View Full Version : Gas Mileage (again)...

06/22/2007, 09:28 PM
I saw this while trolling...


06/24/2007, 05:52 AM
I've heard of this but never tried it.

"How Much to Use

Add in tiny amounts from about one part per 5000 to one part per 3000, depending on the vehicle -- just a few ounces per ten gallons of gas. This comes to between 0.0003 % to 0.0025 % acetone maximum or approximately 1/15th of one-percent. Note that is around .78 cc per liter or one ounce per 10 gallons. Not more than three oz. per 10 gallons."

06/24/2007, 07:46 AM
http://www.snopes.com/autos/techno/acetone.asp :(

06/24/2007, 10:13 AM
NO! Acetone is corrosive and will eat up rubber and some plastics that are in the fuel plumbing. no no no... not worth it.

06/24/2007, 10:47 AM
NO! Acetone is corrosive and will eat up rubber and some plastics that are in the fuel plumbing. no no no... not worth it.
Ah, that was the reason I didn't try it. Dino thanks for the reminder.

04/05/2008, 02:11 PM
As of 1996 all vehicles produced have fuel lines that are strong enough to withstand such cleaners and chemicals.

I plan to try this next time my tank is low.

04/05/2008, 05:41 PM
and let us know, i don't like the idea but i like double the mileage :)

04/05/2008, 07:18 PM
I will not be double. But about 3-5 mpg increase. I have been talking with a number of professors and engineers concerning this.

04/05/2008, 07:29 PM
Better your VX as the guinea pig than mine.

Don't think the hazards of putting acetone in your fuel system are worth the dubious claims of mpg improvement, but hey go for it-- and let us know your results:bwgr:

04/05/2008, 07:40 PM

I've got to second Zorak, here... Please don't do it. Not to your VX, at least.

I think the best way to get more mileage out of your gas is to use real gas. That is, try to find gas without extenders in it. E85 and other ethanol blends have less energy content than pure gasoline. However, now days, I have no idea how to FIND real gasoline. All of the pumps in Denver say "ETHANOL: This gasoline is oxygenated and will reduce...blah blah blah".

Even more interesting to me is the sticker on the pumps at Costco. They say they sell by volume, uncompensated for temperature, and a volume does not guarantee a specific energy content. Seems to me you should do you shopping at Costco when it's cold...

04/05/2008, 07:59 PM
There is no harm done by adding it to your tank. Please tell me what the ingreditents are to the Lucas fuel cleaner or any fuel system cleaner.

http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131634 - proven results on page 6 and to the end.

This is concerning Toluene

04/06/2008, 10:36 AM
C'mon folks, don't fall for that "what the oil companies don't want you to know" crap. If there was a magic ingredient they could safely put in their gas to increase your mileage 25%, they would - because everyone would want to buy it and all companies really, really like products that everyone wants to buy!

But mdwyer is right about oxygenated gas - it decreases your mileage substantially in order to decrease emissions. I would not be surprised to learn that the larger quantity of fuel you need to burn to get where you're going didn't make it into the equation, since the state gets to collect more tax on the greater number of gallons of fuel you now have to buy. Good luck getting them to stop suckling on that teat.

If you want to know where you can get the "good" gas, click here (http://www.mobil.com/USA-English/GFM/Files/US_Gasoline_Map.pdf) or see attached. Gas grade requirements are generally county-by-county and can change from summer to winter, too.

I try to buy gas in upstate NY and in VT whenever I'm up there to take advantage of the better mileage the VX gets from conventional gas - consistently 15-20% higher than the 10% etOH gas we get in CT.

04/06/2008, 07:02 PM
Its not relying on "what the oil compaines dont want you to know" crap. It relying on science. I have a few professors working on this side by side engineers. We are creating an acetone and/or toluene mix at the right ratio per vehicle. I will not be seeing differences untill maybe the third tank (roughly three weeks). The computer will have to adjust to the new mixture, will dissconnect the battery as well.

04/06/2008, 08:41 PM
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="<A href="http://www.youtube.com/v/h6vSxR6UKFM&hl=en"></param><param">http://www.youtube.com/v/h6vSxR6UKFM&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/h6vSxR6UKFM&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Salt water power! Time to start tinkering with your microwave oven.;)

04/06/2008, 09:58 PM
...as soon as I finish my generator that runs on the BS spewed by the Internet, I'll have all our energy problems solved...

04/06/2008, 10:19 PM
Im not saying it is going to work or it is not going to work. I am just going to test it out with my scangauge over the next four tanks of gas and see what happens. If it does not work I am only out about $4.99 for the quart of acetone that will only missing 16oz of liquid or so.

Toluene in itself is a different story.

This is a nice site as well.

