View Full Version : Vmag dying a slow death?

05/26/2003, 06:32 PM
Has anyone noticed that people are posting less and less on VMAG?? It seems to be dying a slow death... http://www.chetanekwe.com/Smiles/033102scull_1_prv.gif http://www.chetanekwe.com/Smiles/icon_grim.gif

But I have noticed people are posting a little less these days, all around. Moab? Better weather? So people are outside instead of at their computers? http://www.chetanekwe.com/Smiles/worry.gif

If that is the normal ebb and flow of posts?? If so, then we should make sure that the warm weather months are "Meet" months! Keep the VX community tight!


05/26/2003, 06:36 PM
SUmmer months are generally slower especially on holidays. I hope that VMag doesn't fade away, it's a valuable resource to which we can never have too much. If by chance it ever does I will still beg and borrow to get the archives from Kendra..

05/28/2003, 09:31 AM
I don't think it will ever truly die out. Seeing as some of us still check-in and post some minor stuff there.