View Full Version : knocking

12/18/2007, 01:18 PM
woke up this morning got in the vx, only to notice when i started it a slight knocking that gets louder whe i give it some gas. wtf??? oil was a little lower than normal, got the oil changed with 10w40 today with a new filter. knocking isnt as loud but i can still hear it. im having a bad day.

is it too late to ask for a new 3.5 for christmas?:_crying:

12/18/2007, 01:58 PM
Is it actual mechanical knocking, or could it possibly be the "dieseling" knocking that happens when that nut at the bottom of the egr tube comes loose?

12/18/2007, 02:08 PM
Is it actual mechanical knocking, or could it possibly be the "dieseling" knocking that happens when that nut at the bottom of the egr tube comes loose?

im not sure. its almost non existant at idle and i can only hear it now if i pop the hood and rev the engine.

12/18/2007, 02:52 PM
i would be interested to see the diagnosis on this.. i've had a tapping under the hood for awhile.. assumed it was my valves, mechanic said he wouldnt mess with it unless it got worse

12/18/2007, 05:16 PM
will do man.

my mechanic also said sont worry about it unless it gets worse

12/18/2007, 10:21 PM
check that nut under the egr valve,mine didnt git put back in when i had my intake gaskets replace and made noise that sounded like my engine was tapping,i was so relieved when my noise was gone after i put it back in.:)

12/19/2007, 04:46 AM
will do. ill keep you posted

12/19/2007, 09:00 AM
Depending on current mileage, maybe your mechanic(s) are just thinking it may be close to valve adjustment time. It's difficult to differentiate between the two (valve noise and loose egr nut) without actually hearing it though.

12/19/2007, 09:11 AM
Depending on current mileage, maybe your mechanic(s) are just thinking it may be close to valve adjustment time. It's difficult to differentiate between the two (valve noise and loose egr nut) without actually hearing it though.

well he didnt say anything bout that. but i have about 52000 miles

12/19/2007, 09:15 AM
i was at 57k when i was told to not worry about it.. i think valves are supposed to be at 60k? i went to the dealer for that service and they didnt mention it though

12/19/2007, 03:47 PM
:_brickwalwell the knocking got wayyyy worse.

going to the dealer tomorrow. hope its covered under warrenty.

12/19/2007, 03:50 PM
That sucks. When my Xterra's engine started knocking, it wasn't very long before it went kaboom.

Keep us posted.


:_brickwalwell the knocking got wayyyy worse.

going to the dealer tomorrow. hope its covered under warrenty.

12/19/2007, 03:56 PM
That sucks. When my Xterra's engine started knocking, it wasn't very long before it went kaboom.

Keep us posted.

Bart yea i think im gonna get her towed..

oh yea i think i forgot to thank you for the knobs..

your the shiznit, bart

12/19/2007, 04:37 PM
Good luck man. Its posts like yours that make me cringe.


yea i think im gonna get her towed..

oh yea i think i forgot to thank you for the knobs..

your the shiznit, bart

12/19/2007, 04:46 PM
yea it made the hair on my neck stand up!:sad1:

12/20/2007, 06:41 AM
well he didnt say anything bout that. but i have about 52000 miles

Sorry to hear about this bigkoala...what a rotten thing to happen any time...especially right before Christmas.:sighwgray
Mine just turned 53k & after seeing this ALL my hair is standing on end.

12/20/2007, 08:46 AM
Sorry to hear about this bigkoala...what a rotten thing to happen any time...especially right before Christmas.:sighwgray
Mine just turned 53k & after seeing this ALL my hair is standing on end.

what really sucks is . this is my only means of transportation. i hope the warrenty company will pay for a rental.

01/01/2008, 04:30 PM
well towed the vx to the dealer today. got some pics of it on a flatbed(i dont think you guys want to see them:_crying:) ill keep you guys posted.

i think im gonna hang out with my buddy jack daniels tonight.:cryy:

01/02/2008, 08:06 AM
From the showroom floor, my VX always had "some" knock to it. On some vehicles, knock is a "feature", like on Subarus. Boxer engines come with a luxurious slight knock that you get used to. I always assumed this was pretty much the case with our 3.5.

Since putting my S/C in though, the knock has increased slightly as well as the added S/C ticking. The knocking got much quieter when I switched to synthetic, but by the next oil change, it was back. I did some heavy inspecting when I had the engine torn down when I did the S/C install, but nothing stood out. I guess its just one of those things....

Good luck and keep us posted.

