View Full Version : WILL NOT START - Please advise

08/30/2007, 08:50 AM
Well its not the VX but my firebird. I have finally found someone to buy it but when I went to start it about a week ago it would not fire up. I replaced the fuel filter thinking maybe it was clogged. (which actually not only didnt fix it but cuased a bigger problem. I accidentaly cracked the line, but that is repaired.)

After that since it didnt hurt to replace it anyways. I checked with a pen like tool for a current through the spark plug wires. There was NOT any current flowing through them at the least the pen said there wasn't.

What happens is I turn the key and it just cranks and cranks with no fire. The plugs did not show any signs of misfiring prior to this. I am on a limited budget and would like to fix this myself. The problem is I do not know where to start.

So since there is a lot of knowledge on here and I have found no help on a firebird forum I ask for advice.

Where or what should I look for or replace.

Thanks in advance.
Ill post a pic of the inside of this engine for reference. Itx a V-6auto.

08/30/2007, 09:01 AM
1) disconnect the battery

2) check all fuses

3) replace distributer cap & rotor

4) check wires at coil

5) reconnect battery

It worked on my daughter's Mitsubishi (I think that it was the battery disconnect that actually did the trick - reset the computer).

08/30/2007, 09:01 AM
Hur she is.


08/30/2007, 09:04 AM
1) disconnect the battery

2) check all fuses

3) replace distributer cap & rotor

4) check wires at coil

5) reconnect battery

It worked on my daughter's Mitsubishi (I think that it was the battery disconnect that actually did the trick - reset the computer).

Im not finding a distributor cap on this? Just three coils? on top.
Which are about $40 a piece.

This just happened after my fiance drain the tank almost bone dry. The pump seems to be churning though.

Thanks for the help.

08/30/2007, 09:11 AM

I have no experience with Chebbies so can't say any more but I'd still try disconnecting the battery for about 30 minutes before trying anything else. Computer resets can work miracles.

BTW: interesting perspective on the photo. Looks like there's no engine in there, just empty nose cone.

08/30/2007, 09:59 AM
Oh its a great vehicle to work on. NOT.
The engine sits wayyy back. The plugs are near the passenger wheel on the bottom of the block.

I hope the disconnection does the trick that would be awesome.