View Full Version : Moab ZuZoo XI 2008

12/23/2007, 11:12 PM
Someone had to start this tread!:bwgy:

Tue. May 13, 2008...VX run
Wen. May 14-Sat. May 17, 2008...ZuZoo

Looks like another un-official event again this year. Lots of VX, Rodeo, Trooper and Amigo owners will be in town having a good time and running some local trails.
So who will be there?

VX run will need trail recommendation and leaders. Lets get some ideas going.

12/23/2007, 11:14 PM
Time is getting near...it will be here faster than you think! So, who else is going?

I will be doing some hiking on the way up and getting to Moab a day early to rent a Mt. bike!

12/24/2007, 11:34 AM
Man, how I wish the dates were different. May 13th is our anniversary. Its gonna be hard convincing the Mrs. to spend yet another aniversary in Moab...

:( Bart

12/24/2007, 12:37 PM
this will be my first. I've got all my mods done, that week off work, and I've got the money set aside. I'm not missing this! now if i can just get time to move faster.....

12/24/2007, 09:43 PM
Man, how I wish the dates were different. May 13th is our anniversary. Its gonna be hard convincing the Mrs. to spend yet another aniversary in Moab...

:( Bart

Just take her out to a REALLY nice dinner....

....in MOAB!!!!:bgwg:

12/24/2007, 09:47 PM
Man, how I wish the dates were different. May 13th is our anniversary. Its gonna be hard convincing the Mrs. to spend yet another aniversary in Moab...

:( Bart

Are you serious??? An anniversary isn't about WHERE you are, it's about WHO you're with.:smilewink

More free advice worth exactly whatcha paid...maybe less, courtesy your uncle Ldub.

12/24/2007, 10:05 PM
Are you serious??? An anniversary isn't about WHERE you are, it's about WHO you're with. :smilewink

Hell yeah! Bart... you can have your "alone time", but don't miss out on Moab. I missed 3 years because of work/financial conflicts... :_brickwal Last May reminded me of what I was missing more than seeing pics of the events. All of you out there thinking "maybe"... get out to MOAB!!! You won't regret it!

12/24/2007, 10:23 PM
Are you serious??? An anniversary isn't about WHERE you are, it's about WHO you're with.:smilewink

More free advice worth exactly whatcha paid...maybe less, courtesy your uncle Ldub.

Also, I've heard tell that there's a romantic little bed & breakfast not too far out of Moab. A little research, & you my friend, have all the bases covered!:naughty:

12/24/2007, 10:33 PM
There is a nice restraunt on top of the hill with great views on the north end of town! B&B and a dinner...your set!

12/24/2007, 10:34 PM
Man, how I wish the dates were different. May 13th is our anniversary. Its gonna be hard convincing the Mrs. to spend yet another aniversary in Moab...

:( BartIt's easy as pie, man... get her a VX of her very own and a Moab anniversary trip may become tradition! You two can alternate which VX you take, or take them both! Tell Linda I said hi and we are all looking forward to seeing you BOTH again in Moab!

Scott Harness
12/25/2007, 11:49 AM
There are really nice places$$$ along the river,I think its HWY 279.Just north of town.

12/26/2007, 10:07 AM
I know, I know, I did that last year. It actually was really nice.

We'll just hafta wait and see....


12/26/2007, 01:00 PM
I know, I know, I did that last year. It actually was really nice.

We'll just hafta wait and see....


DOOOOO IIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more excuses! YOU ARE GOING! If we all have to drive to Reno and drag you back! YOU'RE GOING!!! :p Just think of all the fun we will be having while you're sitting at a candlelit dinner and all that is on your mind is all of US taking on some serious MOAB trails... Save yourself the Jealousy! And GO!

12/27/2007, 10:49 AM
I am going, 90% certainty, unless I will have exported my VX to Russia by then..
NocturnalVX and other Chicago VXers, lets talk a bit later about going together?


12/27/2007, 12:12 PM
NocturnalVX and other Chicago VXers, lets talk a bit later about going together?

A multi-VX convoy is the way to cruise to Moab! We will get a plan together & make it happen. :thumbup:

12/27/2007, 03:17 PM
Since we are talking about Moab............what about moving the Headquarters for ZuZu back the the Portal Campground? Last year someone moved the ZuZu HQs to a campground 10 miles north of Moab. It was o.k. but nothing like the Portal Campground.

What are everyones thoughts?


12/27/2007, 09:29 PM
Since we are talking about Moab............what about moving the Headquarters for ZuZu back the the Portal Campground? Last year someone moved the ZuZu HQs to a campground 10 miles north of Moab. It was o.k. but nothing like the Portal Campground.

What are everyones thoughts?


Probably want to bring that up over on the 4x4Wire since the organizers are over there. I like Portal and may stay there regardless (just swing by the other place to see where I will be heading the next day). Will probably want to check first to make sure Portal didn't go through with their plans to doze it and turn it into a Class A motorhome park (that is why they changed locations in the first place). Did you stay at the other campground last year Tom? How was it? The advantage of staying at HQ is the convinience.

12/28/2007, 06:45 AM
Yeah, I stayed there last year. Appearence wise eveything was the same. I think the plan they were going to do has been scaled back.

12/28/2007, 12:17 PM
Tom, I started a thread (http://www.4x4wire.com/forums/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1064797&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=2&fpart=1&vc=1&PHPSESSID=) on the 4xWire to discuss the camping/HQ option. Chime in there and maybe we can convince them! Sounds like others agree that Portal was a better location/option.

The list of VXers is growing and it looks like we may have our biggest showing yet!:cool:

12/28/2007, 02:34 PM
I would put a post on 4x4 if I could figure out how. Anyway, I saw where Gizzy42 said there weren't many camping spots at the Portal. I checked the map and there was plenty of group camping. I'm not sure exactly what he was talking about.

