View Full Version : relay switch for windows

04/30/2007, 09:17 AM
I am in need of some help lol as always. I am trying to save form going to a mechanic. Were are the relays located for the windows on the vx? Is there some material as far as schematics(sp) for wiring for the windows or the whole vx?

Buddy was telling me to go buy clymers(sp) book for mcte on truck. I told him not sure if one was made. Would the cd that I have read about have all this info on it?

Thanks again.

Raque Thomas
04/30/2007, 01:25 PM
Workshop CD on Tone's site has everything you are looking for!

04/30/2007, 01:35 PM
Look on page 150 of the Electrical Troubleshooting Manual under downloads