View Full Version : please every1 come and look at thisand u tell me what u think?

02/28/2007, 02:06 PM
Hey all I'm the the VX IRONMAN owner of 0454 , I don't know if u remember a thread someone wrote a while back about selling there vx and it wasd on eaby this past november. and they said to be coutious about buying it, well i bout it from a dealership in orlando and i have taken care of it and made it looked new, every1 asks me all the time if its a new isuzu model and when i tell them its a 99' they flip. but the thing is go look at the privouse owner of the vx and tell me who really takes care of there vx on this site. oh and by the way i bought it for $8,000, also if u know who this guy was can any1 tell me some info on if he ever did something bad to it or what not, ty. was his name on here Python VX. and here is the site of his vx when he sold it http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/e...7&category=6270 . if u have a chance go look at my gally and see the diffrnce form some1 who cares and who does not.

02/28/2007, 02:08 PM
if u dont see the page go cheak out the thread that says "My Former VX on eBay, BE CAUTIOUS!" and it will show there the vx right after he sold it.

02/28/2007, 02:17 PM
That looks like a very nice Ironman. Congratulations on the find AND the improvements! You're truly in for some fun.

I used to own a 1999 Ironman, too. It's a real head-turner, isn't it? Now I own an Ebony, and I'm back in the saddle.

Keep posting photos of your ride whenever you make another upgrade, okay?

02/28/2007, 02:19 PM
ty bro. :)

02/28/2007, 02:57 PM
Welcome to the club my fellow Coastie. I did my time from 84 - 88 with 2 years on the USCGC Courageous and then the USCG Air Station San Diego. I was an SK3.

02/28/2007, 03:02 PM
congradulations and welcome to the vx boar men ur vx looks great and every1 is proud of all the ufgrades. the privouse owner is probnably kickin himself for letting go such a greta vx go. I looked at ur gally and saw the diffrnce form some1 who cares..i am very impressd. ty for takin care of the irnman vx and keep us posted of future ups..men, we even speak the smae language...

Seriously, very good job and we are glad to have you here :clap: :clap: :clap:

Are you from Costa Rica? Pura Vida!

02/28/2007, 03:11 PM
VXD959 - :evil:

02/28/2007, 04:19 PM
Coastie, I think the issue was that the seller wasn't being entirely accurate in his description. Python said in his post what the issues were. If you want to ask him anything else, try sending him an email (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/sendmessage.php?do=mailmember&u=1692).

02/28/2007, 04:52 PM
i have taken care of it and made it looked new
Well done, Costie. I for one appreciate the care/money/time you've spent to date in order to restore her to a better condition... I love VX pride.

I swear, in the rare instance I see another VX in a parking lot I just wanna start twitching - and whip out my Zaino's and a polish rag sometimes...

Enjoy the VX. Pamper the VX.

Take care.


02/28/2007, 04:59 PM
Pho? where are updated photos of yours?

02/28/2007, 05:17 PM
Pho? where are updated photos of yours?

I know...they're really late, aren't they?

I got it into my head that I would wait until the front skid plate arrived from Vehicross Concepts. That's really the only cosmetic 'upgrade' left for my Ebony. For now, anyway. I'm sure I'll think of something else later!

Without trying to be a pest, I've been emailing Ron/Rudy on and off over the last couple of months, without much success. He HAS told me a couple of times that he would start working on it, but when I press him for a delivery date I don't get a reply.

So, I'm hangin'. Since other people in this forum have dealt with him successfully, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. But even MY patience has its limits! I hoping he ships it to me before that time comes...

That's the long answer. The short answer is, maybe I should take some current "in-between" photos to go after my "Before" photos and before my "After" photos. That way I can measure my progress! If it would just stop raining and snowing here...maybe throw me a bit of sun...I could go out and snap some updated photos for y'all.