I'll keep checking the 4x4 thread to see what everyone thinks.


don moore
12/29/2007, 08:51 PM
OK Im new to this MOAB thing ...Im looking on GOOGLE MAPS ..were do we do the fun stuff at..I got moab on the map but were is the trail...;)

12/30/2007, 07:56 AM
If you go to google earth & search Moab UT you will see little blue icons all around town that indicate different spots on the trails.(click on them for pics) Zoom in a bit & you can see the black rubber marks on the trails left by countless vehicles.
Also look around Arches & Canyonlands NP & take a virtual side trip to Monument Valley (South of Moab) & click on the pic icons there...Beautiful!
Maybe someone else will chime in with other locations...:thumbup:

12/31/2007, 10:59 AM
For anyone who wants to join me for some Mt. Biking on the Monday before the VX run I checked into rentals. Poison Spider Bikes (http://www.poisonspiderbicycles.com/rentals.html)rents very nice bikes for $40 a day. They recommend that you reserve at least 3 weeks ahead of time. Anyone interested?

Also, lets get the ball rolling for the VX run. What trail does everyone thing we should do. Remember we want to keep it in the 3.5 rating or lower so as to not scare off any new guys!:cool: Should be a scenic trail also to keep evryone interested (not that there are many trails there that lack scenery).
So what is everyones suggestions? Remember the trail will have to be known by someone so they can lead. I will start to do some homework and see what I can dig up. I got a new GPS for Xmas, so that should help also!

12/31/2007, 11:06 AM
OK Im new to this MOAB thing ...Im looking on GOOGLE MAPS ..were do we do the fun stuff at..I got moab on the map but were is the trail...;)

There are numerous trails. Most start outside of town either to the south or north on highway 191. A few start east or west at the edge of town. For a good idea of a lot of the more popular trails take a look at the red rock 4 wheelers club (http://www.rr4w.com/)web site. They have trail difficulty ratings (will help you determine what trails you are capable of) and descriptions. You will find photos there as well!
Hope this helps. You definately should come...you won't regret it. Just ask anyone who was a first timer last year.

12/31/2007, 11:40 AM
Todd Adams....paging Todd Adams!
Are you going to be joining us this year? Sure hope so. Your knowledge and expertise of the trails would surely be missed.

12/31/2007, 04:13 PM

I'm sure that you would crush me, but I am interested in doing some mountain biking before the VX run. I'll bring my own bike, so no need for a rental.

Don't really have an opinion on a trail for the VX only run right now. I'll do a little more research and throw my two cents in.

12/31/2007, 05:11 PM
Billy, I contacted Todd a couple of days ago about the same thing. He's going to know a little bit more about his work schedule after the new year.
Hopefully, things will work out for him this year.

What about Scott (Moncha)? I noticed he hasn't said yeah or ney on ZuZu either?

12/31/2007, 06:39 PM
One more thing Billy.......tell me your itinerary for going to Moab.............are you still thinking about doing a day at Canyon de Chelly to check out the ruins there.

If you want to do a cool hike on Sunday, I know of a cool one. I'm saying Sunday because I know you have mountan biking plans on Monday. It's in the Cedar Mesa Area not far from where we did Hotel Rock for the VX Run VIII. It's called the Citadel Ruins. Here's a site to check it out. http://jemez.org/Citadel.htm

BTW - This is an open invite to anyone VXers who will be out in the four corners region during that time.


don moore
01/01/2008, 11:59 AM

01/01/2008, 09:40 PM
I still plan on hiking in Canyon de Chelly. It is one of those places I've wanted to go for quite some time. That will probably be on Sun morning. Then I can drive up to Moab Sun night set up camp and get up early the next day for the Mt. Biking.

MSH...don't worry about keeping up. I will be riding at an enjoyable pace. I have very little Mt Bike experience. So what I have in fitness will be outweighed by my lack of technical skills! I am thinking maybe slickrock trail unless I get a recomendation of something better. It is somewhat legandary in the Mt Bike world.

Todd Adams
01/03/2008, 07:01 AM
Todd Adams....paging Todd Adams!
Are you going to be joining us this year? Sure hope so. Your knowledge and expertise of the trails would surely be missed.
OK looks like my calendar is clear for that week so Linda and I are in. I would like to keep it closer to Moab than some of the trails I have lead in the past like Hotel Rock, Elephant Hill and Devils' Racetrack but those are still a possibility if everyone agrees. Just to set the record straight the BLM is more than likely instituting a 25 vehicle limit on non permitted groups. I am not sure at this time when this ruling will take effect but may be this year.
As for the trail choice, since it looks like there will be many stock height non locked VX,s this year I will take Billy’s suggestion on no more than a 3.5 rated trail. I would like to do something off the beaten track that will be new to all but still Moab typical. I will have to think about it and as usual I am open to suggestions.

Todd Adams
01/03/2008, 07:15 AM
Oh and we should be up to lead trails all week.

01/03/2008, 07:45 AM
Great to have you lead again Todd! I am looking forward to it.

I don't know if this is possible, but I would love to go see some ruins. It doesn't have to be during the VX Run, but one of the days you are there would be cool.

Scott Harness
01/03/2008, 07:58 AM
Allright!! Todd, Excellent!:clap::thumbup:

Todd Adams
01/03/2008, 08:31 AM
For those that want a look at some of the trails, here is a link to RME trail section with Google Earth links. You might have to register with RME and download Google Earth if you haven’t already done so. It is cool as long as you have high speed. So far there are 14 Moab trails with more all the time. http://www.rockymountainextreme.com/forumdisplay.php?f=78

01/03/2008, 10:34 AM
Glad to see you will be there Todd! I wasn't there last year but I am sure everyone missed hearing the history of the trails along the way. I know I for one enjoy knowing a bit of trail history to go along with the fun and challenges.
I know I am open to whatever trail everyone would like to do. I am sure you will be able to pull something special out of your bag of tricks!
Where is everyone planning to stay this year? I think I will be reserving a tent spot at Portal.

