View Full Version : Tones Cold Air Twister Intake????

08/16/2007, 04:10 PM
Has anyone installed this on their engine? If so i would like some input im thinking bout getting it but for 250.00 i want to make sure it is worth while. Any tips or suggestions are helpful. Pics as well would be nice.

08/16/2007, 06:36 PM
I just got mine in the mail and here's my review so far (*haven't installed it yet):

1. Its big - lot bigger than you would think, even knowing the measurements. I haven't had time to fit it up yet but hope to this weekend.
2. When I got it and opened the box, the filter and shield were assembled and put in a sealed bag - removing the bag the shield was all smudged up and taking off the shield was tough - turns out the lip where it inserts had a small bend in it. Removing the filter, I noticed that 3 fins on the venture were broken off - wtf!??!! I then noticed that there were some breaks in the filter and was convinced that I got a return or something. Then I looked closer and realized the tears were from the rivets they used on the inside - why they didn't use smooth rivets I'll never know.
3. The filter may be good, but the overall quality I thought was lacking - the fact that the "venture" had broken fins, the bent lip, banged up and smudged cover and light tears on the filter material all scream "rush job" or "crappy chinese import" - I haven't emailed Tone yet and am sure he wasn't aware of anything being amiss - wanted to take some photos first. I'll post them here when I do.
4. I haven't corresponded with anyone else who bought it so I'm not sure if the issues described in #3 above were specific to the one I got or is indicative to the product - we'll see what happens when I contact them (or Tone).
5. You may want to wait until I get things resolved until you commit to buying one - they're rather expensive and at this point I'm rather crestfallen - everything hinges on the customer service aspect now. I'm emailing Tone with this post.

-- John

08/16/2007, 07:35 PM
OK This is my opinion of this device. I have a lot of years of tuning cars behind me and I say that as far as performance goes, this thing is BS. There is only so much you can do about the volumetric efficiency of an engine, BEFORE the valves, combustion chamber and exhaust. A supercharger is an improvement, but swirling the air around isn't going to do much to improve on that. Save your money. (rolls eyes and shakes head)

Funny that there is ZERO data about any kind of performance improvement on tonemonday.com (http://www.tonemonday.com/images/twister/twister.htm)

I want to see some HP numbers before and after install.

08/17/2007, 01:21 AM
Hey Dino,

The "twister" or what Green refers to as a "venture" IMHO doesn't do anything - it's the length and surface area of filtration, the quality of the filtering media, and the heat shield that your really buying here. I thought that was understood by everyone considering the purchase - even then the size of this unit probably wouldn't do much for a non-SC engine. My concerns about the fins being broken were more about build quality and less about how it would affect performance. You're getting a mongo filter here stuck on a huge pipe - combine that with a supercharged engine and wide exhaust and there's no doubt about a performance gain.

On that last topic, unless you open up your exhaust, putting on a performance intake wont do much for performance - it will eliminate some restriction on the intake side, but without doing anything to the exhaust you're really wasting the benefit of having it (though it does give the engine a more aggressive "sucking sound" under the hood). The real performance gain comes when you change out both the exhaust and intake.

-- John

08/17/2007, 05:06 AM
OK I can see how more filter area would help.

08/17/2007, 05:58 AM
Gee Dino, in your few short months on here and your 22 threads, you're quick to start criticizing. Had you searched and used your head, you'd have found that there IS dyno info on changing from the restrictive stock airbox to a filter with a larger surface area and even moreso with a blown application. True a better exhaust with a better intake arrangement is even better but the stock pipe and muffler does NOT flow all that it can. More air in will send more air out, restricted or not.

When you can start providing info that is helpful and backup by FACTS, you might really be credible. Until then, your 'years of tuning experience' are just hot air.

Now your test light writeup (and other idle musings to hear yourself talk) were funny - all cars draw some current rest - maybe you should disconnect the battery everytime you park un unplug all the fuses......

As for the filter being damaged, **** happens to all manufacturers and can slip out. Had he simply notified me, it would have been replaced right away. Green products have always been above average in quality and are superior to K&N.

08/17/2007, 07:56 AM
So from now on, no one say or think anything unless first consulting Tone.

08/17/2007, 09:16 AM
I have to backup Tone- hes not in it for the money. Hes here to help us all out, and if he felt that a product didnt help performance, there is NO way he would sell it.

In fact, I was going to buy his turn signal light conversion kit a while back, and instead he directed me to a way to do it for free- not the sign of someone whos just selling junk and in it for the money.

08/17/2007, 11:42 AM
I have to backup Tone- hes not in it for the money.

