View Full Version : I've just been Rear-ended!

07/23/2007, 05:36 PM
I just came from the body shop after being rear-ended.
Over $2000.00, just to repair Tone's hitch and frame tube, bent down and in!
Most of the damage was to my new boat and trailer. (and his car)
The poor guy didn't see me in time and his car is messed up pretty bad.
He was hurt from the air bags, his arms are very swollen and bruised.
Appearently the powder is toxic. I might disable my air bag senser, so I don't get wounded like he did.
Anyway the body shop said this was 40% of the 75% threshold before they concider TOTALING the VX. I'm shocked that it doesn't take much damage to reach "TOTALED" status.

07/23/2007, 06:43 PM
He was hurt from the air bags, his arms are very swollen and bruised. Appearently the powder is toxic. I might disable my air bag senser, so I don't get wounded like he did.

An airbag is an explosion meant to counter the G-forces of a car accident. You better believe it is going to bruise you! Seatbelts also cause significant bruising and often broken ribs.

The powder in airbags is often just cornstarch or talc. Irritating, but not toxic. The explosives that deploy the bag are often somewhat toxic, depending on the design of the air bag.

In any case, the injuries from an airbag components are totally secondary to the immediate life threatening injuries from the accident itself. You might as well say, "I'm going skydiving, but I'm not going to use a parachute because I heard that some people break their legs when they land."

In other words, please do not disconnect your air bag -- not for this reason, at least. I'd rather you avoided the accident all-together.

Sources (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbags)

PS: I'm sorry about your accident. I'm VERY happy to hear that your insurance didn't t***l it. The T-word is all-too common. :(

07/24/2007, 02:51 PM
Yeah,It sucks....6500 will total a '99 acording to my Reynolds program(Allstate Statefarm etc.) Glad you're ok. Do not do this again.