01/03/2008, 01:09 PM
I think right now I'll be camping in the group area at the Portal. Hopefully, who ever makes the decision for the HQ will make it at the Portal. Hint/Hint

01/03/2008, 09:45 PM
Moncha...that count down on the front page is really cool! As usual, GREAT JOB!!!!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

01/07/2008, 12:18 PM
VCamilo......I don't see your name here.

You are going aren't you?


01/09/2008, 08:40 AM
Tom, Victor said he is going to try to be there for part of ZuZoo (probably Tues-Thur)!:cool:

Biju, What is this MAYBE stuff?:_confused

01/09/2008, 09:05 AM
This thread is getting really annoying....

Hiking to ruins, mountain biking, wheeling in red rock country, possible Reno to Moab convoy with camping at Great Basin there and back, drinking lots of beer with the fam, uneven arm tans, the list goes on....

Damnit, I gotta figure this out.


01/09/2008, 10:16 AM
This thread is getting really annoying....

Hiking to ruins, mountain biking, wheeling in red rock country, possible Reno to Moab convoy with camping at Great Basin there and back, drinking lots of beer with the fam, uneven arm tans, the list goes on....

Damnit, I gotta figure this out.

Bart What's to figure out? See ya there!

01/09/2008, 02:16 PM
This thread is getting really annoying....

Hiking to ruins, mountain biking, wheeling in red rock country, possible Reno to Moab convoy with camping at Great Basin there and back, drinking lots of beer with the fam, uneven arm tans, the list goes on....

Damnit, I gotta figure this out.


I hope Linda is down for it. I think a convoy would be PHAT

01/09/2008, 02:27 PM
I hope Linda is down for it. I think a convoy would be PHAT

Yes, it would be most phat. And this year I would take the full week, leaving Saturday and returning Sunday.


01/20/2008, 05:51 PM
Spent most of this afternoon liberally applying buckets of elbow grease to Dubs dubs...meaning I polished & waxed my "big boy wheels/tires" in my living room.(It was only ten below the doughnut for todays high, yeah, I'm a big wuss.:rolleyesg)
As I told Zeus earlier today, if I can blind em' with bling, maybe my rock rash(s) won't be so noticable.:smilewink

3 down, 1 to go |


01/21/2008, 06:24 AM
Huge difference! Blingtastic! :cool:

01/24/2008, 10:14 PM
The clock goes tick tock....only 109 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::dance::dance:

01/25/2008, 07:15 AM
anyone from around wisconsin wanna get together and drive all the way there?

02/02/2008, 10:53 AM
100 days....yep, thats right just a bit over 3 months!

Any ideas yet for the VX run?

02/02/2008, 11:23 AM
So what is the schedule usually like?

02/02/2008, 03:28 PM
Schedule? Most of the runs start around 8ish...some earlier, some later depending on the length of the trail and what time the trail leader wants to wake up! The runs meet at different places depending on the trail location. Once back in town there will probably be a designated place for everyone to get together and discuss the next days adventure and make plans. The VX run will have all the info posted here so everyone will know in advance where and when to meet! Thats how we roll!:cool:

02/02/2008, 04:24 PM
So, here are some options for the VX run with a link to info on each. These trails are all 3.5 rated or less. Lets get some opinions going. I know Todd has his wheels in motion also (and always comes up with a good one). Even if none of these trails are used we can at least have some feedback and that might help Todd with knowing what everyone like....ie scenery, challenge, etc.
No one will have to worry...we take good care of everyone! In a the 2 ZuZoo VX runs I have participated in no VX has been placed in harms way. We have some good spotters than will get you through!

Okay, Red Rock 4 Wheelers have started using a 1-10 rating system (vs. the old 1-5+). So a trail rating of 5-6 is equal to a 3-3.5.
Trail Name (rating)
3D (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16311) (3)
Goldbar Rim (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16341) (5)
Poison Spider Mesa (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16352) (5)
Porcupine Rim (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16353) (5)
Tip Toe Behind The Rocks (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16332) (5)
Hellroaring Rim (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16343) (3)
Chicken Corners (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16333) (2)
Rose Garden Hill (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16355) (5)
Cliff Hanger (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16334) (6)
Tip Toe Through Hell (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16345) (4)
Secret Spire (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16356) (2)
Copper Ridge (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16335) (3)
Hey Joe Canyon (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16346) (3)
Seven Mile Rim (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16357) (4)
Crystal Geyser (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16336) (3)
Steel Bender (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16358) (6)
Dome Plateau (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16337) (4)
Hotel Rock (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16348) (5)
Strike Ravine (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16359) (5)
Elephant Hill (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16338) (4)
Kane Creek (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16349) (6)
Top Of The World (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16360) (4)
Fins and Things (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16339) (4)
Metal Masher (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16350) (6)
Wipe-out Hill (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16361) (5)
Flat Iron Mesa (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16340) (5)
Helldorado (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9CodSRiRyc&feature=related) (yeah, right:rolleyes:)

02/03/2008, 01:00 PM
So, here are some options for the VX run with a link to info on each. These trails are all 3.5 rated or less. Lets get some opinions going. I know Todd has his wheels in motion also (and always comes up with a good one). Even if none of these trails are used we can at least have some feedback and that might help Todd with knowing what everyone like....ie scenery, challenge, etc.
No one will have to worry...we take good care of everyone! In a the 2 ZuZoo VX runs I have participated in no VX has been placed in harms way. We have some good spotters than will get you through!

