View Full Version : Bantan Lives

05/09/2007, 06:04 AM
Yes I'm back. I'd like to give a shout out to the "ole skool crew" nuff respect and Big Ups to you guys for keeping the VX flame burning. Everytime I am faced with the difficult decision to sell my VX I come back to this site and then I somehow find a way to keep it. I'd also like to welcome the New owners!!!

I've been busy since my move to florida and have not really had the time to be on here much. I have alot of VX shots to post with new mods, but apparently my gallery space is full. Scott I would like to renew my subscription, but can we also work something out for more gallery space?

I've met a handfull of owners here in South Florida and had a couple of small meets as well as showcased the VX in a few local Car shows. Would you guys in central Florida be up for a BBQ / Pool party / VX meet at my place sometime in July?

I know I'm too late for the 2007 calendar but am gonna try to make it for the 2008. Here are a few memory lane shots from my existing gallery for the new guys:

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/501/thumbs/225ground_zero.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/501/225ground_zero.jpg)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/2/thumbs/225myvxkmc01.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/2/225myvxkmc01.jpg)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/2/thumbs/225bantan021503.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/2/225bantan021503.jpg)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/2/thumbs/225db_06-15-03_importfanatix_menlo_4_161.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/2/225db_06-15-03_importfanatix_menlo_4_161.jpg)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/551/thumbs/225line_up.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/551/225line_up.jpg)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/501/thumbs/225my_vx_019.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/501/225my_vx_019.jpg)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/2/thumbs/225vx_378b.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/2/225vx_378b.jpg)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/2252704sep_098.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/2252704sep_098.jpg)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/501/thumbs/225dec604_107.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/501/225dec604_107.jpg)http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/225dec604_095.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/225dec604_095.jpg)

05/09/2007, 06:11 AM
Good to see you're still kickin' around Bantan, I've been wondering what happened to you.
I've come to depend on you for updated "swimwear shots" in your gallery as we have nothing this far north but winter parka shows. :p :rolleyes: ;)

Welcome back.

05/09/2007, 06:13 AM
HAHA! Ldub, almost exactly what I was going to say - in any case welcome home!

05/09/2007, 06:18 AM
Thanks, you guys need to drive south for the winter so you can enjoy the sights and sounds up close and in person...LOL!!!

05/09/2007, 06:41 AM
Good to see ya again... look forward to seeing some of your new mods.

05/09/2007, 08:19 AM
Thanks Cyrk, can't wait to get some additional gallery space as well as PM space. My PM inbox is full so you folks trying to send me a private message please send e-mail to bantanusa@yahoo.com

05/09/2007, 11:29 AM
Nice to have ya back, Luv your VX ! !

05/09/2007, 11:34 AM
Mercer! Good to see you again! I'm sure youve been having fun charming all those Florida girls! :dance:

05/10/2007, 01:38 AM
There's a name I haven't seen in a while! Good to see you are still with us. Have fun & keep on VXing!

05/10/2007, 04:59 AM
Mercer! Good to see you again! I'm sure youve been having fun charming all those Florida girls! :dance:

Nita, Its a tough job, but somebody has got to do it, might as well be a VXer...LOL!!!

05/10/2007, 05:02 AM
My PM inbox is full

:p And on the 8th day Moncha created the "Delete button" :p

05/10/2007, 05:11 AM
:p And on the 8th day Moncha created the "Delete button" :p

I know, I know, but its full of messages containing valuable info I don't want to delete. Trust me, I've even printed this stuff and downloaded it but I've moved so much and changed PCs or lost info that this is the safest place to keep it stored. So go easy on me brother cause there is a method to my madness...LOL!!! :)

05/10/2007, 05:19 AM
Alright then...I'm sorry :( , I'll go sit in my corner. :p

05/10/2007, 05:45 AM
Alright then...I'm sorry :( , I'll go sit in my corner. :p

Na bro its cool, shows that someone is actually reading my post :cool:

05/10/2007, 06:38 AM


05/10/2007, 07:15 AM


Thanks bro, you made my day!!!