View Full Version : new 2 the forum (kinda)

03/10/2007, 10:42 PM
most of you probably now my dad dave truax. well im his son matt my dad gave me a slightly modified black vx . we went to a meet down in LA a few yrs back and was wondering if any of you guys might remember us.

03/10/2007, 11:58 PM
I remember you and your Dad and the black VX. Does this mean you have 2 VX's now, or did you get your dad's?

I cant remember if it was the L.A. meet at Isuzu headquarters or the one at my dealership in Monrovia that we met. Your Dad, I remember had some great video of his VX taking air. Nice seeing you on the forum - give my best to your dad.

03/11/2007, 12:06 AM
no i got my dads. it was the LA one at the Isuzu Headquarters. i had no idea you were on the forum its nice talking to you

03/11/2007, 10:54 AM
It's been a long time since we've seen much of your dad, say hi for me. Welcome and have fun!