View Full Version : blower switch

09/14/2007, 05:04 PM
since i got my truck back, after many months, my blower is running all the time.
pretty much on high, all the time. ive searched the forum, and got responses, mostly for the 99 model vx, not much on the 00, or 01 years, which mine is...2001.

i did tear in behind the glove box, to see what i could see, and i found the resistor, but didnt really know what to do with it.....i tried to apply the instructions for the 99, but they didnt apply real well.

the actual switch is working, i think, due to the fact that when i turn the swith to off, the ac compressor stop.

so does anyone have any instruction for the newer switch system, or anny suggestions??

thanks all,

09/14/2007, 06:52 PM
There's a separate Electrical Troubleshooting Manual for 2000 and up (the one floating around is for the 99) - 2000 models had the integrated climate control and I'm guessing the wiring and setup are different.


09/14/2007, 07:50 PM
yeah, your right, all the info i can find is for 99, nothing much for 2001......i know the resistor behind the glove box is different........

09/16/2007, 06:04 PM
hey hey johnny,
did you happen to notice that your vx came off the line right after mine......(i guess, check out the vin #) i thought that was pretty cool.
anyway, a little more info on the switch.......the thermostat is working also.
i noticed today, when set to auto, that it is blowing on high, then after reaching the set temp. the blower is slowing down like its supposed to, and its switching from floor, to dash, etc, like its supposed to also. BUT, when turned to off, blower still runs on high, when i turn the switch to low, its blowing on high, no variable speed at all.
i am totally lost.
i dont know how the climate control would work, if the switch was blown, and i dont think it would work if the resistor was bad.....i dont want to start throwing parts at it, but im thinking thats what im gonna have to do if i cant find any answers here.....
also, ive been looking for a vacuum line that may have come loose, or off. but its not like an old style car, when a vacuum line came off, the default would make the defroster run all the time, but like i said, all the buttons work correctly, push dash, air comes out of the dash, defrost button, defrost, etc........im stumped
so im all ears folks.......any ideas???

oh, and what is that little black circle up by the vin plate??? i dont think that has anything to do with the climate control does it??
thanks people, i appreciate anything you got for me..........

09/17/2007, 07:31 PM
i dunno what would be causing your problem... but im curious about the lilttle circle near the vin plate too... i saw it a few months ago and couldnt figure it out.. my buddys new WRX has one too but his is more towards the middle of the windshield.. my only thought is some kind of temp sensor for the climate control

09/17/2007, 07:56 PM
i was thinking USUALLY, those things are for seeing how dark it is, like a light sensor for turning on your headlights when it gets dark enough, but we dont have that feature on our beloved vx's. i can see a little "chip" in there. maybe its a tracking device from the home planet?????

OH, and i found the workshop pdf manual for the newer vx's, but it still shows the old style blower controls. it shows slide levers for all the hvac controls. did 2000 not have the climate control? i thought they did, but apparantly not.

the resistor in the 2001 only has 3 blades for the connector, opposed to 5 blades on the 99's, and 00's.

still stumped............:confused:

09/26/2007, 09:33 AM
well, i found a resistor from a doner vx, and that fixed the problem. there doesnt seem to be much to the resistor to go wrong, so i may try to take it to the guys at radio shack, or something, just to see if it can be poked, prodded, and or fixed...lol
the whole replacement procedure took less than 5 min.