View Full Version : Computer Usage

07/06/2007, 10:22 AM
http://www.bookworld.com/lucifer/evolution%20of%20man%20from%20chimp%20to%20compute r.jpg

OK, so I want to know how much time you all spend in front of a computer. Why? Because I have a theory that most of us regulars on here either work with computers, or have a slight computer addiction. ;) This is the main reason why I think there are a lot of VXers out there that are not regulars on the forum. This probably won't be so accurate for those people who never go online.

So vote away anyway!


07/06/2007, 10:32 AM
M-F 8 to 9 hours

Sat and Sund < 1.5 hours

This site is ALWAYS open in a browser.

07/09/2007, 07:58 AM
I think I have it worse than most. 8-10 hrs a day for work, and then my video game addiction at home. WoW is digital crack. I've not seen a woman in about 3 years... unless she has long, pointed ears and a giant sword. :p

07/09/2007, 09:13 AM
I do a little admin stuff at work now and then, but mostly use a computerat home. In the morning and it's coffee and the internet to see what happened overnight for about 30 min. When I get home from work I spend another hour or two checking out other sites like:


Scott Harness
07/09/2007, 09:26 AM
Probably 1/2 hour in the morning and a 1/2 hour in the afternoon and when I need some information on something.

07/09/2007, 09:58 AM
1-2 hours a day. Most times after work at night im online. This forum always checking first =)

07/09/2007, 03:12 PM
For me typically I am at or near one all day at work, depends on how much trouble shooting a board needs. At home really depends on what’s going on or if my wife is home.

Francesco Rizzo
07/09/2007, 05:19 PM
yes... I am part of the awesome mob that is world of warcraft.. I'm in the 12+ group :(

07/09/2007, 05:51 PM
Monday - Saturday 12+ hours at work and say another 6+ at home.
Sunday... I prolly get in about 6+ hours, maybe...


Online School
Gaming - Alot of
Graphic Design
Game Design

07/10/2007, 01:18 PM
"Do you want to stay outside throwing a ball around all day or
get on your computer and do something that really matters?" -Eric Cartman

My younger brother met his girlfriend on WoW.


PS - I am slowly but surely pulling away from a 5 year addiction to Counter-Strike. Reno has helped with that. Alot.