View Full Version : Moab returnees checkin

Reg Hinnant
05/18/2003, 09:48 PM
We arrived home 9:30 pm Sunday. Good trip with no problems. I was wondering if everyone made it home OK.
Had a GREAT time. There will be some REALLY good pictures posted, I'm sure.
A big THANKS to the ZU crew that puts this great event together!

Reg Hinnant
05/18/2003, 10:07 PM
Geeze, SPAZZ, it sounds like you had an ordeal (by your other posts). Glad none of it happened in Moab.
Enjoyed meeting you and we'll see you again!

05/19/2003, 06:01 AM
I made it home about 9:30pm last night. 24 hours straight through, stopping to rest three times at rest stops. I last spoke to Nocturnal and he was in Nebraska at 9:30pm and was getting a room for the night.
I had a GREAT time! It was great to meet eveyone. Only 361 days until next year.:D

Green Dragon
05/19/2003, 06:13 AM
Made it home OK. Great to Meet & Wheel with the first timers. Hope to see you all again next year.

Grampa Bob

05/19/2003, 09:18 AM
We made it home around 3:00am this morning. We really didn't leave the Moab area until 3:30pm so I guess we made some good time. We took the morning and some of the afternoon to go in search of cool rocks. We found geods, agate, petrified wood, and a couple of really cool lizzards that kept us entertained.

A few special thanks need to be said...

ZuZoo staff was excellent!
Trail staff was excellent!
Scott and Laura... It was a honor meeting you both. You two helped made this a great experience. Thank you!
Anita.... OMG, girl thanks for sticking with us. The trail getting there was an ordeal in it's self. The drive should have taken 11 hours, and ended up taking 16. We have got to get together soon and talk :)
Spazz... Thanks for everything. Thanks for dinner too, it was awesome! Looking forward to wheeling with you soon.
Larry and Jesper.... Margarita's were awesome, and thanks for putting them right next door to my room..... that was handy :)
Granpa Bob... You made this trip that much more special when we ended up on all the same trails ;Db; It was wonderful wheeling with you, and we should make plans to meet on trails again.

My ONLY gripe goes to ...
*My decission to edit this long gripe came after I thought about it and realized that everyone there knew the problem*
Some of the VX's lives became a running soap opera around town. Tone you rule the roost on "As the VX turns". Thanks for the entertainment! Next year I think I'll turn the channel, and stay some place else where it doesn't mater what you drive.

Offensive edit removed - Jeeps are fine just not on the VX only run.

05/19/2003, 11:06 AM
I'm back home- isn't it just terribly difficult to leave Moab? I made it out of the campground at 11am and got home at 1am.
boy, what a difference your own mattress makes, right?

Anyway, it was great seeing all the 2 and 3-timers and great meeting the newbies. Thanks for inviting us up to the Sunset.
I hope you all had fun- same time next year, I hope to see you there (let's try to break the 20 Vx barrier).


05/19/2003, 12:14 PM
Did you guys meet any new VehiCrossers that weren't on the forums already?

Reg Hinnant
05/19/2003, 12:58 PM
Yep, had a chance encounter with a fellow going thru Moab, when he saw 18 VXs going to run the VX only run. He followed and asked if he could come along and was amazed that we all knew each other.
Quite a chance meeting!

05/19/2003, 03:36 PM
Just walked in the door - another great Moab event that went way too quickly! Met a lot of fantastic new owners and valuable Moab vets. Can’t wait until next year or maybe Colorado ZooZu in August.

05/19/2003, 04:06 PM
Hi Everyone

Had a great time in Moab, Learned a few more tricks. Great meeting everyone. Got out of moab around 0530 arived tucson 1500. stopped only for food and gas. 620 miles one way.

