View Full Version : Lifting the VX

06/03/2003, 09:47 AM
Hello, I am in the process of making my Ironman come to life. I have met a very helpful VX owner on the west coast and he has pointed me in the right direction for lifing the VX. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT A LOCAL 4 WHEEL PARTS PLACE TOLD ME TO SELL MY VX AND KEEP MY JEEP. The name is Tar Heel 4 Wheel Parts. DON"T SUPPORT THEM, CAUSE THEY DON"T SUPPORT US.

Anyway, I am going with the OME912 Coil SPrings (from Old MAN EMU) and I mentioned that I had 60K miles on my VX and he said to replace the front shocks with some OME shocks as well. He wasn't sure that the shocks would fit the VX, he said it might cause it has a Rodeo, anyway, has anyone replaced the shcoks in front, he said go with the N65 in front and N102 in rear. Is that recommended? WIth the miles I've accumilated, he said the new system is recommended just because my old shocks are worn out.

Green Dragon
06/03/2003, 10:07 AM
Try here for Rancho RS9000X shocks that fit VX


PN Front RS 99214
PN Rear RS 99215

06/03/2003, 10:29 AM
Hey NC_VX,
You might wanna drop BOARZHEAD a line about lifting a VX. I know he did it. It is 1 mean looking VX.

06/03/2003, 10:40 AM
BOARZHEAD did a 3" Calmini lift and then had a local shop fabricate a 3" body lift. I don't know what all they did but BOARZHEAD can fill you in. Its pretty big though, can't wait 'till he gets his tires on, right now he's still running the stock ones.

Hey Jay are those the actual tires that came with the VX? How many miles do you have on it now?

06/03/2003, 06:03 PM
Yeh I know.. Needs tires. They are original size but not the same ones. I have 60,000 on it now. Soon I promise. Yeh they used a trooper body lift and had to cut rear cadding for gas tank and pull out front cadding to. Took off all the rubber wheel liners to polish frame.. I like it you can see through rear wheel wells and all framed polished.. If you need help on lifting the vx let me know .. Got a real Knowledgable guy for you..

06/03/2003, 07:06 PM
Thats ok. Anyone who prefers a jeep over an Isuzu is either stupid or uninformed. Or a Bubba (im from NC also). I run the piss out of Jeeps every single day. And I love the look on their face when I pass them on an onramp or actually can go OVER 100!

06/04/2003, 08:12 AM
Spazz, I'm not sure I understand who this is directed towards? Are you talking to Boarz or NC_VX?

Boarzhead has pics... maybe not posted in the gallary, but I thought everyone had seen them either posted on this board or the other.

As for NC_VX, it's his first post. Give him some time.

By the way Spazz... I have to admit, I like most of what you have done to your VX in the time you have been on here. I was looking thorugh your pics lastnight and am impressed! I like the look of the lift, even if I'm not sure I want to lose what may be lost with it, I may want to gain a few inches under the ride someday.

Green Dragon
06/04/2003, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by BOARZHEAD
If you need help on lifting the vx let me know .. Got a real Knowledgable guy for you..

I need some help. would appreciate any input you can provide on
approx. 3 inch body lift.

Bob F

06/04/2003, 12:55 PM
Green Dragon,
I think I would opt for a suspention lift if given the option. The price can be about the same. Some one correct me if I'm wrong, the OME912 springs can be bought for around $65 each (2 needed) plus tortion bar lift in front (free except for the cost of alignment). Just my personal opinion but more bang for the $$$!
Once i have the time and money this will be the route I go.
Not lifted yet but plenty of pictures!!!!!;Dy;

06/04/2003, 02:10 PM
Sorry about pics.. My web page is www.boarzhead.freewebspace.com

06/04/2003, 02:21 PM
Hey BOARZHEAD we should get a pic of your VX next to mine to show the difference. Maybe we should wait for you to get those tires though. Then you can just drive up on my VX and we'll take the pic. ;)

06/04/2003, 04:33 PM
About the pics.. Tried to post them but all are to large they said. I tried to crop them but still to large. The body lift info is from www.independent4x.com This guy is a Isuzu guy only. He helped talk through Northern 4x4 to help do the body lift. Need to make some brackets for dropping the gas tank. Also shifter linkage. Plus good ole Isuzu decided to cover over the rear body mounts, so have to locate them and drill out through floor to get them. Hope this helps. But check out my picks first. The frame and gas tank really show alot.. I like it though.

