View Full Version : Im about to ruin my life...

05/18/2007, 08:45 AM
Since we are like family here and since Coastie posted about his wedding. I thought i would share that I plan to propose to my other half next week while on vacation at Chimney Rock, North Carolina.

Brief history.
Im just 22 and shes only exactally 6months younger. We first met when we were 12 in middle school, and have been addicted to each other since.

Just thought I would share, since its on my mind. And my checking account still doesnt forgive me.

05/18/2007, 08:48 AM
Cool man! Sounds like you two were meant 2B. It took you 10 years to ask!? Good idea. Let us know how it goes!

05/18/2007, 08:51 AM
Do it man! I met my wife in freakin high school and I love her to death and (I hope she still loves me too) we dated for like 7 years and got married a few years after college.

I believe some people are soul mates. Meant for eachother, blah blah blah. There will always be good times and bad times, but fight through the bad stuff and celebrate the good stuff.

Don't give up and and good luck.


Since we are like family here and since Coastie posted about his wedding. I thought i would share that I plan to propose to my other half next week while on vacation at Chimney Rock, North Carolina.

Brief history.
Im just 22 and shes only exactally 6months younger. We first met when we were 12 in middle school, and have been addicted to each other since.

Just thought I would share, since its on my mind. And my checking account still doesnt forgive me.

05/18/2007, 09:06 AM
Congratulations John! That's awesome :)

05/18/2007, 09:17 AM
Congratulations Bro, i so happy for you, man its like how they say, IT"S AWSOME. well guess i'm not alone ;) . hey bro, I'm only 23, and my girl is 20, it's not age, but the true feeling and lobve for each other, but also got to be ready to support both of u and any little ones alone the way :). tell us How it goes Buddy, best wishes and awsome spot for you to propose. in my case it was hard cuz she always said she liked it when people proposed to each other in front of every1 including strangers. u are lucky. well tells us how it goes. :)

05/18/2007, 09:42 AM
Good luck. Not just with the proposal but all that is to follow. If you have not yet lived together be prepared for that to be the roughest part of it. But realize that eventually it can all be worked through and the good times are worth the struggles.

05/18/2007, 01:23 PM
Bart, we are for sure supposed to be together, we have been through ALOT in the ten years.

Zeus....it took ten years becuase seeing two middle schoolers go on a honeymoon together just doesnt look good. I dont think that idea would have flown with the rents....haha

I am very anxious to do it, its burning a hole in my pocket real bad.

Tex, we already live together at my dad's house. We have the whole downstairs to ourselves. Its like a 1000+ sq. ft apt for ourselves that we dont have to pay any rent or utilities on. But we are looking to buy a house in the next month or so.

05/18/2007, 01:28 PM
JHarries, so let us see your future wifey to be, :).

05/18/2007, 01:35 PM
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/1q_3_.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/1q_3_.JPG)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/PICT0330.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/PICT0330.JPG)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/1q_6_.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/1q_6_.JPG)

There ya go.

05/18/2007, 02:08 PM
She is Beautiful, good job buddy. Hope the best for you 2. :)

05/18/2007, 04:07 PM
Congrats!!! I wish you all the best. Make sure to pick the right time of day to avoid the usually massive crowds at Chimney Rock. I asked for my wife's hand nearby in "Pretty Place" on the N.C./S.C. border. It's about 20 minutes south of Brevard N.C.. Do a Google search on Pretty Place+S.C. and check out the "images" link at the top.
It's about another 2 hrs from where you'll be and well worth the trip. It's a sight the two of you will never forget.

Mark B
05/18/2007, 04:10 PM
Great, the VX family is getting bigger.
Any plans for little ones?
I am sure they will want to take out the VX when they are 16.

05/18/2007, 06:21 PM
Great, the VX family is getting bigger.
Any plans for little ones?
I am sure they will want to take out the VX when they are 16.

You know thinking that far ahead scares me. Not cuz of kids, but of the lack of parts and how rare it would be to find another VX. Man I need to invest in a 2nd VX, for comfort in having 2 rare beauties and if 1 of my kids want to borrow 1, i'll say NO, lol. well ok, i'll let them use 1, and if they wreck it, then i'll know i still have 1 left.

05/21/2007, 08:10 AM
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/1q_3_.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/1q_3_.JPG)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/PICT0330.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/PICT0330.JPG)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/1q_6_.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/1q_6_.JPG)

There ya go.

Hey wait! I know her! Very well even....

Well, no, not really.... but it would be cooler if I did, haha.

Good luck man. Sounds like you wont need it though.

05/21/2007, 08:35 AM

My only advice is not to say "I'm about to ruin my life" I know it's cool to say things like that, but keep everything in the positive. Just my two cents.

Congrats again and I wish you the best.