Okay, Red Rock 4 Wheelers have started using a 1-10 rating system (vs. the old 1-5+). So a trail rating of 5-6 is equal to a 3-3.5.
Trail Name (rating)
3D (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16311) (3)
Goldbar Rim (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16341) (5)
Poison Spider Mesa (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16352) (5)
Porcupine Rim (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16353) (5)
Tip Toe Behind The Rocks (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16332) (5)
Hellroaring Rim (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16343) (3)
Chicken Corners (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16333) (2)
Rose Garden Hill (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16355) (5)
Cliff Hanger (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16334) (6)
Tip Toe Through Hell (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16345) (4)
Secret Spire (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16356) (2)
Copper Ridge (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16335) (3)
Hey Joe Canyon (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16346) (3)
Seven Mile Rim (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16357) (4)
Crystal Geyser (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16336) (3)
Steel Bender (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16358) (6)
Dome Plateau (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16337) (4)
Hotel Rock (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16348) (5)
Strike Ravine (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16359) (5)
Elephant Hill (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16338) (4)
Kane Creek (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16349) (6)
Top Of The World (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16360) (4)
Fins and Things (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16339) (4)
Metal Masher (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16350) (6)
Wipe-out Hill (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16361) (5)
Flat Iron Mesa (http://www.centralpt.com/pageview.aspx?id=16340) (5)
Helldorado (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9CodSRiRyc&feature=related) (yeah, right:rolleyes:)

Well, for me, I would love the VX run to be on something like EH, but not EH since we did that one last year. So, something with the same difficulty level would be perfect. But, if we do EH this year, let's try to get our VXes on the way earlier so we can make it to the confluence.... :)


02/03/2008, 05:40 PM
Well, for me, I would love the VX run to be on something like EH, but not EH since we did that one last year. So, something with the same difficulty level would be perfect. But, if we do EH this year, let's try to get our VXes on the way earlier so we can make it to the confluence.... :)


Gold Bar Rim was enjoyable two yrs. ago, whatever trail is chosen, it should within the abilities of a stock VX with a first time off-roader at the wheel.
Who wants to step up & volunteer to lead us into the promised land?:naughty:

02/03/2008, 06:07 PM
I believe Todd has gotten the nod! He knows the area and history very well (and will only get us lost a few timeshttp://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/images/smilies/laughing2.gif)
I will be more than happy to bring up the rear or mid point.

For those first timers, If you don't have one already, pick up a CB. It will make all the trails much more enjoyable. You will be able to hear the trail discription, history, communicate with everyone and we usually do introductions while in route. Doesn't need to be anything outragous. My first year I used a $10 ebay special handheld...I have upgraded now!

02/03/2008, 06:10 PM
I believe Todd has gotten the nod! He knows the area and history very well (and will only get us lost a few timeshttp://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/images/smilies/laughing2.gif)

Tom...Todd...Triathlete...as long as their name starts with "T", it's good wif me.:smilewink

02/03/2008, 06:14 PM
Ummmm, I don't know the trails up there that well. That and the fact that I tend to get lost on trails I do know...4 hour trails become 12. However I do have a GPS now! If only I can figure out how to use it before May!

02/03/2008, 06:16 PM
whatever trail is chosen, it should within the abilities of a stock VX with a first time off-roader at the wheel.

That was me last year!!!! I think I will probably stick to those trails too!!! :rolleyes: Maybe try some of the obstacles this time around...and move a little faster...

02/03/2008, 06:26 PM
Maybe try some of the obstacles this time around...

Yeah, right! Riding shotgun again I'm sure! j/k Gotta see you in the hot tub...

(LDUB, insert risque comment here) :goof:

Moab is the greatest! See you all there!!!

02/03/2008, 06:37 PM
Maybe try some of the obstacles this time around...and move a little faster...

Maybe try out the last trail listed above! Its got a few little obstacles:thumbup:

...after all, its only metal and plastic!http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/images/smilies/laughing2.gif

02/03/2008, 06:39 PM
Yeah, right! Riding shotgun again I'm sure! j/k Gotta see you in the hot tub...

(LDUB, insert risque comment here) :goof:

Moab is the greatest! See you all there!!!

Dude...I'm the BBIQ here, (big brother in question) what kind of freak show would post risque comments about his adopted little sister???:naughty:

Waa ha ha ha ha ha ha.....:smilewink

02/03/2008, 06:47 PM
Dude...I'm the BBIQ here, (big brother in question) what kind of freak show would post risque comments about his adopted little sister???:naughty:

Waa ha ha ha ha ha ha.....:smilewink

Soooooooo, What are you waiting for?:rolleyes:

02/03/2008, 06:52 PM
Soooooooo, What are you waiting for?:rolleyes:

Thanks Billy...LOL

02/04/2008, 01:32 AM
Too funny... this group is the BEST! I can't wait to see everyone at Moab again. For those of you thinking about maybe going... DON't MISS IT! See you in May...

02/04/2008, 08:26 AM
Ummmm, I don't know the trails up there that well. That and the fact that I tend to get lost on trails I do know...4 hour trails become 12. However I do have a GPS now! If only I can figure out how to use it before May!

LOL, I've had my Garmin for over a year now and I am only really starting to get the hang of it now. I will have it with me for the trip as well.


02/04/2008, 10:09 AM
Ummmm, I don't know the trails up there that well. That and the fact that I tend to get lost on trails I do know...4 hour trails become 12. However I do have a GPS now! If only I can figure out how to use it before May!

LOL, I've had my Garmin for over a year now and I am only [I]really[I] starting to get the hang of it now. I will have it with me for the trip as well.


