now I'm snow blind!), it feels like I'm on an Island (GREENLAND!!). mmmmm..brrrrrrr!!! (FMAO). No really, it's freakin cold here! help :sadb: .

(No disrespect CostieCosta :) )

02/14/2007, 04:36 PM
U guys should come over here to Winnipeg :_snowplow, oh my Gosh it's like -30F and it's so windy (now it's more like -48F with windchill) and sunny man (now I'm snow blind!), it feels like I'm on an Island (GREENLAND!!). mmmmm..brrrrrrr!!! (FMAO). No really, it's freakin cold here! help :sadb: .

(No disrespect CostieCosta :) )

I would never leave the fire place

Jim Hanzak
02/14/2007, 06:22 PM
Well, its been in the single to low teens for the past two weeks here. We have almost 3 feet of snow on the ground, 5-6 ft drifts. If I could find a way to send all of you that dont have any snow, some of what we have, Id do it in a heartbeat. On the bright side tho...... it should melt off by July. lol

02/15/2007, 08:22 AM
I feel ya. I missed work the last 2 days because of it. Couldnt take the VX cause its in the garage, and the WRX is in the driveway blocking it. It took 4 1/2 hours yesterday of chipping and shoveling HEAVY ice and snow to get the WRX out of the way. By then, the roads were clear enough to drive ok. Except this morning when I got to the county my work is in.... I swear, Montgomery County doesnt have plows or something. My poor WRX was bottoming out on the snow and ice rutted streets. My front bumper looks like holy hell now. I guess thats what you get when you put a lowered sport suspension on a car. Tomorrow, the VX comes out to play. I have no faith in this county clearing the roads by the weekend.

02/15/2007, 09:00 AM
im having lots of fun with my vx in the snow/ice! my wheels have barely even been slipping and ive been out quite a bit.. my roommate got his a4 quattro stuck in a pile of snow and ive he tried to park in (awd is usless when the snow deeper than your frame..) so i got to use my tow strap for the first time to drag him out

hey wormgod, im headed down to frederick this weekend..how are the main roads?

02/19/2007, 08:06 AM
im having lots of fun with my vx in the snow/ice! my wheels have barely even been slipping and ive been out quite a bit.. my roommate got his a4 quattro stuck in a pile of snow and ive he tried to park in (awd is usless when the snow deeper than your frame..) so i got to use my tow strap for the first time to drag him out

hey wormgod, im headed down to frederick this weekend..how are the main roads?

Whoop, sorry I missed your post. Been hectic at work so I missed a few days of checking the forums.

In Frederick County, main roads AND backroads have been great. Its Montgomery County that sucks a turnip. The main roads are still crappy and many backroads are still unplowed (even this morning!). One of the wealthiest counties in the country and they cant remove less than 3" of snow and ice. 2 1/2 hours to get 7 miles on highway 270 Friday night because.... they simply "forgot" to plow the far right lane, which meant 2 on and offramps were totally missed. *shakes head*