View Full Version : Forza2?

06/07/2007, 11:17 AM
Anyone playing this? I am just tinkering with Career mode right now and amd really tearing it up. I shall put my skill to the test soon when i decide to start racing online. Currently, my car of choice is the '05 JDM Subaru STi. Made it to look just like mine, heh. Of course, it's pushing over 500hp and has a custom paintjob, that took me 2 long nights in the Forza2 paintshop, but it's kick arse....


Post your rides if you are playing!!!

06/07/2007, 11:26 AM
I worked the XBOX Forza booth at SEMA...I played it a few times in the Speedvision super cool arcade style set up! But that's about it...

06/07/2007, 11:30 AM
Broke right now just been playing the demo... look forward to getting it.

I have seen some really great looking paint jobs. Can't wait to mess with that feature.

nice work on the sti.

06/08/2007, 10:09 AM
Ya, some of the paintjobs found around the web are sick. I cant believe people find the time to sit and do all taht work, especially since the paint tools SUCK. I cant see doing any more than a few stripes and polkadots with the use of those tools, heh.

Cece, I'll have to keep you in mind if my company ever decides to do another racing game so you can work our booth, heh.

On another note, it would be nice if we could actually import vehicles into Forza2 cause it would be a good use for the VX model I built a million years ago. *sigh*

06/08/2007, 11:45 AM
Has the VX been in many Vgames? My buddy says he thinks he saw one in the new Colin McRae DIRT trailer...but I doubt it.

06/08/2007, 04:38 PM
I havn't tried the game out yet, been meaning to, but been too busy. But I did get a chance to see the real Forza2 Xbox360 Ferrari going out on Virgin Atlantic couple weeks ago... ...

Excuse the quality, the one time I decided not to bring my camera to work they showed up. So all these pictures are off my Treo 680.


Found this on the net:

06/09/2007, 12:47 AM
I'm playing! Gamertag is KoldVX. Add me as a friend. Actually anyone else here who has a 360 please post your Gamertags. Currently have a few cars in my garage but getting one or two a day. Love this game but seeing some of the amazing paint jobs people are doing and then realizing how crappy the interface is is frustrating.

One more thing, do yourself a favor and get the MS wheel if you haven't already. I got one from provantage.com for 91 bucks plus shipping. (they usually go for 149.99)

06/09/2007, 02:28 PM
my friend and i r gonna play it later 2nite. i duno wat his tag is but yea. best car we've found is the hks time trial evo.

06/10/2007, 09:53 PM
Finally got around to painting one of my favorite cars here it is... (http://www.zshare.net/image/2224256eedf40f/)

http://beta.zshare.net/thumb/2224267/thumb.jpg (http://www.zshare.net/image/2224267fe2e422/) (http://www.zshare.net/image/22242744f45941/)

06/11/2007, 08:23 AM
My gamertag is "VXSS". I am rarely on though, so just send a Friend Request and I will add when I log on next time. Been too busy trying to beat Company of Heroes on PC, heh. Completely addicted....

06/11/2007, 01:30 PM
My gamertag is "VXSS". I am rarely on though, so just send a Friend Request and I will add when I log on next time. Been too busy trying to beat Company of Heroes on PC, heh. Completely addicted....


06/12/2007, 08:30 AM
DX10.... meaning Vista? Kinda lost me there.

I know CoH just put out a patch for DX10 use, but I use XP, so I could care less. Vista is NOT gonna see any time on my PC.

BTW, I retired my STi last night in Forza. My Subaru 22b has surpassed it in performance and beat the living donkey pi55 out of everything last night. Papa's got a brand new bag!

06/12/2007, 01:27 PM
dx10 would be vista.

heheh 22b huh? if u havent got to the professional A cup be sure to use a c6 z06. that car is so cheap it isnt even funnny. stock it owned my RE FD with a triple rotary or with 13brew....

06/12/2007, 07:24 PM
My gamertag is the same as it is here...spacecadetzoom.

I haven't bought forza2 yet, I've had soooo little time the last few weeks. I'm looking forward to it. Anyone play anyother games? I wanted to buy MotoGP 2006.