Ya, last year I plugged in waypoints into my GPS from my Moab trail book. It worked like a charm. Well almost, I did miss a turn, but it was still a fun detour (though I did get a guy's diff bent open:rolleyes:)

If anyone wants - I can post waypoints for a trail so they can plug em in before May.

ALSO, I thought fins 'n' things was a fun trail for the stock VX's.. eh CeCe?:) Some nice pucker factors...


02/04/2008, 12:05 PM
F&T's is a fun trail...Hells Revenge minus the steroids!

02/04/2008, 04:03 PM
First timer has a few questions:

One of my friends owns an amigo (which is also my current 2nd vehicle) and he wants to go. Can he drive his amigo, can there be more than just VXs?

Also, this would be my first time for any kind of real off roading (more than my usual farm field off roading). I have a stock VX. Could I participate and expect my baby to be in just as good condition when its over?

I've read many posts here and it looks like a hell of a lot of fun, i just wanna make sure my baby will be in good shape if I take it out into the abyss lol I'm not really sure what to expect but I think Athlete has a great idea to get a CB, consider that part done. Good lookin!

Is the trail long enough where we would camp out along the way? Any other advice

02/04/2008, 04:13 PM
Are the CB and handheld radios compatible? in other words, I have some handhelds can we talk to those who have CB's?

02/04/2008, 04:19 PM
Are the CB and handheld radios compatible? in other words, I have some handhelds can we talk to those who have CB's?

As far as I know, nada. CB and two-way radios (walkie talkies) do not work together....but I could be wrong.


02/04/2008, 04:23 PM
First timer has a few questions:

One of my friends owns an amigo (which is also my current 2nd vehicle) and he wants to go. Can he drive his amigo, can there be more than just VXs?

Also, this would be my first time for any kind of real off roading (more than my usual farm field off roading). I have a stock VX. Could I participate and expect my baby to be in just as good condition when its over?

I've read many posts here and it looks like a hell of a lot of fun, i just wanna make sure my baby will be in good shape if I take it out into the abyss lol I'm not really sure what to expect but I think Athlete has a great idea to get a CB, consider that part done. Good lookin!

Is the trail long enough where we would camp out along the way? Any other advice

My VX is basically stock, no lift, no skid plates, etc, but I am running A/Ts, which might have helped a little. I did Elephant Hill last year. VXIronWoman was 100% bone stock, iirc, and she did it too. You can expect to scrape here and there underneath, even if you are carefull. But its a blast and 100% worth it.


That said, I am thinking of a little lift up before I go this year...


02/04/2008, 04:26 PM

Looks like a handheld CB can be had for under $40 on eBay:

http://search.ebay.com/%2Fhandheld-CB_W0QQ_trksidZm37QQdfspZ1QQfasiZ0QQfromZR40QQfsoo Z1QQfsopZ34QQsbrsrtZd

As always, check feedback and whatnot. I would go that route if you want to pick one up.


02/04/2008, 05:25 PM

Looks like a handheld CB can be had for under $40 on eBay:

As always, check feedback and whatnot. I would go that route if you want to pick one up.


Who all is gonna have one and is it worth it to get if that really all I am gonna get it for?

I used to have one in my wrangler in High school and all I did was mess with the truckers.

02/04/2008, 05:51 PM
Who all is gonna have one and is it worth it to get if that really all I am gonna get it for?

I used to have one in my wrangler in High school and all I did was mess with the truckers.


Don't hesitate. You'll be left out of a lot of fun chat and name calling (i.e. BUTTERS!!) - you'll also miss out on the best part of the "Todd Adams Tour" a definite must.

02/04/2008, 06:01 PM
First timer has a few questions:

One of my friends owns an amigo (which is also my current 2nd vehicle) and he wants to go. Can he drive his amigo, can there be more than just VXs?

Also, this would be my first time for any kind of real off roading (more than my usual farm field off roading). I have a stock VX. Could I participate and expect my baby to be in just as good condition when its over?

I've read many posts here and it looks like a hell of a lot of fun, i just wanna make sure my baby will be in good shape if I take it out into the abyss lol I'm not really sure what to expect but I think Athlete has a great idea to get a CB, consider that part done. Good lookin!

Is the trail long enough where we would camp out along the way? Any other advice

Most are welcome, however, as Todd said earlier - if the crew gets too large (>18 vehicles?) beyond what can go out as a "spontaneous" trail ride; we may have to make preference to VX's.

I'm sure Todd will pick a VX run that a stock VX can make it through (i.e. alternate routes around obstacles). However, I would suggest investing in some skid plates over the fluid pans - just in case...

Trail rides that this crew has gone on are typically over by mid to late afternoon. Enough time to S-S-S and go for drinks and food.

I'm also figuring that there will be those going on other rides thoughout the week with stock VX's with the easier trails in mind...

02/04/2008, 06:54 PM
Is it time to go already? My wife is anxious, especially after I showed the videos from last year. She may be more excited than me at this point. :eek:

02/04/2008, 09:49 PM
The VX run is open to non VX's. It started as a run to get the noob VXers a chance to see what the VX was capable before hitting runs with all the other Zu's the rest of the week. Size of the group might dictate leaving others behind though. However with that said your friend can always ride along with you for the VX run (if needed) and then wheel his 'migo the rest of the week.

Handheld (FSR) radios are not compatible with CB's...CBs are worth the $$ if you plan on doing any other wheeling. Plus like everyone said it makes the trails more interesting and fun. Most club/groups use them to comunicate.

As far as stock VX's with stock tires... you will see that on a lot of the trails (especially the slickrock trails) street tires will sometimes work better than the off road tires. There will be several stock VX's there. I recommend that if you are new to the off road thing follow another vehicle that is the same as yours and watch the line they take on the obstacle. Those of us with more experience are always more that happy to jump out and spot you. I have yet to see anyone damage their VX's unless they were ,well, doing things to push the upper limits! The VX run is usually pick keeping in mind that there will be new people but with enough difficulty to let you see the capabilities that it posesses.