05/19/2003, 07:59 PM
I got home @ an hour ago, but I was not in a big hurry to get here. It really is great to be home, but I just watched a slideshow of the pictures I took and miss Moab :rolleyes: . Zu Zoo VII !!! The whole week was a blast, and it was very cool hanging with all the Zoids. Special thanks go to Grandpa Bob, Larry, and Jay for the help wrenchin'... thanks to Rich for the company on the way out, and for yanking the elbow off my airbox as soon as we got there... thanks to Tim for letting me check out a lifted VX, and for not killing me for making you keep going left when you really wanted to go right on Tip Toe Through Hell... and thanks to the margarita chefs!!! Thanks to the entire Zu Zoo crowd and most importantly the event staff (from the organizers to the trail leaders, tail gunners, and spotters) for making this an event so awesome! See you next year!

VX crazy
05/19/2003, 08:32 PM
Got home at around 5pm today! Great to be back, but miss Moab, very fun place! Quite the confidence booster for my vx! Nice to meet everyone, hope to see most before next year! Scott and Laura - thanks for the hospitality in Pueblo, come to Austin and we will do the same! Gil and Rich - You guys also need to make a Texas trip, ya'll were a blast glad to have met you both! Grandpa Bob, I want to be just like YOU! You're really an inspiration on how to live a little! Spazz, was nice meeting you too, sorry you had all the trouble with your vx on the way back! And to the fellow texans, Jay, Larry, Tim and Jesper thanks for putting up with my driving on the trip! (no I didn't mean driving ya'll crazy). And to the rest of you that I did not get to meet or did not get to know me, your missin out!! (did I just say that?)

Reg Hinnant
05/19/2003, 09:34 PM
Hey, Houston crew. Did you all make it in OK?
Larry, I want to get the # of the mounts that you had the Thule fairing mounted with. Was the fairing a 32"/

05/20/2003, 07:10 AM
My roof fairing is a Thule #870 (32 inch), with three horizontal MightyMounts from Isuzu. Works great and no wind noise on the factory Yakima Aero Bars. Does that answer your question?
It was great to meet you and your wife in Moab.

05/20/2003, 07:47 AM
I'm home. I arrived Sunday night a little after 11 pm. 1245 miles from the Phillips 66 in Moab to my front door in 19 hours. I really enjoyed the trip and it was good to see you guys. I'm really looking forward to next year.

05/20/2003, 09:10 AM
We got back Monday night at 1100 after stopping in salt Lake and Mountain Home to visit friends and familly.

Great ZuZoo! Thanks to staff. It was wonderful meeting new friends and seeing old ones.

Reg Hinnant
05/20/2003, 09:31 AM
Larry, Glad you got home Ok. Thanks for the info cause I couldnt remember what you had attached the fairing with. We enjoyed your company!

TimG & Jesper, glad you got home OK, too. Sorry we didn't get to even get to talk to you. We were always next to others.

Tru, we enjoyed meeting you & your better half. (well, thats what she said.....and my wife intro'ed us the same way!) Glad you liked those "Revo" tires. We need to have a traction demo with others next time!

KammyB, yes I have a real problem with other beds! I'm thinking I need to bring an air mattress with eggcrate foam to put on top of it. Or sleep out there with the cows........;eeko;

05/20/2003, 11:43 AM
I am glad eneryone is making it home OK. I just picked up my baby from the day-spa (read detailer) and it looks good. Kinda missing that red dust already!

05/20/2003, 03:26 PM
Take it offline if you have comments for me - this post is for Moab returnees check in.

05/20/2003, 03:35 PM
That would be true IF you hadn't have edited my post. My first post stated when we came home, that we had a nice time, and some general info, and pats on the back. You, edited, re-worded, then re-edited my simple post.

Feelings got hurt Tone?
I see you delete other peoples posts you don't agree with too.

This has got to be a violation of a moderators rights.

05/20/2003, 03:57 PM
It has nothing to do with that - you complained, I added and then I apologized for adding to your post and removed what I thought offended you. But you continued to go on and on about things you had no first hand knowledge of. If you have a problem with me, call me collect, email me or better yet, speak to me in person instead of waiting until after the fact.

