View Full Version : preventive maint cv boots

Jeff Schumaker
08/24/2007, 10:47 AM
Hi all, I am Jeff and I am a new member and vehicross owner. I have purchased a 2001 VX with 34k. I have been reading lots of posts on this site and will have many questions and comments in the future. Right now I am curious about the threads I've been reading about cv joints and boots. can you tell me if it is a myth or truth that if you spray the boots with silicone lubricant regulary that it keeps them pliable and soft and will prolong their life longer...and if so, should all the rubber underneath be treated this way

08/24/2007, 11:57 AM

Welcome to the family.

Treating the rubber is easy to do and certainly won't hurt anything so why not.

On the other hand, I don't think it will do any good either. The very nature of rubber will keep any topical coatings or treatments from permeating into the rubber. If they were exposed to UV then there would be some merit.

It is far more important to start with a product that will last. Everyone here swears by MecaTech boots (me too - so far - but then I've only had them on for a few weeks). Time will tell.

The other important thing is to keep an eye on them. If they ever crack or split, replace them IMMEDIATELY.

That's my .02 & others may have different opinions.