View Full Version : Break In :O

08/17/2007, 07:00 PM
Well, the Element has struck.

I returned to my truck tonight to find the drivers side window a pile of shards on the seat, and my GPS/radio gone from the dash.

As luck would have it, I had the 3 Milberts and the Tru out of the truck since I was redoing the setup. At least they didn't get those.

Seriously bummed now.

John C

08/17/2007, 09:54 PM
:_mecker: @#$!&%* Man am I sorry to hear that! I would completely lose my cool if someone broke into my VX or my house. Might even plan a hunting trip, to tell the truth! Is the insurance co going to help at all?

08/18/2007, 03:39 AM
I have full glass coverage, and $1k deductable on any other damage.

I'm heading out today to see if I can find a glass shop who can get a window today. Our window doesn't match any other Zu by chance does it?

Hunting trip? Believe me, if I knew who did this I'd skin them with a potato peeler.

John C.

08/18/2007, 04:55 AM
Sorry to hear that... lowlife sons a beeotches!

I used to install these things in cars with alarms in the 80s called a pain generator. It was a small siren looking thing about 2" long that got mounted in the car, and it emitted a 3K hertz 130db sound!! You could NOT stand being next to the thing when it was going off!! The point of this was, the thief simply gave up because of the noise and pain. Loved it!

However, they banned them after a year or so because they could actually damage the eardrum.

Too bad you didn't have one of those in there... I hate thieves!!!

08/18/2007, 06:15 AM
Hunting trip? Believe me, if I knew who did this I'd skin them with a potato peeler.

That might be too good for a thievin' POS...sorry to hear about that.

I live in a building with a known (to me) theivin' POS...the other day he was complaining about two of "his" bikes being "stolen". When I asked him "weren't they already stolen?"...(indicating that I had a pretty good idea of how they came to be in his posession) he replied, "no, I found them". :rolleyes:
My reply was, "looks like somebody found them back"...conversation over. :p

08/18/2007, 06:25 AM
sorry to hear this, sauce. like you said, good thing you had some of the other equip already out of the vx.

best of luck dealing with the insurance, and getting back to whole.


08/18/2007, 09:16 AM
I live in a building with a known (to me) theivin' POS...the other day he was complaining about one of "his" bikes being "stolen". When I asked him "weren't they already stolen?"...he replied, "no, I found them". :rolleyes:
My reply was, "looks like somebody found them back"...conversation over. :p

After a conversation like that, and the subsequent event, I'd start to wonder if it hadn't been something of an inside job. Maybe that was his way of getting in the last word?

I take it there are no surveillance cameras in the parking lots?

08/18/2007, 10:10 AM
After a conversation like that, and the subsequent event, I'd start to wonder if it hadn't been something of an inside job. Maybe that was his way of getting in the last word?

I take it there are no surveillance cameras in the parking lots?

I must not of explained myself well enough...the bikes in question (I put "his" in quotation marks to indicate that they were most likely stolen by him in the first place) were sitting behind the house...& no, there are no cameras.
I live in a low rent part of town by choice...to me, it's just a place to sleep & keep my stuff. ;)
Re-read my first post, I can see where the confusion lies now & I'll edit it to clarify.

Sauce, sorry this went astray...

08/18/2007, 10:42 AM
I must not of explained myself well enough...the bikes in question (I put "his" in quotation marks to indicate that they were most likely stolen by him in the first place) were sitting behind the house...& no, there are no cameras.
I live in a low rent part of town by choice...to me, it's just a place to sleep & keep my stuff. ;)
Re-read my first post, I can see where the confusion lies now & I'll edit it to clarify.

Sauce, sorry this went astray...

I understood what you meant. That wasn't the mistake I made in my post though. I got your post(s) and Hotsauces' post(s) mixed up for a second there, and replied thinking it was Hotsauce who had had the conversation with the thieving POS.

In a case like that, I could've seen where the thieving POS may have taken a comment like that as an insult and thought he had no choice but to retaliate, due to the general natures of a thieving POS's.

08/18/2007, 11:50 AM
Sounds like we need to make up a sticker that reads something along the lines of : "This vehicle protected by a claymore mine-you guess where it is....." I would absolutely love to catch someone breaking into my VX. Out in the Nevada desert there is always room for another body.

08/18/2007, 06:26 PM
Sorry man, been there last year - passenger window on mine.

Make sure insurance looks at the window slid trim next to where your left shoulder sits, mine was all bent where they put the screwdriver to snap the glass.

Also, the aftermarket PPG window was a 1/4" too tall, it sticks out when I put it down all the way.

I'm still finding glass in the truck after a year...

Again, it sucks.

08/19/2007, 10:00 PM
Some people's kids! :noy: Sorry to hear the bad news! I hope the insurance takes care of ya!

08/20/2007, 10:37 AM
Ouch thats gotta hurt! Really sorry to hear about the smashed window, riding around with a taped-up window really blows. (I know this from experience). One more thing---THREE milberts! DAMN. Doubt they would have any idea what to do with one of those even if they got their hands on them! Might be a blessing in disguise, bose is coming out with a H/U that plays high-def audio! Normally i am not a huge fan of bose car audio, but your analog setup just screams for sacd!

Hope that piques your curiosity, I sure as hell cant afford one, maybe ill get to listen to your setup someday!

08/20/2007, 11:56 AM
"Alot of holes in the desert.....alot of problems buried in those holes..."

Yet another reason why I left Chicago. My buddy has had his car broken into about half a dozen times in the Chi....


Sounds like we need to make up a sticker that reads something along the lines of : "This vehicle protected by a claymore mine-you guess where it is....." I would absolutely love to catch someone breaking into my VX. Out in the Nevada desert there is always room for another body.

08/20/2007, 04:40 PM
I'm gonna hijack my own thread here for a sec...

I have auditioned most of the SACD player under 20k, and I have yet to hear one that sounds as organic as good redbook.

SACD is already a dead format anyway. It wasn't introbuced to be a more audiophile format. It was introduced as a form of copy protection. There are no readily available SACD burners, or even a way to play the music in a computer, or server based HT setup(Sonos, Slim Device, etc)

I refuse to keep original media in my truck, the disks take a real beating. For sure I'm not going to keep original SACD in there.

Vinyl still remains the best high definition format, other than master tapes, and also the best form of copy protection ever.

John C.

08/21/2007, 07:15 AM
Damn that sucks John - just saw this post.

08/21/2007, 11:00 AM
I 'souped' my first car and really cried when it was broken into and cleaned out; (turned out to be a couple of kids who "learned how" in shop class)! Now I use velcro strips for everything. I have a power bar that fits on the dash for everything, including phone and GPS. Now I don't even go to grocery store without pulling everything off and locking away.