View Full Version : about my Tranny please help.

10/21/2007, 01:57 PM
hey guys, sorry i have not been on in a while, the Coast Guard gots me very busy and merrage life even mmore ;), but as some of you know i drove cross country and messed up alot of sensors, well i took the VX friday for testing but they will work with it this coming monday, so here is the problem and i hope you VX pros and mechanics can help me a bit. well the main problem is the thermostate when out, cuz it wont read if the engine is hot or cold, so what problems can come with that? also my tranny has been acting up, it does a clunk sound when chaging gears but on at times and its really nasty, but if i stop the vx and park it or restart the engine on a leveled ground and then it goes away, the problem starts when in a decline or incline, then thats when the tranny acts up. Can that be due to the thermostat.well thaks guys and please help me with this, thank, i just hate to have to pay a **** load of money if a mechanic tries to rob me.

10/21/2007, 02:33 PM
well first off get that thermostat fixed asap... if its not registering your engine is not going to cool itself down when overheating.. which will very quickly destroy your engine.. as for your transmission make sure you have enough fluid in there and it kind of sounds like it could be your mode selector switch.. keep an eye on the dashboard, if you see the lights flickering or changing randomly its almost for sure your mode selector switch

VX crazy
10/21/2007, 04:17 PM
If your mode selector was bad your gear selector indicator on the dash will not be lit. Sounds like you need to check your tranny level, check with engine running or you will think it is full when it is not. Also do not jack up the front end when checking the level....

10/21/2007, 04:44 PM
Do a search of trans fluid level or check page twelve in my gallery (fliud 1) for a more detailed explaination of how to check the fluid level.

10/22/2007, 06:58 AM
I would immediately check your coolant level as well. If it doesnt read at all, sometimes that means there isnt any coolant to get a reading from!!! This being said, get the thermostat replaced. It could also be an electronic failure sending the signal to the gauge. I agree that you need to check your fluids. While youre at it, check the tranny and transfer case. Only takes 2 or 3 extra minutes. Also, try lubing your rear driveshaft as it is known to provide the "klunk" going in and out of drive and reverse. This way you can troubleshoot to lesser numbers of things.

10/22/2007, 03:55 PM
thank guys, well they cheacked it today, and the knock senser need to be replaced, and the other sensor that mesures the presser of the air for what amount of o2 can flow in the engine, it went bad as well. the abs rear left side sensor was bad too. he is going to wait to install the parts and when he gets them replaced, he will drive the VX and test it out see whats going wrong with the tranny.

10/22/2007, 03:58 PM
coastie, what are you doing to the vx to cause all of these sensors to go out? its starting to sound like you may have an electrical problem thats burning your sensors out

10/22/2007, 04:05 PM
they are still the same ones from the cross country trip. just i had My poor baby sitting in my garage, can't wait to get her fix and ready for some earth. but my tod sensors went out again, so i tthink i want to get rid of that stuped thing. i want to upgrade to a 5 speed manual tranny form a trooper, one of this days.

10/22/2007, 04:15 PM
Something is really not right here....have you gone to Isuzu yet? I have never heard of a vehicle losing TEN of like sixteen sensors on a 3000 mile slog. That's just crazy:_confused

10/22/2007, 04:19 PM
well they where like 9, but after taking the VX to an isuzu spealized mechanic, they found only 2 that are cousing the rest to turn on, but this 2 will fix the rest and the abs i had before, i never got it fixed. and the tranny, well thats another story and i wish i can find the answer sson, cuz thats where my pocket will go empty if its serouse.

10/22/2007, 05:01 PM
If your mode selector was bad your gear selector indicator on the dash will not be lit.

Not true, in my experience. You might see no indicator or random indicators for about 5 seconds, but after that the computer takes over and forces it into D. It sort of neglects to light a trouble indicator, though. :mad:

For me, the real symptom was the tooth-rattling shifts...

10/22/2007, 08:59 PM
whats the "tooth-rattling shifts"?

10/23/2007, 08:38 AM
The shifts are hard, even pretty violent jerks when the tranny is shifting up and /or down. People have had sporadic episodes where is does it some of the time. Do a search on mode switch. When mine was going out, my truck started bucking HARD shifting up and down, after starting it up in the morning. I limped it to the mechanic right then and there. I noticed that the gear indicator lights on the dash would flicker (sometimes showing the wrong gear) as I put her into Drive or park.

10/23/2007, 02:46 PM
yeah it does that. so that really could be the mode switch? how much does it cost and how easy of a fix is it?

The shifts are hard, even pretty violent jerks when the tranny is shifting up and /or down. People have had sporadic episodes where is does it some of the time. Do a search on mode switch. When mine was going out, my truck started bucking HARD shifting up and down, after starting it up in the morning. I limped it to the mechanic right then and there. I noticed that the gear indicator lights on the dash would flicker (sometimes showing the wrong gear) as I put her into Drive or park.

10/23/2007, 03:41 PM
Do a search on mode switch. :rolleyes:

10/23/2007, 03:46 PM