05/20/2003, 04:04 PM
Sorry for posting on something unrelated to Moab, and I hope this doesn't make things worse... but if it is his board then he has a right to do pretty much whatever he wants, whether any of us like it much it or not. Everyone has the right to express themselves as they wish, but nobody necessarily has the right to be heard *here*. It's like work - a company has the right to fire you. They really shouldn't need to give you a good reason. It may be that the owner would rather hire some sexy girl to look at who may or may not be any good at the job. Doesn't matter. It's HIS company and HIS money to spend as HE wants to. You can't force anyone keep you on the payroll, regardless of whether it is fair or not, or who may be in the wrong.

Green Dragon
05/20/2003, 04:09 PM
This is our Board

05/20/2003, 04:11 PM
OK you guys, this really bums me out :( and I really don't want to get in the middle of this, but I am. I don't mean to piss anyone off with this post, but you are all acting like little kids. The pupose of this post is to keep the "Vehicross community" together. I wasn't there so I am not sure exactly why you guys are mad at Tone, but I know that if I was there I would have brought my freinds that drive Jeeps. I wouldn't think that you can't bring your freinds to a week of mobbing. However if this is supposed to be an ALL Isuzu meet and I guess I understand where Tone is coming from. Tone you still had an all Vehicross run and I bet that was cool. But I am sure that everyone has freinds that they would want to bring that drive vehicles other than an Isuzu. And it would suck to say "No sorry guys I'm going to have the offroad trip of a lifetime and you aren't welcome since you don't drive an Isuzu".

Bumble VX if you where talking about me in that post and I had the power to delete it I would too, even though everyone has a right to their own opinion and should be able to post it to a forum, it was just too much.

Swordy, I don't see why you would leave this forum due to one person. There are more people besides Tone that love to see what you have done with your VX (especially me) I really like what you have done to it, you have excellent ideas.

All of you Tone, Swordy, and Bumble VX need to just get on with life and enjoy what we have here. You guys have pretty much the 3 VX's that I want to incorperate into mine, and it would be a HUGE loss for everyone if any one of you were to leave this forum. I know you guys had your differances at MOAB but lets just "kiss and make up". It's not like you have to see each other every day or anything. Like many have said before "we are like a family here" and would any of you ditch your brother/sister/daughter/son over such a stupid thing as this.

Tone look at it this way, Now if you had the biggest and baddest off-roading Isuzu then MOAB would probobally be pretty boring if there wasn't another vehicle that could mob with you on the more challenging trails.

Now I hope you guys can get along in the forums now, it can't be all that difficult, I mean all you guys do is give quality information.

I think I made my point, and I may be real off, but this is what I got from what I saw. So come on guys enjoy what we have going "A VEHICROSS COMMUNITY" :cool:

05/20/2003, 04:32 PM
I agree - Swordy’s is THE baddest offroad VX there is and he has contributed much to not only this board but to offroading in general. This all started when I gave Swordy a hard time about hanging out with Jeeps - I was joking but serious about no Jeeps on the VX only run - that is it. I appologize if it was taken too seriously. I ran with Jeeps on most of my other trails and they are very capable vehicles. I had no negative words with his wife at the event.

05/20/2003, 05:48 PM
I agree that this needs to be water under the bridge. I am new here, I don't know you all, haven't met you yet or anything. But there seems to be a special bond between the VXers here, and we VXers need to stick together, no doubt about it. Even just on a practical level, with a vehicle like this, every available resource matters. Might as well have fun with this, make good friends, and not burn any bridges.

05/20/2003, 07:56 PM
Welcome back! Glad to hear that everyone made it OK!
Thanks for sharing comments & pics...


05/21/2003, 03:53 PM
Whew... I'm back at work, and looking forward to the Moab 'Zu Zoo Seven already!

Great to meetcha all, and thanks especially for the invite up to dinner on Friday night!