01/02/2008, 09:29 AM
From the showroom floor, my VX always had "some" knock to it. On some vehicles, knock is a "feature", like on Subarus. Boxer engines come with a luxurious slight knock that you get used to. I always assumed this was pretty much the case with our 3.5.

Since putting my S/C in though, the knock has increased slightly as well as the added S/C ticking. The knocking got much quieter when I switched to synthetic, but by the next oil change, it was back. I did some heavy inspecting when I had the engine torn down when I did the S/C install, but nothing stood out. I guess its just one of those things....

Good luck and keep us posted.

yes in my research i found that a small knock is ok. however it sounds like something "inside" the block wants to get "outside". im going down the dealer in a few to talk to the mechanic. ill keep you all posted

01/04/2008, 07:34 AM
well the mechanic says it needs a new motor. however the warrenty company wants to tear down the motor to see what the issue was. so if they decide not to cover it ill be stuck for a bill for a new motor and the cost of tearing down the old one.

any thoughts???

the warrenty does not say anything about when a motor isnt covered.

01/04/2008, 10:23 AM
In all honesty, if you have the time, money, and care to keep the vehicle, its worth it. Otherwise, its really probably just a hassle. It all comes down to, how much does the VX mean to you. :confused:

01/04/2008, 11:45 AM
Sounds like the dealer just doesn't want to mess with it. I've never heard of an engine that was still running that couldn't be rebuilt cheaper than a replacement ('course I'm not a mechanic so I could be talkin out-my-arse).

01/04/2008, 12:33 PM
Sounds like the dealer just doesn't want to mess with it. I've never heard of an engine that was still running that couldn't be rebuilt cheaper than a replacement ('course I'm not a mechanic so I could be talkin out-my-arse).

my friend works at this particular dealership. if he says its not worth fixing then i believe him.

im just all bummed out because i went from driving the vx to driving a chevy 1500 van thats bright red and cant turn for shizzle.

01/04/2008, 12:45 PM
im just all bummed out because i went from driving the vx to driving a chevy 1500 van thats bright red and cant turn for shizzle.

Sheesh...that would do it.
Two jobs ago I had one of those bloated wallowing pigs as my work vehicle...not a fun way to get around.:sighwgray

01/04/2008, 01:06 PM
"if he says its not worth fixing then i believe him"

Not to be anal retentive but I'd love to know what he's basing that on.

I was told once that I had a blown engine (throwing oil everywhere - too much head pressure). It ended up that all it needed was a PCV & oil breather ($8 & 5 min labor). That was back in the good old days though when shade tree mechanics could actually fix their rigs. Engines are more complicated now so he may be justified - maybe I just think too much.:)

01/04/2008, 02:07 PM
i understand where youre comming from. its not a little issue. when i say "something inside sounds ike it wants to get outside", you can here big chunks of metal moving around inside.

but they are going to tear apart the motor to see exactly what went wrong,per the warrenty company. so ill keep you guys posted. and ill try to take some pictures

01/04/2008, 02:08 PM
oh, and thank you guys for all your help... seriously thanks!!!

01/09/2008, 09:12 AM
well got a call for the dealership today. they tore the 3.5 down and it spun a bearing. the warrenty company is going to come down and take a look at it. i hope they dont try to screw me .

01/15/2008, 06:20 AM
took some pics


check out the bearing in the middle of the first pic.

the warrenty company wants to tear it down even further. i think they are just dragging out the inevitable

01/15/2008, 06:23 AM
The way it sheared, it looks like a defective bearing (but I'm no expert).

-- John

01/17/2008, 08:24 AM
had to get the lawers in this. he is calling the insurrance commisioner today.

why cant people just be honest insted of triing to screw the little guy all the time...

i just want my truck back.

01/17/2008, 11:08 AM
the warrenty company wanted to have the top part of the engine torn apart. for some reason they wouldnt tell me that, soooo i quess any progress is good progress.

01/17/2008, 12:14 PM
now that i have the motor out of the vx, what should be replaced on the 3.5 now? (besides the parts that are broken.):_confused

01/17/2008, 12:43 PM
front suspension system and axle, transmission, engine, transfer case, driveshafts, tires... :p

01/17/2008, 06:04 PM
now that i have the motor out of the vx, what should be replaced on the 3.5 now? (besides the parts that are broken.):_confused

Always, always, always replace the torque converter seal when you have an engine out. Sometimes just the mucking about can ruin them and it's just so easy while the engine is out.

If you're getting the crank reground, etc. I'd recommend a new oil pump since you either have to pull the engine or the front axle to replace it.

If you get the crank ground at all make EXTRA sure they nitride it & stuff or you'll be sorry. I'd try really hard to find a "new old stock" crank - I think I've seen them listed on a few auto parts sites.

