View Full Version : Weird electrical cut-out on start/ignition

06/26/2007, 08:08 PM
I've been experiencing this symptom for the last month or so and it has been getting more frequent to the point now where it happens almost every time I start my VX.

When I turn the key to ignition (or even just "on"), the electrical system will cut out - lights go off, etc. Let the key go and within a 5-10 seconds, the battery power comes back on. If I open the door while the power is off, closing it almost always turns it back on again. It can take anywhere from 1 or more tries to start the engine. Sometimes I have to open the hood and start it that way.

At first I thought I was getting some sort of short off my battery - because I have a marine battery with the extra posts and the extra posts have worn through the hood insulation and the positive terminal can easily contact the underside of the metal hood. I am 90% sure that the battery is not low, when power is on, it is full-power, no dimness in the lights or anything like that.

But, today I stuck a brand new piece of foam over all the contacts on the battery so as to insulate them all. But it didn't help one bit, I still had to open the hood to start the engine 2 out of the 3 times today.

So, before I take it into the shop, I was wondering if anyone here has ever seen anything like this before? It's almost like a circuit breaker that resets itself after 5-10 seconds of being off.

06/26/2007, 08:32 PM
not sure if this will help anything, but have you turned your ignition on and everything be ok, and then closed the door, or open and close the hood to see if this vibration shuts things off? or even shake the battery to see if things shut off?

in my amigo, i had a post clamp on my battery that even though it was tight, it would sometimes not start, but open the hood, push on the post, or try to twist the clamp on there tighter, (even though it wouldnt move) and boom, it would start.
i know, its not much help, but thought i would throw it out there. i think i eventually changed my post clamps, and the problem dissappered.
maybe check your post for cracking, or loose clamp,
sorry, thats all i got........

06/27/2007, 03:29 PM
I hate customers like this......''It won't start if I push in the clutch with my left foot...only if I use my right :p " It's gotta be a short in the steering column Good news is, the ignition line is pretty direct (and short) it's a good thing it happens all the time...easier to diagnose, and cheaper. Oh... the clutch thing... rolled up carpet keeping the pedal from going far enough to trip the neutral switch, her right leg must have been stronger, or the different angle gave her more leverage. Wayne