02/05/2008, 09:07 AM
I have yet to see anyone damage their VX's unless they were ,well, doing things to push the upper limits!

You mean like Dub in the Tub?

:) :) :) Bart

02/05/2008, 09:27 AM
Tysamigo- I went with a fully stock VX. It was my first time offroading ever!!! I hadn't even done a dirt road until Moab. No special tires or anything and I came through without a scratch... thanks to all of my wonderful spotters (Gill...thanks by the way.) But you have to trust your spotters judgement. Remember they can see more than you can. And only listen to one person (the one you deem most trustworthy.) when you have 10 shouting at you...

Can't wait to see you there!

Kenny- F&T Rocked! Great pucker factor, but still no scrapes or bashes! YAY! I can't wait!

02/05/2008, 09:52 PM
You mean like Dub in the Tub?

:) :) :) Bart

Yeah, because everyone knows I would not do anything like that:angel:


02/06/2008, 11:32 AM
First timer has a few questions:


Also, this would be my first time for any kind of real off roading (more than my usual farm field off roading). I have a stock VX. Could I participate and expect my baby to be in just as good condition when its over?

I've read many posts here and it looks like a hell of a lot of fun, i just wanna make sure my baby will be in good shape if I take it out into the abyss lol I'm not really sure what to expect but I think Athlete has a great idea to get a CB, consider that part done. Good lookin!

Is the trail long enough where we would camp out along the way? Any other advice

Last year was my first year and I was bone stock except for a trooper skid plate which can be found used I bought new for 70 something. (bought as precausion just in case) I was on really and I mean REALLY bad tired and I did fine. I went to hotel rock 1st day which had a little more pucker factor than Elephant hill I did the next day and I must say you will be Amazed what these things can do. Yes TRUST your spotter and you will be fine. Even if you think you dont have control they can see more than you and you will be ok.

As far as camping no there wont be camping on the trail. Well as far as I know I only went on two of them.

hope to see you there.

02/06/2008, 06:49 PM
Exactly how did this person end up in this situation? And some would wonder why I might not take to the off-road thing real quickly~~~


02/06/2008, 07:51 PM
Not to worry.....for every hard route there are different easier paths you can take. You don't have to take a hard one if you don't want to.

That picture with Billy was taken at Hell's Gate during ZuZu 2006. What you didn't see was Victor making a succussful run through Hell's Gate first, then me, an Izusu pick up truck, and then Billy.

Check this thread. http://vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=8822 There are a lot of great pictures our VXs and all the different slick rock around Moab. Enjoy and hope to see you out there.


02/06/2008, 09:38 PM
I just wanted Larry, who was riding shotgun, to get a better look at that rock!:bwgr:
I am one of those guys who likes to push the upper limits...not always a good idea to follow my lead!:rolleyes:

Todd Adams
02/18/2008, 09:21 AM
OK since the subject came up I’ll give you my thoughts on CB’s
1. Don’t go on an organized trail run without one. Period.
2. Don’t rely on a hand held. (I have a couple and only use them for spotter duties so that I am THE ONLY ONE THAT IS BEING HEARD in the spotted vehicle) they just don’t work good from inside a vehicle and most of them sound like crap anyway. In a pinch a hand held CB can be used with an external antenna but with all the wires is a PITA.
3. Make sure it works and that you can be understood (this means you need to do this before the trail not during)
4. Tune your antenna. SWR meters are cheep or built into the more expensive CB’s.
5. For less than $75 you can get a CB and magnetic mount antenna that will work just fine. No need to spend more unless you want a good microphone.
6. Stick with a name brand such as Midland, Cobra or Uniden. To tell you the truth though the quality has gone down the last few years. I have gone through a lot of cheep and expensive radios from the $40 to $500 ones so now I only buy cheep name brand ones. Stay away from refurbished radios you find on the web. I have several and they all have issues.
7. Big truck stops are the place to buy them along with any other CB equipment like antennas, SWR meters and mounts. Radio Shack and Wallmart just don’t have everything you need so at some point you will end up at a truck stop.
8. Linda and I also use FRS/GRMS radios but we use them for private conversations, not to talk to the rest of the group.
9. During Easter Jeep Safari we ask participants to have CB’s but my experience has been that only 75% do have them and out of the 75% only 25% can be understood during introductions at the beginning of each trail ride.

Jolly Roger VX'er
02/20/2008, 06:16 PM
Looking forward to meeting everyone for the first time! Got my vacation approved and reserved a room already! Now I just got to whip ole bessie into shape to make the trek!

02/20/2008, 07:30 PM
Great news! It will be nice to me you.

02/20/2008, 08:27 PM
Looking forward to meeting everyone for the first time! Got my vacation approved and reserved a room already! Now I just got to whip ole bessie into shape to make the trek!

DITTO!!.. I cannot wait to see what some of you are like in person. I like the guys I have met so far. Became friends with the two fellow Renonians. Justin (Zues) is a cool dude too.

02/21/2008, 07:11 AM
Ahh shucks... I can't wait to hang with the Reno gang again!

02/21/2008, 08:55 AM
Wow, we are damn near 20!!! This is gonna be good! Come on, we need two more!


02/24/2008, 05:29 PM
78 Days 'til blastoff!