Tone's not in it for the money?! That's rich, creeg. That's a fairy tale. Your mother does things for you out of love - Tone just wants your money. I'm no fan of his, and it's not because of what he sells - it's because of his "Here's my deal - take it or go f--- yourself" attitude in doing business. Case in point...

Tone charged me $75 for a supercharger throttle cable bracket and another $40 to overnight it (for a 2-3 ounce part!) because he knew had me over a barrel - my VX was disassembled in a garage waiting for the bracket before it could be brought back to life. Yowza!!!

Now, this is the same throttle bracket that others have been complaining for years that they never got with their S/C kits, but Tone made it out like he was doing everything in the world to get the parts out of "evil, uncaring" Alpine.

Did you catch the implication in that? Many VXers here have paid Tone thousand$ for S/C kits that did not come with the brackets (among other parts), and never got them out of Tone - meanwhile he just so happens to find one and charges me $75 plus exorbitant shipping for it, instead of giving it to one of the many customers who already paid for it and never got it.

Tone, you have a lot of nerve (and no grounds!) for blasting away at Dino like that. There is nothing he said that isn't generally true of any filter kit, and I looked on your site just now - there is no dyno graphs on your site for the Green filters. The closest thing I was able to find was a dead link here (http://www.tonemonday.com/images/isuzu_sc/isuzu_dyno.htm) to to a graph that used to include the dyno curves for the S/C before and after adding in the PV exhaust - JUST LIKE DINO SAID.

And that's all FACT Tone - with a paper trail behind it. Your ridiculously-quick defensiveness speaks to your insecurity about your products. You have been portrayed as some sort of all-knowing VX god here, but I find that characterization laughable.

And you don't even own a VX anymore...

08/17/2007, 12:10 PM
..and in the left corner, wearing black cut-offs, TONE! ...and in the right corner, wearing, ...oh i dunno.. - I'm going to get popcorn and enjoy the show. :p

08/17/2007, 12:23 PM
Sorry lizrdman. this thread has taken a wrong direction........

08/17/2007, 12:27 PM
I held my tongue for a long, long time, but this "Tone is the greatest thing to ever happen to the VX community" stuff... well, I just couldn't stand it.

08/17/2007, 01:43 PM
Wow i just wanted some simple opions and paperwork result tests and pics now look what ive done

08/17/2007, 04:10 PM
Wow i just wanted some simple opions and paperwork result tests and pics now look what ive done

It wasn't you, man. As with any online purchase, you win some, you lose some. Some people have had great experience with Tone and some haven't. That's all this thread turned into - an outlet for positive and negative feedback toward Tone. Oh well, what ya gonna do? :_confused If you decide to buy now, you might get a discount! ;)

08/17/2007, 06:08 PM
Good or bad opinions not withstanding I gotta put in my two cents worth here. I've watched the man, numerous times in blazing summer Texas heat, install items owners have purchased from him and not charged them a dime or asked for help---ever. I promise you folks that should you ever have the opportunity to meet up with Tone at a group VX function you'll walk away with a different opinion than the mud that's being thrown on this thread. Let's put this to rest-we're all a little better than what's being posted here.

08/17/2007, 09:52 PM
Gee Dino, in your few short months on here and your 22 threads, you're quick to start criticizing. Had you searched and used your head, you'd have found that there IS dyno info on changing from the restrictive stock airbox to a filter with a larger surface area and even moreso with a blown application. True a better exhaust with a better intake arrangement is even better but the stock pipe and muffler does NOT flow all that it can. More air in will send more air out, restricted or not.

When you can start providing info that is helpful and backup by FACTS, you might really be credible. Until then, your 'years of tuning experience' are just hot air.

Now your test light writeup (and other idle musings to hear yourself talk) were funny - all cars draw some current rest - maybe you should disconnect the battery everytime you park un unplug all the fuses......

As for the filter being damaged, **** happens to all manufacturers and can slip out. Had he simply notified me, it would have been replaced right away. Green products have always been above average in quality and are superior to K&N.

