View Full Version : Anyone been locked out?

03/13/2007, 10:11 PM
Has anyone else automatically locked the keys inside when the autolock feature activates without warning.
Someone please tell me how to permanently disable this PITA feature of our security system!

03/13/2007, 11:06 PM


01.) Unlocked VX
02.) Went to Open Trunk
03.) Dropped what I was holding into the trunk
04.) Walk around to open driver door
05.) [BEEP]!
06.) Doors locked right as I pulled up on the handle!
07.) Realizes the keys are under everything I dropped in the trunk
08.) Starts to rain!
09.) POURING cats and dogs now
10.) Realizes house keys are on same key chain.
11.) Locked out of Car and House!

That wasn't a good day for me...
Now if I was able to get into the house, all I would have needed is a wire coat hanger... You would be surprised on how easy it is to get into the VX with just a coat hanger!

As for shutting it off, Nope, No Idea. I wouldn't want to do it anyways.

03/14/2007, 05:16 AM
Here is a link to Tones website.Go there and download the alarm manual at the bottom of the page.

03/14/2007, 05:53 AM
yeah i did it like 3 times infront of my house because the backdoor isnt attached to the alarm, so i would just open the back door, leave the keys in there by mistake and head around to the front door and be like DOH.. now ive got a pin switch on the back door (via tones popper kit) so when the rear door is open the fronts have to be unlocked so its all good now

03/14/2007, 06:45 AM
I recently got locked out of mine @ Costco while putting air in the tires with engine off but headlights on. I don't know if it auto-locked on me (I have that feature disabled) or if I somehow managed to hit the lock button on the way out, but I was stuck until the tow truck came 35 minutes later.

03/14/2007, 04:18 PM
I think we have all done this at least once, if not with the VCX automatic crap, then keys left in the ignition or on the seat. I now have a spare key for all my vehicles in my wallet because of this. Of course, if my wallet is in the car I'm F'ed as you just were, oh well.:_brickwal

03/16/2007, 02:23 PM
:p I did it for a first time out side of my local post office. Left it running ran in and came back out and the doors were locked :eek:
Luckily a friend went by and I got a ride back to my house and got the spare.
When running and locked the keyless will not open the doors. I almost just grabed that but they were together luckily.
First and last time :)