Special thanks to:
* Bob, for the ride in his rocketship on Tiptoe through Hell -- riding up Tipover Challenge was a real hoot!
* Todd, for allowing me to commandeer his VX to lead Kane Creek.
* Tru, for proving that my Kane Creek line COULD be done (apologies to the rest of you -- I shoulda stacked more rocks!)
* Larry/Jesper/Tone/others for sharing the contents of the margarita machine.
* Larry for the towstraps -- I still need to buy one!
* Andy, Deby, and Marshall for tailgunning our unofficial Moab Rim night run on Saturday -- that truck flat-out rocks (good driving certianly doesn' hurt, ether!)
* Tone for parts delivery
General thanks to all the 'Zu staff that makes this event happen. I'm not breaking my arm patting myself on the back -- there are scads more folks than me who work to pull this off. Further thanks to the folks who donated to the raffle -- GREAT support from the VX crowd, here! I'm sure I've left folks out, but thanks to all! ;Do;

My favorite VX driver this year? Lisa ... she gamely tried many lines, even though 'wheeling was pretty new to her. She asked for help when she needed it, followed my spotting, and drove well the rest of the time -- and just generally tickled me with her enthusiasm throughout the day Bob and I trailed just behind her. That sort of infectious enthusiasm, especially from firstimers, is what really makes the planning and effort of this event worthwhile. ;Do; Gil was my favorite newbie last year -- great to see him back for a second year, and with great driving skills, as well.... his clean car hides what must have been some off-season practice!


05/21/2003, 06:27 PM
Thanks for the kind words Randii. I have only been off-roading twice since Zu Zoo V, but I think that being in Moab with all the other Zoids is what helped me pick up the skills. Learning from such a great bunch of people makes it easier to pick lines, know what's do-able, and how to be better prepared next time.

Lead foot Lisa's enthusiasm was very cool :clap: ... I'm sure quite a few people are already making plans for Zu Zoo VII! See you all there!:thumbup:

Note: I did not witness ANY poor driving by any VXer on or off the road durring the trip, and considering I went home with one less IPF light for my safari bar :rolleyes: (dang gravity!!!), I'd like to give kudos to all!

VX crazy
05/21/2003, 07:09 PM
Gee, thanks Randy, I am officially addicted to off roading! Thanks to the great spotters, thats what gave me the guts to do it! I will definitely be there next year!

And Gil, yeah I guess I am a better driver OFF road than ON! Can't wait to see everyone again next year!

05/21/2003, 09:13 PM
I have to say that I see no problem with Lisa's driving off OR on the road! :D

VX crazy
05/22/2003, 03:50 AM
Thanks Rich, you did get to experience it first hand as a passanger! See everyone, I AM a GOOD driver!!

05/22/2003, 08:50 AM
No one ever said you weren't :)

VX crazy
05/22/2003, 01:12 PM
Not all there??? What the heck do you mean??? Do we need any more conflict between California and Texas??? Please no....

05/22/2003, 04:51 PM
Texas, Colorado, California, your all lower 48ers to me. hehehe ;)

05/22/2003, 09:50 PM
I am sitting here scanning in some of my pictures and it all seems so surreal now. I can't believe it's all over! I met some really great people. Sure, some people having differences right now but I hope they can come together, we all share a commonality...the VX and a love for the trail. ZuZoo VII can't come any sooner. I'll have my pics up soon.

05/22/2003, 10:08 PM
Green Dragon is right, this is our board. We, collectively as members determine it's direction. I as the administrator and creator of this community take the input that members make and suggest and make the necessary changes to the inner workings. The forum content is completely at your, the member's descretion, be it bad or good. When it's bad it's the job of a Moderator to remove the offensive and only the offensive part but, only after receiving complaints unless it is so blatently offensive that it requires immediate attention.
I have decided to remove temptation and for the time being, the only person able to edit a post or delete it will be me (WSG or Moncha one in the same but, two different jobs). This will only affect the Mods. As members, you will still be able to edit and or delete your own postings.

This forum is for the bringing together of different types of people with a single commonality, the VX. There are many members that add valuable contributions to our community even if they don't have a VehiCROSS and I welcome them as should you. There will be times when things won't go so smooth and someone will be offended. It's very hard not to have that problem when all you see is words. I don't want to see any member leave and I pray that the causes for their wanting to do so can be settled in a civil manner.
I'll post tomorrow as Moncha with my check in.. We just got in after driving 13 hours from Arizona after going to Moab and I'm way to tired.. Night all

05/22/2003, 10:37 PM
:jump: :clap: Welcome Home!!!