05/21/2007, 08:49 AM
The title is purely a joke, plus I thought it would be an attention grabber.

VX family is getting bigger. Why? Becuase ever since I bought my VX she has been suffering from proton envy. We have been looking for proton for her for a few months now. No rush though, she just wrecked her Mustang pretty bad.

Mark B. We plan to have a little one in roughly a year or so. All depends on how long law school takes me.

05/21/2007, 09:20 AM
Yeah, if my wife was more comfortable behind the wheel of a VehiCROSS (she doesn't like how you can't see out the back) I would totally try to find her a Foxfire.

She wants something more sporty though I think, like a 350Z or something. I would love to get her a blacked out Audi TT.

:) Bart

The title is purely a joke, plus I thought it would be an attention grabber.

VX family is getting bigger. Why? Becuase ever since I bought my VX she has been suffering from proton envy. We have been looking for proton for her for a few months now. No rush though, she just wrecked her Mustang pretty bad.

Mark B. We plan to have a little one in roughly a year or so. All depends on how long law school takes me.

05/21/2007, 12:08 PM
Congrats on the upcoming nuptuals. My wife and I got married about 2 years ago. Our recent trip to Chincoteaque Island was a second honeymoon.

It's great to hear all of the positive comments about marriage. I couldn't fathom life without her now. I didn't have second thoughts about it even after a 15 year marriage and divorce from hell.

If you find the right one - you'll know. It'll be great.

I just waited too long after asking to actually get her down the aisle so I had to buy another engagement ring because according to her the first one was "used up". It looks so good on her though, so I don't mind.

05/24/2007, 09:01 PM
Here goes nothing. I leave for vaction in six hours. Id say if the conditions are right it will happen Saturday afternoon.

05/24/2007, 09:18 PM
I know how hard it is to find "the one", and if you found a woman that you love, loves you back, AND loves the VX... I'd say you've hit the jackpot! Best wishes!

05/25/2007, 08:28 AM
Good luck dude, don't forget to drop to one knee. It helps ;)


Here goes nothing. I leave for vaction in six hours. Id say if the conditions are right it will happen Saturday afternoon.

05/25/2007, 08:36 AM
I'm confident that she'll say "yes". If so, we will all be suitably jealous, yet supportive. I mean, really: 22 years old, lovely wife, driving a Vehicross...life's good!

I think YOU must be confident, too, or you wouldn't be posting this in a public forum! Best of luck. Take Bart's advice and get to one knee, because she'll be telling this story to EVERYONE. And make sure it's a big, shiny ring. Big. And shiny.

05/25/2007, 01:04 PM
To bad you don't live in the Pacific Northwest. I know a guy with a camera that is free on the 16th of June.

Oh wait, that's right Eric, your thinking about convoying down to Newberg OR for that car show just so you can drive Techy's 73 Dodge.:)

06/16/2007, 12:45 PM
So its done and has been done for a while now. At the elvation of a near mile at Chimney Rock park, North Carlonia I asked her at the top of a waterfall.

The rock

The shock

The fall from a distance

06/16/2007, 01:58 PM
I want one! (ring)
But merely for looks, nothing more! After my divorce from Hell, I don't think I will be getting remarried anytime soon....BUT congrats!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!

06/16/2007, 02:43 PM
After 2 years of it all, you will want to take her back up to that very same waterfall and push her off. ;)


06/16/2007, 02:54 PM
After 2 years of it all, you will want to take her back up to that very same waterfall and push her off. ;)


LMAO G-man,(Bill Murray Caddyshack voice on) Bachelors for life...I think. :p

Congrats Harris...make the best of it. ;)

06/16/2007, 02:59 PM
After 2 years of it all, you will want to take her back up to that very same waterfall and push her off.

Now thats hilarious.

06/16/2007, 03:54 PM
I want one! (ring)
But merely for looks, nothing more!

Good thing you put that "(ring)" in there, even then I still had to read it a couple of times.

06/16/2007, 06:00 PM
Congratulations! That's great. I told you she'd say "yes".

In two years, hopefully you can take her back to the falls and give her some diamond earrings...and tell you you love her even more.

Best of luck!

06/20/2007, 08:14 AM
LMAO G-man,(Bill Murray Caddyshack voice on) Bachelors for life...I think. :p

Congrats Harris...make the best of it. ;)

Hey man, someone has to hold down the fort for those who wish to stay onboard the freedom train. ;)

I had my engagement calling some years back. 3 years with her taught me that living alone is possible and should INDEED be tried again. Strangely, we are better friends now than we were then. And even then, the benefits are fruitful. ;)

06/20/2007, 08:46 AM
Benefits? What are these "benefits" of which you speak?


Full medical?

Built-in pet sitter?

Do tell!