View Full Version : OT: Information stickies

03/23/2007, 07:34 AM
We should make sticky posts at the top of this forum for Power windows, Headlight gaskets, and Wheel offset, and any other topics that arise almost weekly. It amazed me how many different threads I was able to pull up doing a search, most of which consisted of some incorrect info. Maybe we can keep down the amount of reiterating threads, unless of course there are questions or additional fixes someone found.

Locked sticky info posts with only the best in whole wheat information!! Hip hip, hooray! What say Thee?! ;)

03/23/2007, 07:43 AM
Gary: Great idea... moderators? what say you...


03/23/2007, 07:50 AM
Shocks, lifts, serpentine belt, tranny flush & fill would also be good on that list.

03/23/2007, 08:32 AM
Outstanding idea. I like it. :)

03/23/2007, 10:02 AM
I totally agree, and duplicating them in the "How to" section wouldn't be a bad idea either. I am about to do my lift, BJ flip, differential drop, etc this weekend. I will try to get ahold of a camera and do some writeups. Is there a way for Moncha to maybe setup a dummy account so the pictures could be hosted locally. I know Triathlete had a great writeup for lifting and Balljoint flip, but the pics were lost, rehosted and lost again because they were hosted offsite. It would be great to have walkthroughs for commonly done upgrades.

03/23/2007, 02:25 PM
If we can get together and compile a list of threads that has correct information in them. I wouldnt mind taking the time to add everthing to this Knowledge Base/FAQ section here (http://vx.lobbynetworks.net/index.php?option=com_easyfaq&Itemid=26).

Also a parts list(compatible parts from other vehicles also) of some sort would be nice.

03/23/2007, 06:14 PM
Gary: Great idea... moderators? what say you...


Let's make sure that Scott sees this thread. I'll shoot him an email.

03/23/2007, 07:00 PM
[/QUOTE] Also a parts list(compatible parts from other vehicles also) of some sort would be nice.[/QUOTE]

For sure, this would be handy. I still plan on trying to do it. TOMCO, http://www.tomco-inc.com/default.aspx would be an excellent source except they haven't updated their PDF catalog to include the 3.5 Isuzu engine. I keep sending them the occasional email, but you know how that go's. Maybe if others did and they saw that there is a interest in what they have to offer. I have a NAPA OEM part number interchange book, but not having the Isuzu part number for these parts doesn't help.

03/23/2007, 08:10 PM
If we can get together and compile a list of threads that has correct information in them. I wouldnt mind taking the time to add everthing to this Knowledge Base/FAQ section here (http://vx.lobbynetworks.net/index.php?option=com_easyfaq&Itemid=26).

Also a parts list(compatible parts from other vehicles also) of some sort would be nice.

I would love to see all the window threads edited / simplified.
over 85 pages could be trimmed to less than 4.
Call it a manual section? Only to be edited by a control?????? Like the "how-to" articles.?????
Maybe we need someone to Update "how-to" articles.
Possibly moving to the top menu to make more "user" friendly.

Some of the how to photos have disappeared, like the step by step door panel removal (Rowhard has posted a brief "how to"), follow with the moncha (phines?)fix, bart fix(on Joe Black's site), tab fixes, my fixes, and any future fixes. with a short pro / con discription of each step??????

When the info is spread over many threads and LINKS, most users are finding it easier to start a new thread than to use the search function. Adding to the volume that shows after keyword search.

I read and printed all 80+ pages before I made the repairs I made.
comments that others observed related to the lift arm pulling away from the glass, and large numbers of broken tabs, made me look at the space between the arm and the glass = spacers.
The moncha (phines?)fix, Made to ease friction on the front glass guide. The bart fix(on Joe Black's site), Made to "tilt" the front leading edge of the glass, (to ease the glass past the upper welded mirror glass guide.) Many have commented on the glass slowing on the last third of closing. Made me look at moving the glass rearward. centering the glass.

Only owning one VX, I needed all the observations, to understand the problem. My fix works, It's CHEEP!, and I would not put any fingers in its path.

03/23/2007, 09:22 PM
Yeah, I really want a nice step-by-step for the EGR/Throttle Body cleaning and fuel filter swap. I am willing to host if someone can do the tutorial.

;) Great idea, lets make it happen.


03/24/2007, 10:51 AM
I wonder if we could set up something like wikipedia uses, so relevent updates can be added any time they are found, and you would just have a moderator occasionly look at the topic to see if the changes should be kept or discarded.

03/26/2007, 07:17 PM
Shoot me a list of what you would like to have "Stuck" and I'll do it... Remember, too many stickies and you have the same problem.. Folks don't wanna look first. If there are a lot of post with the same topic but need to be weeded out.. Let me know also..

I like the wiki idea but to integrate into the site.. Hmmmm

03/26/2007, 09:45 PM
I already have a wiki setup (using mediawiki). But it is not public yet... but I've been reluctant because I don't want to impede on Vehicross.info...

What do you all think?

03/27/2007, 11:25 AM
Wikis are wonderful, but can be overwhelming. We run one through work with just about all work related information. I would suggest baby steps with some stickies if anything.

As for the stickies themselves, I think only the most revolving issues should be nailed up. The search tool is still our friend and it should be used for less pressing issues.

My proposal: a single sticky set up as a READ FIRST FAQ in all forums. In this single thread would be a list of links to a walkthrough or informational post (on this site or even another) regarding the issue.

So, I guess we should get to compiling some info and putting it someplace where we can link to it. :)

03/29/2007, 07:11 AM
Works for me! The compiling part is the hard one.

03/29/2007, 07:56 AM
Works for me! The compiling part is the hard one.

Agreed. I only wish I had the time to scour and compile. I guess it will just remain and idea until someone takes up the baton, heh. Perhaps for future ref, any post that has the Word of the VX God in it can be a good starting point.

03/29/2007, 11:00 AM
Someone would have to have editing level access.

Lift options

Maybe a tire and wheel gallery? (another overused Question)

03/29/2007, 08:14 PM
I'll start compiling a list offline, i've done this like 3 or 4 times now on different forums.

When done I'll set it up and we can have some of the know-it-alls (I dont mean any disrespect by that) inspect the information in the threads and weed out the incorrect from the correct info...