03/04/2008, 12:18 PM
We are now under 70 days til blastoff!
Those of you on the fence about going, lets hear from you so we can begin to talk you into going!:bwgy:

03/04/2008, 04:22 PM
Yeah!!! But how about we see some of those "maybes" turn into yes':bwgy:

03/04/2008, 04:40 PM
We are now under 70 days til blastoff!
Those of you on the fence about going, lets hear from you so we can begin to talk you into going!:bwgy:

Thats one way to put it. I would say there are 69 days left.....

don moore
03/04/2008, 06:14 PM
Just some info to read till the day...


03/04/2008, 09:54 PM
Thats one way to put it. I would say there are 69 days left.....

[Bevis voice on] HEHEHEHE he said 69 HEHEHEHE [Bevis voice off/]

03/29/2008, 07:57 AM
So its only 1 month 10 days and 15 hours until the Reno convoy heads down the road.

03/29/2008, 12:52 PM
I have my skid plates and rock sliders in the works right now! I gotta go over to Sears and get my full size spare. My CB radio arrived last week! Now all I gotta do is wait!!!
EEEEKKKKK! I am super excited! I can't wait to see ya'll!:bwgr:

03/29/2008, 12:55 PM
EEEEKKKKK! I am super excited! I can't wait to see ya'll!:bwgr:

Me Too...:dance:

Todd Adams
03/31/2008, 08:15 AM
I posted this on VX lifted run page as well but I wanted to make sure everyone understands.

I know a lot of folks have looked to me for trail selection and I was not there last year due to work. I have decided where we are going on Tuesday and you can choose to go or not. I will not post where that is, you will have to wait untill you get to Moab to find out. If this seems unfair then consider this, we do not have a permit and if I or anyone else does post what trails we are doing then technically the BLM and STLA can force us to apply for one even though our numbers are under the minimum requirement. This happened to us in the past. So I hope you can understand why we as a group of friends get together the night before or the day of to decide what trails we are going to run. If you still don’t understand, Randii and I can and will continue this discussion under my awning at camp. We cannot be considered an “organized” group.

Todd Adams
03/31/2008, 08:21 AM
I posted this as well on the lifted VX run.

The Tuesday trail ride is not part of "ZuZoo XI" if you can call it that since it is unofficial. I don’t think we even have an official meeting place this year. People are staying all over the place. Linda and I are at Pack Creek Campground along with a few others. So as far as I am concerned that will be headquarters for at least the VX run and we will all meet there before the run. We will depart at 9:00 am.

Link to Pack Creek

03/31/2008, 08:41 AM
I better get to work. I'm gonna order the springs today. I will probably order a boot kit too...


03/31/2008, 12:02 PM
yea im just waiting for my loan to be shipped out and i can get on getting tires, lift, new cb, radio and the other proper things needed for moab =)

03/31/2008, 02:19 PM
Can't wait to see what you have in store for us Todd. From past experience I'm sure it will be well worth the wait!

04/07/2008, 04:17 PM
So, with Joe we are at 19.

Come on people, ONE MORE to hit 20!

Chopper, this means YOU!


Todd Adams
04/08/2008, 01:11 PM
So that everyone understands what is going on Tuesday, Here are the plans (without revealing where we are headed)
1. Meet at Pack Creek Campground between 8 and 8:30 AM.
2. Leave Pack Creek at 9:00 AM (Anyone who has been on one of my trails knows that I am very punctual and I will leave with out you)
3. The trail will last most of the day so bring lunch
4. The trail for the most part is on the easy side with one spot that may or may not give problems but there are options for the daring and or not caring to keep everyone happy.
5. Barring any unforeseen problems we should be back to town early which means 4 to 5 PM.
6. Wednesday starts “ZuZoo XI” and headquarters is still up in the air but I am sure there will be someone at Pack Creek that will know what is going on.
7. If someone can find me a bottle of Sam Addams Triple Bock and bring it to Moab I will gladly pay for the service. Utah is one of those states it is not sold in.
8. Speaking of which let me go trough a couple of rules I have while leading a trial and that everyone should follow anyway.
a. No alcohol allowed by anyone on the trail. Period. Plenty of time at camp for that.
b. Seat belts must be worn by everyone while the vehicle is in motion.
c. Pack out more than you pack in.
d. Stay on the trail and never drive over any vegetation or crypto soil.
e. If you have not been to Moab before I will give a speech about the crytobiotic soil to stay off of both your vehicle and you. Remember the old saying “leave only footprints and take only pictures” leaving footprints is not acceptable any more on certain types of soil
f. You will see Indian Rock Art. DO NOT TOUCH. The acids in your hands will accelerate their deterioration.
g. If you want a spot ask. I will not offer unless you do.
h. There is only ONE SPOTTER! Only pay attention to the one you trust and if someone starts to give directions if I am (other than watching where I can’t see) I will stop and walk away. Keep in mind I am a Professional Spotter and have been at it a long time but if you trust someone else that is just fine with me and I can not always be at the right place all the time so others need to help.
i. You are responsible for the vehicle behind you. What that means is that you need to keep them in your rear view mirror all the time. The trail leader can only go as fast as the slowest vehicle and with everyone doing their job no one will take the wrong turn except me. This also means you should also try and keep up with trail speed. Also never crowd the vehicle in front. At obstacles, you need to stay within strapping distance until the vehicle behind you makes it up and then move on.
j. There will be a test on this before we leave for the trailhead :confused:

If you would like a tour one day of Rock Art sites of the area I might be talked into taking some folks out.

04/08/2008, 01:46 PM
Sounds like it's going to be a Super Day! I can't wait.

I'd like to check out that other rock art with you.

04/08/2008, 01:52 PM
7. If someone can find me a bottle of Sam Addams Triple Bock and bring it to Moab I will gladly pay for the service. Utah is one of those states it is not sold in.

Thanks for the reminder about bringing drinkage. I will make sure we pack accordingly.

Also Todd, I assume this is another trail that does not allow dogs, correct? I just want to be sure.

