View Full Version : To Bulldoggie, Another Pacific Northwest Meet

03/13/2007, 02:19 PM
Hey Bulldoggie, in case you didn't see my response to your last thread about the Seattle mini meet, here it is again:

Hey Bulldoggie, I type like that all the time, or maybe it's that I type religiously, seek and tho shall find,... whatever

Since you going to be laid up for a while, maybe you could put together a meet down your way at the gorge in say,... how long are you going to be laid up. I'm game for it, just give me a date/time and mapquest coordinates. Maybe start a new thread for it.:thumbup:

03/13/2007, 03:22 PM
Or we could have a Pendleton Round-Up meet! Then go flyfishing a ways off, in the Wallowa Mountain Wilderness!

Set it up...make it happen...sounds fun...

03/13/2007, 06:33 PM
thanks for the new post, I've been reading, just not typing. :(

Dr. says 4-6 weeks in the sling. :mad:

I'll be ready when I can sleep more than 2 hours :o

03/14/2007, 04:52 PM
I'd be interested.

03/14/2007, 06:37 PM
Hey JAFO, watch this space for upcoming Pacific Northwest Events.

Last night I went throught the membership list and recorded 72 usernames /emails addresses in our area. I know some are no longer active and may not even own a VX anymore. But am putting a email together, one they just can't refuse to come out and play. MOAB is great, but that is only once a year and far, far away. Maybe we can find a place to play and show that is only a weekend away. Geez, do I sound like a poet or what.

03/17/2007, 01:56 PM
I think there should be a VX meet in Portland OR.!!!!!!

03/17/2007, 02:54 PM
Little Laurie, I totally agree, there should be a meet in Portland. I sent you along with everyone else in the Pacific Northwest that is listed as a member of vehicross.info a email today, (actually 2 by mistake, oops) hope you got it. We all need to get together for lunch and get this going and get some folks involved in organizing meets. The sooner the better. I've already gotten some postive feedback locally and am going to throw it out there for a lunch and show and tell 4/14/07 here in Olympia. I don't think I will be making the trip, but maybe a from this meet, a convoy can be put together from this area for MOAB.