The 3.5 requires new head bolts, since they're torque-to-yield. I've seen kits on Ebay for much cheaper than the dealer charges, so be sure to get those sooner than later. It also calls for new torque converter bolts, but you can get those from the Help! section at Autozone, etc..

A lot of people like to replace valve seals & stuff when they have the heads out of a car. Personally I don't mess with them unless it has been blowing smoke. If you do go after them, just pay a shop to recondition the heads - they'll come back in near-brand-new condition and be sure to seal properly the first time.

I bought one of those gasket sets from Ebay when I first tore into my engine right after I bought it. The intake gaskets that come with that kit are crap, but the head gaskets seem to have held up OK. If I had to do it over, I'd order an OEM kit or something like Felpro.

Good luck!

01/17/2008, 07:51 PM
thanks. printed....(not yours zeus!!!!)

anything else?

01/18/2008, 03:06 AM
Think about a Tranny dip-stick - easier to add while it's out of the VX.

-- John

01/18/2008, 07:45 AM
Oil pump, egr tube, and water pump are things I have heard mentioned before as well. Check Dino's posts for working on the fuel pressure regulator too - should be easier with the motor out.

01/23/2008, 01:19 PM
got a call from the mechanic today. the inspector for the warrenty company is out there looking at it.. i really hope they dont try to screw me!

01/24/2008, 06:26 AM
theyre trying to screw me. they said because there was mud in the engine compartment they wont cover it. gotta get the lawers in on this again.

01/24/2008, 07:15 AM
What a lame excuse! "It appears you have been driving this moon buggy on earth... we found mud... yes MUD!" So what!? Are you not allowed to drive down muddy roads? What if you have acreage in Florida are you not going to have mud there? Sorry man, I am prob'ly just fueling the fire. GOOD LUCK!

01/24/2008, 09:05 AM
What a lame excuse! "It appears you have been driving this moon buggy on earth... we found mud... yes MUD!" So what!? Are you not allowed to drive down muddy roads? What if you have acreage in Florida are you not going to have mud there? Sorry man, I am prob'ly just fueling the fire. GOOD LUCK!

thats actually what i told the guy that called me from the warrenty company. minus the part about the moon buggy. the companies name is intercontinental warrenty services inc. i hope none of you actually have this company because they are horrible to deal with!!! and if you have this company get a refund before something bad happens!!

01/24/2008, 11:20 AM
The problem with warrenty compainies seems systemic.

I once was told that a high pressure line (hard tubing) would not be covered because it was a hose.

Another time they wouldn't repair play in the steering because it was a drive train issue (different warrenty).

Oh well, hope you get better resolution than I did.

01/24/2008, 03:39 PM
The problem with warrenty compainies seems systemic.

I once was told that a high pressure line (hard tubing) would not be covered because it was a hose.

Another time they wouldn't repair play in the steering because it was a drive train issue (different warrenty).

Oh well, hope you get better resolution than I did.

they are all crooks. there is no extended warrenty that is worth a @#$%.

01/24/2008, 03:51 PM
Yeah, I cancelled (full refund) the warenty after the steering incident.

The other thing I learned was never - ever get clear coat. It keeps you from protecting against UV destruction of your paint (also can't rub out scratches). IMHO - others may have had better luck with it.

02/07/2008, 12:48 PM
does anyone know where i can get a decent motor for the vx. also there is a number asociated with the 3.5 what is that?

02/07/2008, 12:51 PM
not sure what you mean by number... 6VE1 is the only one that comes to mind.. the engine block number or code or whatever.. don't forget they are the same in troopers and pre-2004 axioms

02/07/2008, 12:52 PM
yea thats what i meant thanks

02/07/2008, 12:54 PM
does that 2004axiom mota bolt up?

02/07/2008, 01:04 PM
yea but it wont interface with our computer since its Direct Injection... you would need to swap the whole drivetrain (i think its got TOD too... so not a terrible option)

02/07/2008, 01:15 PM
yea dont think the courts will make the warrenty company pay for that. nice thought though!!

02/08/2008, 06:55 AM
ttt looking for a mota

02/08/2008, 08:16 PM
Well,my toy has the same diesel knocking noise tough.

I don't know if that will be a problem in the near future,but i'll be taking steps towards that issue.

Next weekend i'll have my mech check the whole truck to find any hidding or potencial problems.

My odor reading is 40.800 as i write this replay & since i purchase the VX i have add 2,789 miles. Most of them to back & forth to the dealer

Thankfully my job site is only six miles away so adding excesive miles isn't an issue for me.

