View Full Version : how do you add a extra remote for toad security

patrick cooper
04/14/2007, 02:48 AM
only got 1 remote control with vcross when i bought it and purchaced the same remote off ebay was told you turned the ignition on and off 3 times then opened the door 2 times then presed the button on the new fob to program it to the security alarm but this doese not work its a jap inport with toad security any ideas?

04/14/2007, 02:22 PM
I'm not sure that an extra remote will help with your amphibian problems. The remotes only lock and unlock the doors and engage the alarm. They won't warn you about any frogs in the road.

The good news is, the VX is tough enough to flatten most frogs and toads with nary a bump.

Did the JDM models actually come with toad alerts? I've seen some new cars with deer warnings, but never toad warnings. This bears watching, if it is a new trend.

Would a Porsche Carrera set of the warning, I wonder? They've always looked kinda 'froggy' to me.

04/14/2007, 07:11 PM
Actually, there is a car security company in NZ called Toad Security:
