View Full Version : WOW! All this ZuZoo talk...

04/05/2007, 08:32 AM
...and still no official WHO'S GOING TO BE IN MOAB thread and VX RUN INFO tread!

So, I guess even though I won't be there this year I'll help you all out and start it here!
So who all is going?
Some one else will have to post up the OFFICIAL VX run info or PM it to me and I'll update this post.

ZuZoo (http://www.zuzoo.org/index.shtml)
Where: Moab, Ut. of course
When: May 16-19
Headquarters: Archview Campground

VX Run
Where: Elephant Hill
When: May 15
Meet At: ?????
Time: ????

The Who's Who List of participants...
:dance: Biju
:dance: tomdietrying
:dance: LDUB
:dance: nfpgasmask
:dance: HSHardeman
:dance: VXIRONmoMAN
:dance: Kenny
:dance: nocturnalVX
:dance: Scott Harness
:dance: YOUR NAME HERE...Don't miss out!

Keep the names coming!

04/05/2007, 08:40 AM
beej present.

Gonna miss you at Zu, Billy. Who else will report back to vx.info with the photo journal/essay of events, trails and happenings??.. :confused:

we'll do our best.


04/05/2007, 08:45 AM
Too bad you're not going to be there Billy, good luck qualifying for Ironman Kona!
I just got off the phone with the good folks at Sleep Inn & will be in Moab 5-14 to 5-20...My wheelin' buddy Jim too!
If you can't tell...I'm STOKED for Moab & can't wait to see all my VX bros & sisterz. :cool:

04/05/2007, 08:46 AM
I'm in! Living in Chicago, I never thought I would make it. Now that I am in Reno however, I just can't pass it up. Hotel is booked, plans are set, now I just need to get a roof basket, full sized spare, and a few misc. camping items.

I am getting pretty excited, and don't worry about pics. The wife and I are avid photograhers and I will be on the lookout for 2008 calander moments the entire time.


04/05/2007, 09:09 AM
LDub...be sure and tell Jim I said hello. It was such a great time wheeling with him last year. That 'lil red turbo brought a smile to everyones face..."I think I can, I think I can"!
And I KNOW someone will post up pics daily so I will miss Moab even more!

04/05/2007, 09:18 AM
Will do Billy, gonna have lunch with him in about an hour.
BTW, could you send your wife (& I'm sincerely sorry I can't remember her name) to Moab for photo duty? ;) ...I swear she's the hardest working VX picture taker on the face of the planet!!!
She impressed me big time last year...she was everywhere, taking pics all the time...& I'm pretty sure she put more miles on footwear than seat leather on every trail...what a trooper! :cool:

04/05/2007, 09:26 AM
We don't do to many pics since getting the video camera...we are still working on her "steady hand". Can't wait til next year to get some good action footage! And she puts in all the foot miles do to her fear of being in the VX with me on the obstacles...I don't know why :wtfy: ;eeky; :bwgy: !

04/05/2007, 09:31 AM
Don't worry Dub, as stated above, my wife will be along and she is a photo junky. I'll be sure that she and her Nikon DSLR are on active duty the entire time. And trust me, I bet she will be happier and less skeerd on the outside of my VX rather than in it! She doesn't really like all the ups and downs... :)

I will also have my Canon and my Panny 3CCD on the dash the entire time. So I will have beaucoup pics and vids from my entire trip.

However, that said, I will only be able to stay for the VX only run. So someone else will need to take over after Tuesday.


Will do Billy, gonna have lunch with him in about an hour.
BTW, could you send your wife (& I'm sincerely sorry I can't remember her name) to Moab for photo duty? ;) ...I swear she's the hardest working VX picture taker on the face of the planet!!!
She impressed me big time last year...she was everywhere, taking pics all the time...& I'm pretty sure she put more miles on footwear than seat leather on every trail...what a trooper! :cool:

04/05/2007, 09:36 AM
Billy, on a side note (sorry for the jack), try this:


It seriously works. I used one of these devices for several months, and then bought this book:


The book is loaded with DIY camera rigs that really work and are fairly easy to make.

From experience, I know it is basically impossible to get real steady without some sort of stabilizer...


We don't do to many pics since getting the video camera...we are still working on her "steady hand". Can't wait til next year to get some good action footage! And she puts in all the foot miles do to her fear of being in the VX with me on the obstacles...I don't know why :wtfy: ;eeky; :bwgy: !

04/05/2007, 09:38 AM
after tuesday i'll sketch pictures of everyone on the trail. i'll just need to borrow a pencil sharpener... :laughing:

(sorry - couldn't resist).

we'll have to all take turns jumping in front of bart's ride to make sure we get some vids!!! sweet.


04/05/2007, 09:51 AM
Yeah, that would be funny. Hopefully I will be able to get some nice in-VX and out-of-the-VX video. I will be bringing my heavy duty tripod also, so it would be sweet to get some side trail shots of all the VXers passing by with a killer backdrop...


after tuesday i'll sketch pictures of everyone on the trail. i'll just need to borrow a pencil sharpener... :laughing:

(sorry - couldn't resist).

we'll have to all take turns jumping in front of bart's ride to make sure we get some vids!!! sweet.


04/05/2007, 11:35 AM
Count me IN!! Can't wait for the COZuvoy, the BBQ, and seeing everyone again/for the first time out in Moab.


04/05/2007, 11:55 AM
Count me in too! I'll lead the VX Run on Tuesday, May 15th at Elephant Hill provided Scott (Moncha) does not want to lead it.

Billy, we are going to miss you and your wife this year. Best of Luck in your qualifier. Have you heard if Victor is going to do Moab this year?


04/06/2007, 12:02 AM
:supercool Just give me the dates and I will be there!!! :jump:

04/06/2007, 07:09 AM
I'm in!
What I would also like to know is when are people planning to leave? :confused:
Saturday or Sunday? I'm booked at LaQuinta from 14-20.

Who's losing sleep trying to get those last minute mods in?? I know of one person.... ;)

Cheers all.

04/06/2007, 07:27 AM
Who's losing sleep trying to get those last minute mods in?? I know of one person....
guilty too.


04/06/2007, 08:36 AM
I've got a list that's about as long as my arm, but I'm trying to keep it in perspective...the hot rod is running stronger than ever, all I REALLY need to do before Moab is change oil, grease everything, check fluid levels & change wheels/tires.
All the rest would be nice to have done, but none of it has any real effect on wether I'll have fun or not...I've said it before & I'll say it again...
My name's Jimmy, I crack corn, & I don't care... :p

04/06/2007, 12:06 PM
:supercool Just give me the dates and I will be there!!! :jump:
vx run on Tuesday the 15th. official/unofficial zuzoo should begin on wednesday the 16th. i'm 99.99% sure these dates are good. i'm confident others would agree.

it'll be good to meet you...


04/06/2007, 12:52 PM
Yeah, I agree with Beej.

Make a note of these dates:

Monday 14th - Colorado to Moab ZuZoo Convoy
Tuesday 15th - Official VX Run at Elephant Hill (Canyonlands N.P.)
Wednesday 16th - Beginning of ZuZu go 4x4 with other Isuzus
Thursday 17th - go 4x4 with other Isuzus
Friday 18th - go 4x4 with other Isuzus
Saturday 19th - 4x4ing and dinner

Also, if you are not going to the Colorado/Moab ZuZoo Convoy and you want to get in some fun 4x4ing, I'll be going to some Indian Ruins called Hotel Rock. It's in the Cedar Mesa area just south of Blanding, Utah


04/06/2007, 02:16 PM
Hey folks,

I have never been to Moab, and the wife and I will be arriving early (Sunday) and celebrating our 6th anniversary.

Now, since I will have all Sunday afternoon, and all Monday to explore, can anyone suggest any particularly beautiful places to hike or wheel or both?

I'm looking forward to it!


04/06/2007, 04:31 PM
Hey folks,

I have never been to Moab, and the wife and I will be arriving early (Sunday) and celebrating our 6th anniversary.

Now, since I will have all Sunday afternoon, and all Monday to explore, can anyone suggest any particularly beautiful places to hike or wheel or both?

I'm looking forward to it!


I strongly recommend going to Bryce Canyon (~4 hours from Moab).
I'd suggest staying at Ruby's Inn just outside of Bryce.

Make it a few days, and drive through Canyonlands National Park then visit Arches Nat Park just out side of Moab on Monday.

04/07/2007, 09:53 AM
Updated the info...
Where and what time is the VX run meeting?

04/07/2007, 10:43 AM
Just dreading those early mornings... :sleepgray

Scott Harness
04/07/2007, 10:47 AM
I'll be there!!!