View Full Version : Alarm System

Mark B
04/23/2007, 10:47 AM
Not a VX question but a Isuzu Amigo question.
I have a 1999 Isuzu Amigo.
For the past few weeks about 3 times a week around 2:00 a.m. in the morning my car alarm goes off. It does not stop until I deactivate the alarm with the key. Everything works ok until a few days later and the alarm goes off again.
I was wondering if it was a battery problem? Could the battery be on its way out and need to be replaced?
I replaced the battery about 3 years ago and it is still working fine for starting.

04/23/2007, 08:10 PM
Does it do it after it has sat for the same number of hours? if so, voltage could be dropping enought to trigger it. Do you drive it the same amount every day? Does it sit for days? Next time it goes off, take meter and measure the voltage.

Mark B
04/24/2007, 08:36 AM
I drive it about the same every day.
The alarm goes off about the same time in the night.
I will check the voltage next time it goes off.
It wakes me up at night and I cannot get back to sleep.
Want to resolve the problem quickly.
Thnaks for the suggestion.