06/13/2007, 08:25 AM
Dirt come sout in about a week. Should be another good addition to the summer game racing lineup. Looking to break in that 360 steering wheel with some full on, racing sim action ALL SUMMER LONG. ;)

Nopw we just need Sega Rally to come out with their title. They are lagging.

06/13/2007, 09:01 AM
i had to go out and get forza2 after the talk here.. lol good times although im not very far into it... the guy did tell me that if you reserve Dirt, you get a code for live that lets you download like 12 extra cars and an extra track or somethin.. if you plan on getting it, might be worth doing... this was at an EB Games

06/13/2007, 09:05 AM
Im a Playstation guy. Never owned a Nintendo in my life.
Do you all swear by your 360's or should I stick with my goal of getting a PS3?

Side note, i work with extended warranties how is your overheating issues with the 360?

06/13/2007, 03:44 PM

Heating is an issue with the Xbox 360's (and a huge issue with the PS3). After playing and switching back and forth between gaming and movies, it will start locking up on you. The simple solution is to get them 3rd party cooling fan setups, they will help keep it cool, but you do get alot more noise from them.

I too am a Playstation junkie, just can't wait for them to release there revision models to fix all the crap that's wrong with the launch model... ooh well...

06/13/2007, 07:34 PM
the 360 has a nasty problem called "the red ring", ur basically screwed if that happens. happened to my friends 360 recently. and his has just passed a year so no warranty... :(

Im a Playstation guy. Never owned a Nintendo in my life.
Do you all swear by your 360's or should I stick with my goal of getting a PS3?

Side note, i work with extended warranties how is your overheating issues with the 360?
the ps3 blows chunks right now, wait for the games to come out first before u go and buy it. o and theres rumors of a price drop in December.

06/14/2007, 01:10 AM
I agree with the MZ-N10 on the PS3. There's no real good games on it yet. I Call it a 600 dollar Xbox. I won't get one till they drop the price or I catch a deal. I've had my 360 since Christmas and haven't had any problems with overheating or lockups. I love this thing!

06/14/2007, 07:20 AM
To cure that overheating issue, without having to go through the warranty, you need to get a high output ball bearing cooling fan replacement about $15 and well worth it. A good insurace piece to install just in case factor.

I noticed there arent too many games out there. Ill take the advice and not get one untill 2008, in the meantime Im thinking about getting a Wii now that I have a big screen tv.

I figured someone would post wtf, you never had a nintendo? So ill explain anyways. When the 8-bit Nintendo came out so did the TURBO GRAPHIX 16 which in my mind was awesome. At one point we had four in the house while I was growing up. One for me in my room, one a piece for my two bros and one for my dad. I missed out on all the Zelda and Mario's but I had Bonx and Bloody Wolf and two of the most addicting sports games. There are a few floating around on ebay and it is for sure worth a good $60 bucks for a system. Plus VX related there was a game called Military Madness on it that really inspired me back years ago to really like the VX becuase they had an aircraft missle launching vehicle in it called a rabbit and it looked just like my VX hot wheel.

06/14/2007, 08:09 AM
I modded the crap out of my 360 to keep it cooler. Tore it apart and painted the shell black, cut a hole in the side added a plexi panel, replaced the 2 fans with high speed LED fans, and a few more little visual perks. Runs great and have had no issues on my 1st gen. As for the Red Lights of Death, MS at least now offers a 1 year warranty on the system. I havent heard of anyone getting the issue recently, but a while back, it was quite the show.

PS3 is still a ways away from being worthy. $600 with NO GAMES. It is not even a purchase consideration in my book until that all changes.

Also, I finally got the 360 steering wheel. I !@#$ing hate it! The wheel is too small to even feel realistic enough to drive properly, the platform is shaky and jittery, and the !@#$ing pedal platfrom slides all over the floor when you step on the pedals. I should start the bidding at $5.

06/16/2007, 01:30 AM
i was wondering how u guys grabbed the pics of ur cars in game...