View Full Version : How do you prime a new Vehicross Engine?

09/07/2007, 01:10 PM
I'm a novice to engines and noticed while at the mechanics that the V doesn't have a distributor. The mechanic said it has a crank sensor. I forgot to ask him how he'll prime the engine before the first start without a distributor. I know probably a stupid question but how will the engine get primed? Also wondering wheres a good place to get the seal I need for the transmission when the engine goes in and is there anything else I need to get so that I don't have any more delays getting this thing running.

Thanks guys,

George :)

09/07/2007, 04:03 PM
Merlin............St. Charles Isuzu............... Use the search function, let us know how it goes......any help any how possible

09/07/2007, 07:01 PM
I searched prime engine and only thing I found was to pull the cam sensor but you have to be very careful putting it back. Seems like there should be an easier way. Even though I know nothing else is easy with this thing. lol



09/08/2007, 05:30 PM
Modern oil pumps don't need priming so much. As long as the bearings were assembled with some kind of lube and the pump has _some_ oil in it, it'll be fine.

09/08/2007, 05:34 PM
If you're really worried about it, have him roll it over with the coils disconnected until there's oil pressure.

09/08/2007, 07:18 PM
And DO NOT fill a new engine with synthetic oil, it will not seat the rings properly. Use the cheapest oil of correct grade, drain it and refil after first warmup to get any little bits of 'Murphy's Machinist' out of the engine.

John C.