Can you hear the fanfare? Can you see the ticker-tape? Isn't it loverly? It was SO lonely here by myself. So happy everyone is okay and had a great time! There is lemonade and sugar cookies on the back porch. Have a seat in a rocker and let's talk about your trip.

05/22/2003, 11:50 PM
MMMMMMMMMMM, sugar cookies!:homer:

05/23/2003, 08:29 AM
Got back from an extension to Moab from Arizona..

Laura and I had a great time!
Meeting folks face to face is the most wonderful part of the whole event!
I want to thank all of the 'ZuZoo staff and volunteers for organizing such a great event. I have never seen such a mix of people that can have so much fun doing such stuff..
Thanks goes out to Randii, "I know that was the line", Burleson ;), his sweetheart wife Kammy, Todd and Linda, defiantely wasn't enough time, the Texas group, Pueblo will never be the same... My neighbors will have something to talk about for a long time. Anita for entertaining my puppy, Deby and Andy & Granpa Bob for inspiring the VX to go way off road, Marshall for being a great young adult, Larry & Tim for the Margarita Machine, I'm still laughing about that... Larry, specifically for the the tow straps and case.. So much work!! Tone for the parts and installs and all the others for puting in the skid plate while I was cooking, Jennifer for the fancy stitch work on the trail flags, this year's were good prototypes but, next years will be better! Reg, so great to see you and your lovely wife. Gil, Rich, Lori, Tru, Jeff, Russ, Frank "the Hungarian", his wife Carol, Jesper, Lisa, Jay, Keith and Tia, Steve the Big Swede and to everyone else that I can't remember at this time.. Thank you and good seeing, meeting you.. We're looking forward to seeing everyone and more next year!! Start Planning forthe 3rd week of May 2004 or sooner for Colorado Zu.

05/23/2003, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by SPAZZ
Texans? Only steers and queers in Texas & I surely don't see any steers;eekp;

Well, that's what i hear anyways....

By the way- I am from Colorado.

At least Texas Boots have the BS on the outside.



Green Dragon
05/23/2003, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by VX crazy
Not all there??? What the heck do you mean??? Do we need any more conflict between California and Texas??? Please no....

I believe some of the Texans expressed themselves quite clearly with their custom made T shirts.

F--- Y'all I'm from Texas.

Wearing them at the Ramada was one thing but at the Isuzu Banquet with children present was quite another.

If that's what the VX Band approves of, I like Swordy march to a different drummer & am off to find another Band.

Grampa Bob

05/23/2003, 04:48 PM
I'm thankfull for VehiCROSS. info because it is a focal point for people passionate about the VX. There's another post regarding ditching VMAG, and I think that having multiple sourses for info is great, but this is a great forum to serve as "ground zero" for the VX community. 4x4Wire is awesome for general Isuzu goings-on, and home to all the other Zoids (as well as some of us as well). If there are problems among individuals (and what group doesn't have drama every now & again) I hope they can be resolved without fracturing the very cool club we have here. It was great seeing everyone (again in some cases), and look forward to many more fun meets!

05/23/2003, 06:08 PM
Hey! I just thought of something.

He (she) also serves who stands and waits.

Let's hear it for those of us who remained behind to fight fires and pull people out of MVA's! And for those who remained behind to take care of families and to keep some VehiCROSSes on this end of the continent to promote the good will on the behalf of all VXers!

Yay for us!!! It was hard but SOMEBODY had to do it!;pb; ;Db;

Todd Adams
05/25/2003, 06:44 PM
It has been a hectic week since Linda and I have been back. It was great to see all of you again and make some new friends. I hope next year nothing will conflict with our being at ‘ZuZoo all week.

I am going to push for our VX only run to be held as part of ‘ZuZoo next year. I see no reason why other model specific runs should not be held as well. Amigo (could have and early and late) rodeo etc. Just so there is no mistake, as this year, it will be for VehiCross’ only. As you should know I have nothing against any brad make or model. I have owned many and liked them all over the years. This has to do with nothing more than having us all on the same trail together without any others mixed in. It is only for one day and one trail.