Thank You. Spoken with a lot of maturity and tact! :confused:

Oh by the way, there is a little typo there on your website.
That cute little swirly thingy that you call a "Venture"
Here's what Websters has to say about that word:

Main Entry: 1ven·ture
Pronunciation: 'ven(t)-sh&r
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): ven·tured; ven·tur·ing /'ven(t)-sh(&-)ri[ng]/
Etymology: Middle English venteren, by shortening & alteration from aventuren, from aventure adventure
transitive verb
1 : to expose to hazard : RISK, GAMBLE <ventured a buck or two on the race>
2 : to undertake the risks and dangers of : BRAVE <ventured the stormy sea>
3 : to offer at the risk of rebuff, rejection, or censure <venture an opinion>
intransitive verb : to proceed especially in the face of danger
- ven·tur·er /'ven(t)-sh(&-)r&r/ noun

I think you ment Venturi
Here's the definition of that word:
Main Entry: ven·tu·ri
Pronunciation: ven-'tur-E
Function: noun
Etymology: G. B. Venturi died 1822 Italian physicist
: a short tube with a tapering constriction in the middle that causes an increase in the velocity of flow of a fluid and a corresponding decrease in fluid pressure and that is used especially in measuring fluid flow or for creating a suction (as for driving aircraft instruments or drawing fuel into the flow stream of a carburetor)

That little group of fins is not a venturi. :rolleyes:

When you can learn how to spell and use proper grammar AND terminology, YOU TOO might really be credible. Until then, pleasse curb your adolescent behavior.

08/17/2007, 10:54 PM
That maybe true geshaw but I cant respect someone for jumping on people twice just in this month. I have never met the guy and probly never will but if I did im sure I would change some of my opinion.

08/18/2007, 05:23 AM
I think you ment Venturi

I think you meant...meant. (root word, mean) :rolleyes:

Correcting other peoples spelling can be an awfully slippery slope... ;)

And I'll second what George said...while I've never seen him sweat in the Texas sun, I HAVE seen him sweat, while going out of his way to help others, in the Utah sun & he's always gone out of his way to provide superior customer support for the products I have purchaced from him.

To stay on topic, IMHO I don't think any "cold air intake" that draws air from under the hood is truly a CAI. You need to isolate the source of intake air via ducting/insulation, so it is bringing air in from the fender well/ behind the headlight...or cut a scoop into the hood (next project ;) )that dumps outside air into the airbox.

OK, rant over...move along people, nothing to see here... :rolleyes:

08/18/2007, 05:48 AM
Actually I used the "venture" spelling because that's what's used on the Green site (it's also why I referred to it in quotes) - Tone's merely using the terminology that Green is using. Tone replied to my email pretty much immediately with a return number and address - Green has also apologized but I'll refrain from a further opinion until I get a replacement. I'm going to take some pictures of it today and use it to measure the CF intake tube I'm having made - I'll get it in the mail on Monday for a return/exchange - I guess I'm out the return cost of shipping.

-- John

08/18/2007, 08:32 AM
And you don't even own a VX anymore...

Yet he was the first in line to pony up fifty bucks to keep this site going...I'd say you really hit the nail on the head...he's obviously of low moral character. :rolleyes:

I hope my sarcastic tone needs no further explaination...

08/18/2007, 10:48 AM
Let's say this much, ldub, Tone is neither pure saint nor pure sinner.

08/18/2007, 11:03 AM
Let's say this much, ldub, Tone is neither pure saint nor pure sinner.

Couldn't agree more...I fall into the same category. ;)

08/18/2007, 10:41 PM
To keep this thread going further off track... I'd say I'm more like a saintly sinner! :angel: :_beer: :evil:


08/18/2007, 11:41 PM
..... that tone is very 'comfortable' playing the "know it all' arrogant role...

(recently...be it Dinos experienced 'opinions' regarding exhaust/venture (SIC) stuff...or giving "Nerve gas" a REAL hard time for sharing his thoughts/dreams for his rig)

So...if as we have seen historically..
...that tone doesnt have a problem with belittling other posters ......

...then Ergo , one must assume that tone will be OK with.......

........ QUID PRO QUO

IMO...it boils down to tone taking as good as he seems to love to give.


don moore
08/19/2007, 01:56 AM
it not the correct color "Lime Green"
instead of "Green"????

sorry I couldnt help myself.

Chin Up

is there 2 kinds of covers
looks like 2 sizes.....WT?

08/21/2007, 07:41 AM
I'm not taking sides here but there is very little difference in power from an intake filter :rolleyes:
I have them on my car, motorcycles, jet skis and snowmobile but really just because of the clean & reuse factor. There is a sound difference but let be real here performace - not - though I like to think there is :p .
Another thing that gets me and I find it with my car club too is the use of aluminum on the intake systems. OK it looks pretty and great to show but doesn't aluminum absorb heat quickly ? So your putting in transfer engine bay heat into the intake ? There is a "Cool intake system" on the market that has an insulated intake tube to the a external intake location which allows cooler air to the motor - now that might be worth taking a look into - but it might be a "scam" deal too.