04/07/2008, 05:10 AM
I'm not 100% sure of the impacts on the hoses and fittings, emmisions equipment, etc... with regards to modified fuel or a fuel substitute, but I am also interested in someone going off the OPEC fuel grid and manufacturing their own back yard Ethanol. Not feasable for an urban dweller like myself, but somebody with enough land to hide a still and make their own "fuel" ethanol to run their VX. Just a thought.

Please post your findings, I am intersted in the long term impacts of your test.

04/08/2008, 11:45 AM
Hey. I've said this before try Lucas gas treatment, it works. My wife and each drive a VX and routinely get 40-50 more miles per tank with the stuff.

04/08/2008, 07:00 PM
Not feasable for an urban dweller like myself, but somebody with enough land to hide a still and make their own "fuel" ethanol to run their VX. Just a thought.

I don't think the VX can run on ethanol. For that matter, I'm not even sure if it can run on E85. Not without eating itself, at least.

Still, I think if you're serious about growing your own fuel, ethanol is NOT the way to go. I'd be looking for a diesel and run that thing on soybean oil or something. If I understand correctly, many oils burn directly in a diesel engine -- you don't even have to convert it to biodiesel.

04/09/2008, 11:27 AM
So ok....I got anxious and added 2oz to my half way tank that had 149 miles on it. I typically get about 280 per fill up of roughly 19.5-20 gallons or 14.4-15.4 mpg. I am not going to use this instance unless I pull about 300-330 out of this tank. That would equal the approx 10 gallons left in the tank adding an additional 20-30% (2 to 4) miles per gallon. I will keep you posted. Thus far I have not heard anything abnormal out of my engine bay and I drove approx 40miles today in my commute and still have the drive home to accomplish.

04/09/2008, 11:41 AM
The VX will definitely not run on on E85. That's something fairly new. I read in Car & Driver that Ford & GM are engineering their new engines as "flex fuel" E85 engines because it gives them a nice little cheat around the CAFE standards.

Btw, E85 is a special fuel mix of 85% ethanol and 15% gas, not at all the same as the oxygenated-with-10%-ethanol gas sold around the country these days.

04/10/2008, 05:37 PM
Lets just say today my scangauge said I averaged 19.1. Yesterday was 18.5. I typically get 15.4ish. I will wait a few more tanks before it is confirmed.

04/10/2008, 05:52 PM
For the disbelievers:

This is the new injector o-rings:


This is the o-rings in 100% Acetone:


This is the same o-rings after being in the 100% for 1 week with comparison to new ones: Notice the swelling:


This is from left to right 100% gas immersed, new, 100% acetone immersed.


This is one is comparison of new on the left with one that was in a acetone mixture that I currently have in my tank 2oz per 10 gallons.


The elasticity and porosity is the same. Trust me I am not going to take a ridiculous risk with my pride and joy. On the other hand I will not be held responsible for others who try and face faults. At 2oz per 10 gallons or 4oz in our whole tank, just imagine 4 shot glasses in a 20 gallon aquarium - do you really think that potency is really going to do damage? Conversely I cant believe that this mixture also has these results. There is a sweet spot for this as well. I would not recommend doing anything more than 3.5oz per 10 gallons either. To much is possible resulting in negative effects to the gas mileage. Like I said I have a few engineers and professors working with me on this one.

04/11/2008, 01:37 PM
Any Comments?

04/11/2008, 01:44 PM
Looks good to me.

04/11/2008, 03:16 PM
Any Comments?

Stuart Little called, he wants his inner tubes back.:grino:

04/11/2008, 03:18 PM
Any Comments?

Any time anyone says "trust me" ...I Don't.

04/11/2008, 04:04 PM
Any Comments?

Well, I personally still think it is a bad idea. But when I say that, I've got nothing to back up why...

So I will at least give you full credit for doing the due diligence on it. :)

04/11/2008, 07:16 PM
Dub - I said trust me to not messing it up. There is enough science behind that I am no fearfull of any damage.

I will state that my today's average gas mileage of interstate and city driving with bridge traffic in rush hour was 19.1. Do you smell what the rock is cooking?

04/11/2008, 09:01 PM
Dub - I said trust me to not messing it up.

Do you smell what the rock is cooking?

It is of no importance how the phrase is used, it always gets the same reaction.

If you're speaking of yourself, put down the pipe.:smilewink

04/11/2008, 10:44 PM
WWE lingo.....

10/11/2008, 09:57 PM
has no ethanol, I use that exclusively
I get about 19mpg max with my VX
I have a thorough and real report that most cars get about 3% extra mpg using high test

10/13/2008, 08:36 AM
The fuel company does not decide whether to add ethanol to their gas, your state does, and now the federal gov't is getting into the act, too. It's a mandate, even in the Jers'. Be happy that you get some of the cheapest gas in the country and someone else pumps it for you (even if it drags out the process...).