06/04/2003, 10:39 PM
Just got my VX all set up! I went with the 912 Old Man Emu springs and they gave me 2.5" of lift in the back (i measured) and the front torsion bars were cranked to match. It got some looks but still needed some meat underneath. I was running 265/75/16's but they looked a little small. So i went out and got 33" tires! They are the 285/75/16 (32.8") Goodyear MT/R's!!! They are awesome! Dropped a couple of pretty pennies for them but it was worth it! They look damn good! I now have lots of clearance! Can't wait to take them off road! And ohh the looks i get now! People stop what they are doing and just stare, point, and just about brake their necks! I now have to hop up into my VX now to get in and i am 6'2"! Here are some around town pics in the gallery.


06/05/2003, 05:44 AM

Did you need to trim the cladding at all to fit the tires?

06/05/2003, 10:20 AM
Spazz, Green Dragon,
My bag...brain wasn't clicking on all cylinders. Of course GD knows of the lift! Thats where I got most of my info. Love that VX!!!

Green Dragon
06/05/2003, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Tonka
Just got my VX all set up! I went with the 912 Old Man Emu springs and they gave me 2.5" of lift in the back (i measured) and the front torsion bars were cranked to match. ! They are the 285/75/16 (32.8") Goodyear MT/R's!!! They look damn good! I now have lots of clearance!

As you know clearance is a relative term what's good for Moab may not be enough for the Rubicon like trails( read that as big boulders)Sounds good to me I am thinking of 295-75-16s. Can you tell us how much trimming was necessary & also most important what is the measurement from the ground to bottom of XFER CASE or its cross member??

06/05/2003, 03:05 PM
My front is trimmed just a little but from a previous size tire with aftermarket rims. So i would say a little trim is needed up front but nothing major, about 5 min worth if at all. No trimming in the back at all. Probably could fit 34" if they made them. (Using stock rims.)

Yes, GB, i know, but relative to before i had the lift i have a lot! I will measure tonight and post the numbers and more pics.

06/05/2003, 03:13 PM
I was hoping to get at least 39's under mine, but on the vx you need more suspension lift than 3". When trying to size up tires, the front bumper mount welded to frame is in way. I think I'm gonna run only 35's but at least 15" wide. Might have to cut out wheel wells and have new ones made, or just punch them in. If you cut your wheels in you'll notice how close those brackets are.

06/06/2003, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Green Dragon
Can you tell us how much trimming was necessary & also most important what is the measurement from the ground to bottom of XFER CASE or its cross member??

Some trim is probably needed up front, none in the back. I now have pictures in my gallery with the measurements. The VX now stands about 5'11" tall.

06/06/2003, 09:22 PM
39's?????;eekg; good luck! you'll be cutting plastic, then metal 3+" body lift + 3+"suspension lift. Plus relocate the front axle, and it still probably won't clear the tops of the fenders. I think it's doable, but mannnn you are talking about alot of work to do it right. GO FOR IT!

06/08/2003, 08:58 AM
I can't thank you all enough for the pic's, details, etc. I have always heard that the VX Owners are like family. Although I have been riding my VX for 3 years, I have not taken the time to become part of the family and meet many of you at future Isuzu outings.

Final comments: I am going with OME912's, RS9000x Rancho shocks with remote, the 285/75/16 GoodYear MT/R's. Any recommendation as to where I can purchase the OME's. I already purchased the Rancho's for 209 from the referred site. Is the remote worth it? Any comments welcomed.

LAST NOTE: I live in NC and would love to follow someone wheelin' sometime. I have taken a jeep and truck through pretty narly trails, and have taken the Isuzu on small little test runs (like bouldering, for any rockclimbers out there). I can learn fast! IN ADDITION TO THAT< I will soon be moving to Utah> I hope to interact with you VX lovers in Moab or something. My wife and I are looking forward to all the fun.

TONKA, where did you put your CD Changer?

06/08/2003, 09:37 PM
Got rid of my CD changer as it kept busting on me. Just went with an aftermarket Sony w/sub.

Went to WY this weekend on a camping trip and played on some bumpy trails. Got the MT/R's to rub some when one tire was way up into the fender while turning going over a hill. I'm going to do some hacking soon. :smack:

You can get the 912 springs here at www.independent4x.com, but there is another site you can get them cheaper by about $20?

