View Full Version : Moab News!!!!!

02/17/2007, 07:50 PM
For those who decided to WAIT to do Lions Back...Too late! It is now closed. It was sold to developers so they can plant some condos :mad:
Dump Bump (the alternate entrance to Hells Revenge) has also been closed and fenced off. HR can still be accessed by Little Lions Back but apparently the exit may be in jeperty since it exits behind Lions Back.
More Here! (http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=555559)

02/17/2007, 08:10 PM
omg, seriously?

sad sad news Billy......

well Tone... thanks for the good times/memories helping you get the ML up and back! Only wish I had the rocks to take the VX up there like I wanted... looks like the opportunity's gone now.


02/18/2007, 08:29 AM
That's too bad. I was already thinking 7 or 8 VXs on Lions Back would make a great calender cover for next year. Who knows, maybe it will open up again between now and ZuZu X.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.


Scott Harness
02/18/2007, 08:32 AM
What Tom said,Iwas really ready for a group shot this year. Maybe we can bribe someone.HA

02/18/2007, 10:07 AM
Lion's Back (that area) has been up for sale for years. I think a couple years back the asking price was around 1 million. I would think though, access to Hells Revenge, or no access will become a big issue with the town, due to it's 4 wheeling popularity. I would think they would make another or open the current one up after construction.

My .02 cents.

02/18/2007, 11:58 AM
Wait a minute, is it currently under construction or slated for construction? Maybe if we sign liability waivers they'll let us use it in the mean time. :smilewink

02/18/2007, 01:17 PM
Wait a minute, is it currently under construction or slated for construction? Maybe if we sign liability waivers they'll let us use it in the mean time. :smilewink

Large boulders have have been moved in front of the entrance. The developer probably does not want the liability and like most developers is there to build, make his bid wad of cash and move on to the next project!

02/18/2007, 05:19 PM
I have not been out Moab way since 1992, and there wasn't a whole lot there. What do people do for a living out there? Where is the water comming from? Doesn't seem like a prime spot for condos, but then , here they line them up at the edge of the ocean so the hurricanes can better get at them...(shrug) go figure.

02/18/2007, 07:30 PM
I have not been out Moab way since 1992, and there wasn't a whole lot there. What do people do for a living out there? Where is the water comming from? Doesn't seem like a prime spot for condos, but then , here they line them up at the edge of the ocean so the hurricanes can better get at them...(shrug) go figure.

Water? Colorado river runs practically through town. Still not a lot there but it is growing. Most people there are in the service or tourism business. Moab is huge for Mt. biking, climbing, hiking/backpacking and off-roading.

02/18/2007, 08:08 PM
Water? Colorado river runs practically through town. Still not a lot there but it is growing. Most people there are in the service or tourism business. Moab is huge for Mt. biking, climbing, hiking/backpacking and off-roading. ....And getting stoned... there are some smelly hippies in that town!

02/19/2007, 03:08 PM
How did I miss an entire Colorado river? I only remember a bunch of red rock, and a strip of motel type buildings. I didn't actually get out of the truck, just rolled through.

Scott Harness
02/19/2007, 04:01 PM
Moab ready!! Just got back from the dealer.New radiator.belts,inspected top to bottom. Will probably hit 100,000 on the way out there.

02/19/2007, 04:07 PM
Ascinder, are you planning on going to Moab?


Wait a minute, is it currently under construction or slated for construction? Maybe if we sign liability waivers they'll let us use it in the mean time. :smilewink

02/20/2007, 06:30 AM
I am really thinking about going seriously now. I have my some of my lifting stuff already ordered/arriving, so we'll see if I can get it all set up in time. I also have over a month of leave at work, so I'm good there. I'll keep you posted on the progress so far. By the way I got that hitch installed, but I'm out in Hawthorne for a few days, so I'll try to get some pics up when I get get back.