View Full Version : Who`s VX in NYC

05/25/2007, 04:18 AM
I was in New York yesterday in Brooklyn part and saw black VX with tinted windows on corner Croopsey and 20 av right across gas station it was parked around 2.30 and at 3.00 it was gone. Anyone from here?
P.s i was so happy that i saw one i havent seen any in a year :(

05/25/2007, 06:33 AM
What makes you so special that you cant post this is the Spotted thread? :cool:


I feel your excitement. I NEVER see them around here. It had dropped to like 1 sighting a year. Last week when I spotted an Ironman on my way to work, I about dropped my colon. Sadly, I was in the WRX so any motions like waves, peace signs, or signal flares may have just confused the driver. Instead, I just sat and watched as it drove on, with a blissfull smile and a heart-felt sigh.

05/26/2007, 12:50 AM
That might have been me DJ, I work in Coney Island and am always on Cropsey. I know that there is another black VX in CI cause I pulled up next to him when I was at work, although he wasn't very talkative since I was in a police car. Don't remember if I got gas there though.