View Full Version : Gas Prices

Mark B
05/01/2007, 03:19 PM
Anyone Paying over $ 3.00 a gallon to fill up yet. In the Tampa Bay area of Florida, I fill up at Sams Club for $ 2.89, for 93 octane. We ran a post last summer on Gas Price. Looks like they are going to be around $ 3.00 again.

05/01/2007, 03:23 PM
Texico in Olympia WA, $3.38 for Regular.

05/01/2007, 03:38 PM
Sheeet man, I haven't paid under $3 in months!

Reno is about $3.18-$3.25 for regs and last weekend I paid $3.52 in San Fran....

Consider yourself lucky.


05/01/2007, 03:42 PM
WOW, just after I got done saying how much of a pain it is to live in Boston.

You can find $2.79/gal around here, it's not easy, but you can find it.


05/01/2007, 04:07 PM
$3.69 currently in SoCal.


05/01/2007, 04:18 PM
$3.04 for premium in Fargo. :(

05/01/2007, 04:24 PM
$3.35 at most places in Seattle. Because we're so far away from the Alaska Pipeline, I guess. :rolleyes:

05/01/2007, 04:44 PM
2.85 avrg. central indiana

05/01/2007, 04:53 PM
$2.79 for reg.. here in central Florida. But I heard that prices may reach $4.oo this year, on those places that always hit high prices on the U.S.

05/01/2007, 05:00 PM
$3.12 for 91 octane.


05/01/2007, 05:28 PM
~ $2.90 for 90 Octane in southern IL.

05/01/2007, 05:29 PM
For those in the Los Angeles area (and those not), here are the prices


Shoudl be a good guage for people outside the LA area as well.

05/01/2007, 06:34 PM
Eric, Alaska? The refinery is in Anacortes, 80 miles from you. It's all the same gas, just the additives that are added.

05/01/2007, 07:49 PM
2.95 for plus here in allentown, PA and 3.19 for 93 it drives me crazy ugh =(

05/02/2007, 09:22 AM
Eric, Alaska? The refinery is in Anacortes, 80 miles from you. It's all the same gas, just the additives that are added.

That makes it even MORE ironic that our prices are so high. I mean, I was kidding about the distance to Alaska, since we are the closest of the remaining 49 states. But yes, having a refinery in Anacortes just means that we should have the same 17-cent gas that the Venezuelans have!!! ;)

05/02/2007, 02:20 PM
3.08reg- 3.28 for 93 here in east central Fla.

05/02/2007, 02:44 PM
$3.54 for 92 octane in Astoria Oregon

05/02/2007, 03:04 PM
Holding at $3.30 in my part of Cali.

05/02/2007, 03:08 PM
3.17 for regular at costco in vallejo

05/02/2007, 03:13 PM
Currently $2.73 for regular at QuickTrip in Atlanta GA

-- John

05/02/2007, 05:29 PM
Am surprised some of our members in the United Kingdom haven't spoken up, maybe they are just laughing at us. A month ago, they were paying 94 pence a litre. There are 3.86 litres per U.S. Gallon. 94 pence is around $1.85 / 1.85x 3.86 = $7.14 a U.S. gallon.

05/03/2007, 04:53 AM
Just read an interesting piece about fuel prices in the UK, quoting London gasoline at 99.99 pence per litre today. The tax on gasoline is something like 80 cents on the dollar, which is part of the reason there are so many diesels. Essentially the tax burden on gasoline steers more toward diesels which are more efficient and carbon neutral. There are still a surprising amount of SUV's on the roads in the UK, but again many are diesels which get two the three times the mileage of the US gasser versions.

Personally I'd love to see gasoline top $9 a gallon here in the US and do nothing but go up from there.

05/03/2007, 05:38 AM
Personally I'd love to see gasoline top $9 a gallon here in the US and do nothing but go up from there.

:eek: :eek: :eek: i think id cry.... im all about conservation..i used to walk/bike 5 miles each way to work to save gas.. at that point id have to sell off my VX though!

05/03/2007, 06:36 AM
I have to use 93oct in both vehicles, which has been over $3 for many months now. I think it's up to around $3.30 now around the Nations Capital. EASILY gonna be one hell of an expensive summer.

05/03/2007, 01:17 PM
Joe. I think there is also a road tax incentive for running diesels instead of petrol vehicles in the U.K. besides the better fuel mileage.

But 9 dollars a gallon? All I can think of is what John Belushi said when the horse had a heart attack in the deans office in Animal House.

vx spouse
05/03/2007, 08:30 PM
Seems like all the stations in the Philly suburbs are taking a hard line @ 2.999 for regular unleaded. Hum... maybe that is why my wife has been driving my Jetta TDI (diesel), leaving me to pay for the VX's gas! :confused:

05/03/2007, 10:16 PM
$3.20± for regular here in Vegas. And I commute about 17miles in Vegas Traffic x2 every day. :( And I'm at about 10± mpg right now. I think this is record high for Vegas, I've never seen regular hit any more than $2.99 before. Plus I only use that Chevron stuff!


05/04/2007, 06:17 AM
at that point I'd have to sell off my VX though!
That's exactly why you'll likely never see high gasoline prices here in the US. As big business runs our government (apologies to those who think their vote counts, go back to watching "Dancing with America's Top Fear Idol Brother from another Island") they can't allow overtaxing and price inflation to the point of adversely affecting our consumption of their products. So rest easy, as long as we have the best government money can buy we'll have fairly cheap fuel.

As an aside, I've been reading with some interest how many of the overseas manufacturers are looking to bring their diesel models to the US in large numbers. VW for example should have a pretty full lineup next year as they are making their diesels to exceed US emissions requirements. Currently the only offering is the Touareg V10 TDI, which is an extremely capable vehicle which is unfortunately incompatible with my wallet at about $70K. :p Even Isuzu is rumored to be set for a US return bringing a sizeable representation of their diesel offerings both in trucks and cars. If this happens and diesel remains one of the most inexpensive fuels (currently $2.75 locally vs. $3.02 for regular) then US manufacturers will again will caught with their proverbial pants down. The sad reality though is there are likely various legislations in place to keep these vehicles from our shores or tax them to excess. :mad:

05/04/2007, 08:17 PM
Paid $3.11 for 87 octane in NY today saw some signs for $3.69 for super today.

05/04/2007, 08:35 PM
the interesting part is gas prices still going up almost every day and it doesnt sounds like fun at all. Im getting middle grade for my VX and if it pass 4.00$ for a gallon im probly end up riding bike to work =(
p.s i feel bad for those who drives hammers...

05/05/2007, 08:32 AM
Joe, again, a interesting spin you have spun. I don't know that much about diesel fuel, but now that Ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) is available, maybe some of the European Car Manufactures will re-appear lets hope. I remember watching Le Man last year in the wee hours and they had British commentator's from Radio Free Le Man. They were talking about the diesel Audi and diesel's in general in Europe, then they said, and I paraphrase, "and you in America, you can keep your Prius (hybirds) and oh, by the way, where are you going to bury the batteries. We'll keep our diesels that are getting 40 to 50 MPG". Not sure if they were talking about a imperial gallon, 4.5 Litre verses 3.86, but still not bad. Anyway, enough hi-jacking.

05/06/2007, 12:15 AM
If gas is such an issue , why don't you stick up a pump an take all the gass you need? :p