Happy Trails! :D

06/08/2003, 09:43 PM
Thanks TONKA. I ordered the springs for $59 ea. from http://www.rocky-road.com/trooper.html. That seemed to be the best deal I could come across.

So, I don't know what "Trimming" the tirewell actually consists of? ANY POINTERS?

06/09/2003, 10:37 PM
Are the bump stops needed because your wheels will rub on the upper cladding in the rear? Please elaborate!


I will set up some pics what trimming is needed up front soon.

06/16/2003, 12:14 PM
Tonka, so if I go with the OME 912's in the rear, I can crank up the stock front torsion bars enough to level things out? Can I keep the stock remote res. shocks as well (is the travel enough on them) or does OME offer the remote res. LTR shocks for the VX? In short, to get 3" over stock, all I need is the 912's inback, crank up the front, and get a front alignment?


06/16/2003, 12:23 PM
Neither of those attached sites work, are the 912's still available? Well, got into the Rocky-Road one, they listed 913's for an Amigo but with only 1" lift (actually might be closer to what I want), will the Amigo springs work?

06/16/2003, 11:45 PM
I measured before and after and you only get about 2.5" of lift not 3". The Calmini lift will give the full 3". But that is all i did, new springs in back, crank torsion bars in front, got an alignment. And those torsion bars can be cranked quite a bit. I was able to fit 285/75/16's (33") with very little trimming with STOCK 16" wheels (I will be doing some more trimming for the rubbing during major articulation). I also did not change my shocks at all. I think it still rides fine. Others might change them out for a better ride. Keep them and see what you think and if you want to chage them, then do.

If you only want about 1" of lift www.independent4x.com sells 1" and 2" coil spacers and you can crank the tortion bars up front to match. However, new OLD MAN EMU springs only cost a little bit more.

Weird, i could not get the link to work either. It does work if you type it in manually.

06/17/2003, 12:03 AM
The links don't work because the punctuation marks (',' and '.') are included in the link. Edit the post and relocated the punctuation marks so that they are outside of the http://www.somewhere.com should fix it.

06/17/2003, 10:40 AM
So the 912's for a Trooper net you about 2.5" increase in the rear (not the 1.25" listed)??? Has anyone tired the 913's listed for a Amigo at 1" increase? I guess 1.5" would be ideal for me, since I still do some highway driving, but want the lifted look. I would sooner get the springs than the spacers (I've used OME on a Landcruiser with great results), just want a little less than 2.5".

06/17/2003, 11:15 AM
Even though we share many things with the Trooper, i am guessing that the stock VX springs are shorter than the stock Trooper springs and that is why there is more lift with after market springs. I am sure that the Amigo/Rodeo stock springs are also a different size and who knows how much lift you will get with the 913 springs. I don't know of anyone with a VX with the 913, but the site on this page:


seems to show that the 913 might give you less lift or none at all. If you check out the listings of coils to choose from on the bottom of the page it also gives the amount of lift of each coil. The 913's seem to give about an inch less than the 912's. Check it out! I too love my OME springs, much better than stock.

(Thanks Paul! Got it to work!)

06/18/2003, 12:28 PM
Thanks for the further research Tonka. Hmm, maybe the 913 would give just the amount of lift I'm looking for, base on the lift numbers on independant4x site, you might get around 1-1.5" on a VX with the 913's. I'll have to call and ask if they know, I just hate to be the guiny pig, but I might have to bite the bullet and try them.

06/18/2003, 05:38 PM
If you go for it, don't forget to measure before you lift!

06/24/2003, 01:24 PM

Dude, I just picked up the VX. I don't have my camera with me (wife took it out of town) and so I Can't show you, but man it looks good. So, I have the O.M.E 912's, RS9000 shocks, and BFGoodRich 285/75R/16 A/T. I went with the All Terrains because of the high-miles I put on it in the city and travelign to fun places....

The shocks are so sweet. I feel like I am hovering, not driving.... I did have to shave a tiny corner inside the wheel well of the front, but that was it. I will post pictures soon.

Thanks everyone. I still have a lot of work to do, I can only wihs I would have done this years ago!!! My VX IS ALIVE AGAIN!!!!;pr; ;Dr; ;pb;

06/24/2003, 02:47 PM
Right on!
Can't wait to see some pics! The BFG's are a good choice. I might go for them after the MT/R's need replacing.