I'll have the engine flushed out I add syntetic mobil 1 oil as how many of you guys are recommended.

Take care guys !

02/08/2008, 08:45 PM
gussie.. try a search for EGR nut... they have been known to come loose to cause that diesel sound

02/11/2008, 09:09 AM
found this site.. dont know if anyones tried it or not... www.gotengines.com

02/11/2008, 11:15 AM
i think i found a motor for it im gonna talk to the shop today. the guy said all of their motas have a 5 year 100000 mi warrenty, but, we all know how that goes. for 4500 installed.

Rene M
02/11/2008, 06:12 PM
www.car-part.com for used motors.

02/12/2008, 01:13 PM
well they picked up my truck today and it should be done in a week or so.. brand new rebuild with 100,000mile warrenty:dance:

02/12/2008, 09:01 PM
gussie.. try a search for EGR nut... they have been known to come loose to cause that diesel sound

Thanks buddy i'll have that research done with the mech this saturday morning

02/12/2008, 09:02 PM
Oh that's good tough !
Take care of your toy well

02/21/2008, 05:55 PM
they said i would get my truck back mon or tues. i cant wait to park this big ugly van!!!

02/21/2008, 10:58 PM
I just purchased a motor from Engines Direct a few months back for around the same price. It died on me with 4k on the clock. Had rod knock. They provided a new motor and hopefully I will get $600.00 back for labor. They only pay $50 an hour up to $600. I wish I had read the fine print. Anyway I got the call two days ago that I can pick mine up anytime. It will be the weekend before I can get a ride to get it but I'm excited regardless. I hope we both have better luck this time around.

Good Luck,


02/22/2008, 04:46 AM
yea i told the guys at the shop what has been goin down. they will cover everything if something breaks.

Im happy your gettin back your truck..hope you dont have any more trouble with it.

02/22/2008, 02:11 PM
:jump::_group2::group::_beer::clap:guess what.......

i got a call from said warrenty company today........

not only are they gonna cover the new mota but they are also gonna give me a full refund.

but i wont have any coverage ............

thats ok because the mota company is putting a 100,000 mi warrenty on it!!!!!!!

02/22/2008, 02:14 PM
Congrats...glad to hear you'll be back on the road soon!:thumbup:

02/22/2008, 02:21 PM
BK! That's great to hear! Gotta keep our VXes alive!


02/28/2008, 06:13 PM
got word from the mechanic today. they ran into some problems finding parts, but its all cleared up now. the mota is in and running! just need to weld the exhaust up tomorrow and it sould be done!!!

I can t wait to get my baby back in the driveway!!

03/03/2008, 04:07 PM
my baby is back in the drive way!!!!!

03/03/2008, 06:08 PM
WOOT!!! What's the first trip gonna be?

03/03/2008, 06:26 PM
to the boat ramp!!

03/03/2008, 07:21 PM
You sound like a man with his priorities in order!

03/04/2008, 04:21 AM
but first to the liquor store.. gotta have beer!!!

03/04/2008, 03:18 PM
There you go my Florida brother!

09/23/2008, 02:12 PM
Well...summer's over along the fun it comes with,also my 1st summer with my new toy.However i bought my VX with a tapping caused by the lifters/valves train,even though the VX has this issue he behaved as a champion & never give up on me so as promised i'll show him my gratitud by taking him to the mech's shop to take care of this weekend.I spoke with merlin (St charles isuzu) for parts needed to have the job done & fortunatly he got it all in stock,labor estimation along with parts description were faxed to my warranty company (Guardian Warranty) so my VX will be at the ER from this weekend awaiting autorization.According to the doctor the patient shall be ready to roll the streets in no more then 2 weeks when all parts & replacements has being delivered.The mech will also check pistons,cylinders,O rings and rest of related parts because he knows about the oil burn on must 3.5L isuzu engines(former isuzu engine specialist) Now he owns the shop,also a former VXer.

05/14/2009, 03:10 PM
Hey guys, long time no Chat. My VX just got Knocked Up this past weekend. I don't know what to do, I'm closing down my Business due to high overhead not enough customers, no longer under warranty, and Mechanical Breakdown coverage expired. What should I do?

05/14/2009, 03:20 PM
Mercer! :grino:

Okay, does that mean the engine has been pronounced dead or is it emitting that death rattle or what?

05/15/2009, 01:46 PM
Mercer! :grino:

Okay, does that mean the engine has been pronounced dead or is it emitting that death rattle or what?

Yeah Nita, I got the Death Rattle, its the Grown Man Knock, as if the Police knockin on my door