View Full Version : vehicross-over

04/02/2007, 07:54 PM
I got my vx around xmas time, so I have had it like 4 months.What I have begun to notice is that new cars,such as Lexus, Mazda, Porch,and BMW are all now offering "cross-over" cars. A mix between the low profile of a car and the stylings of an SUV. Its like my 99 VX is 8 years ahead of it's time. because it was the first attempt at a true cross-over.For my money. it is way more stylin that any of those other cars. Especially when the dumb guy at jiffy lube was like "is this a 2006 or a 2007?"

04/03/2007, 04:19 AM
Especially when the dumb guy at jiffy lube was like "is this a 2006 or a 2007?"

Why would you let dumb people work on your VX? :confused:

04/03/2007, 07:32 AM
Just tell them its a 2010 prototype that you are lucky enough to test...then look at him and say "it uses the new purple newmatic titanium oil, got that here don't ya? :laughy: :laughy: :laughy:

04/03/2007, 09:00 AM
"it uses the new purple newmatic titanium oil, got that here don't ya?

Nice, I'm going to have to try that out :jump:

04/03/2007, 08:53 PM
TRUE STORY: after he said "2006 or 2007" I was like hmmm....They were the only place open on Sunday in Santa Cruz ....And as he ( dummy) was comming to get the miliage info I was like "I am gonna come back" and I sped off...

04/04/2007, 04:50 AM
Said it before & I'll say it again...I love a story with a happy ending. ;)