Thanks - Bart

Todd Adams
04/08/2008, 04:03 PM
Thanks for the reminder about bringing drinkage. I will make sure we pack accordingly.

Also Todd, I assume this is another trail that does not allow dogs, correct? I just want to be sure.

Thanks - Bart

Nope, we are not going into one of the Parks. I had considered it but the trail I was thinking about I did 2 weeks ago with the family. We had 3 vehicles all of them with lockers and decided the hill was just not doable without some risky strapping in other words dangerous, for close to stock vehicles.
So dogs are not a problem unless you don’t trust them next to overhanging cliffs :eek:.

04/08/2008, 04:15 PM
So dogs are not a problem unless you don’t trust them next to overhanging cliffs :eek:.

Wow, that's great. I felt bad about leaving her in the hotel last time...

Thanks! Bart

04/09/2008, 11:30 AM
i apologize in advance if this is the wrong thread for this. but is everyone staying at pack creek? or are some staying at portal?
mainly, where are the campers with dogs staying?
tom where are you staying with your dogs? (i think i remember you having 2 dogs).....

04/09/2008, 03:45 PM
i apologize in advance if this is the wrong thread for this. but is everyone staying at pack creek? or are some staying at portal?
mainly, where are the campers with dogs staying?
tom where are you staying with your dogs? (i think i remember you having 2 dogs).....

I think all this depends on when you are getting there. There is quite a group staying at the portal.

Follow this link for more info....


Todd Adams
04/09/2008, 03:58 PM
OK here is what we are going to do.
We are going to host a pot luck dinner at Pack Creek Campground on Tuesday evening. Everyone is welcome and invited including the non VX ‘ZuZoo bunch. This was Giggling Grammys idea. If you don’t know who she is follow this link http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7380897775203170725 We are going to provide the Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and buns BYO vegetarian burgers because Linda and I are not vegetarians but we do not want to offend or exclude anyone. You guys are going to provide the rest of the stuff. Salads, veggies, fruit, tomatoes to slice, chips, paper plates, onions to slice, Deserts, Drinks (alcohol approved if you have a designated driver ) otherwise coke, sprite , Apple Beer etc. and anything else you want to provide.
There is a small pavilion at Pack Creek that should fill our needs but we can spill out to our campsite as well as others in our groups that are staying there. I will have a small grill but it would help if others have one or two or three that we could utilize otherwise you might have to wait.
I think this will be a great opportunity to get to know each other and mingle the evening after our VX run. We are also going to do awards and prizes associated with the days run. Tests will be graded and driving ability judged to determine the winners. Everyone is expected to be present. No awards or prizes will be awarded to absent participants. Must be present to win!
Oh there is a 10 PM quiet curfew but since there are early trails the next morning this should not be a problem. This will be strictly enforced.
Please respond with what you are going to bring so we don’t have a lot of duplicates.

04/09/2008, 04:26 PM
Sounds like a great idea! I will bring paper plates and forks.

PBkid, I'm staying at the Portal. They do allow dogs and they have a lot of room with a couple of ponds for your dogs to go romping. I'm leaving Champ at home this year.


04/09/2008, 10:43 PM
Sounds good Todd. I will bring catsup, mustard, lettace and tomato's.

04/10/2008, 09:13 AM
I shall bring chips. Does anyone have a prefrence?

04/10/2008, 09:27 AM
I have a Weber Baby Q I will be bringing, so we can use that. I will bring some drinks and other food stuffs, dogs, sassiges, etc.

Sounds fun.


Todd Adams
04/10/2008, 10:22 AM
Would everyone please do me a favor. I would like you to send me your real names. Just first is OK so we can associate you with screen names. I am going to make up name tags among other reasons. If you are shy about sharing on line then send me an E-Mail at toddgadams@msn.com. If you would include how many times you have been to Moab 'ZuZoo and if this will be the first time for you as well as all passenger names.

What would be even easier to track for real names and what you are going to bring to the pot luck just go to Billy’s first post and put this info in your comments.


04/10/2008, 11:10 AM
New info. in the comments section...I'll bring some extra fine pineapple brats & some garlic sausage from one of the local purveyors of deceased animal flesh...:_drool:

Also the corresponding breadwear for said links.:thumbup:

And some of that beer you were talkin' about.:naughty:

04/10/2008, 03:27 PM
I filled out the comments too.....

Will bring BEANS :eek:


04/10/2008, 06:55 PM
ill bring potato salad....
jack is my name todd...
ive been on zuzu 2006...
my passenger is whitney and she has never been

04/10/2008, 07:49 PM
I'll get deserts.

Todd, re: name tags.
Name: Ken
Co-pilot: Donna

04/10/2008, 09:57 PM
I'll get deserts.

Todd, re: name tags.
Name: Ken
Co-pilot: Donna

Tell your co-pilot I said BOOO!!!

Todd Adams
04/11/2008, 06:18 AM
And some of that beer you were talkin' about.:naughty:
You are the MAN Larry

04/11/2008, 03:38 PM
I filled out the comments too.....

Will bring BEANS :eek:


We aren't gonna have one of those uncomfortable beanstalk, giant, fo fum, kinda deals are we?:rolleyesg

04/11/2008, 03:43 PM
We aren't gonna have one of those uncomfortable beanstalk, giant, fo fum, kinda deals are we?:rolleyesg


"Can I have some more beans?"

:laughing: Bart

04/11/2008, 04:00 PM
Just looking to get good miles per....:p

We aren't gonna have one of those uncomfortable beanstalk, giant, fo fum, kinda deals are we?:rolleyesg

NOT for the (very) easily offended....:o

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://lh3.google.com/_VQbQ9cP4gJk/RmYsu4bcP6I/AAAAAAAAAAs/VEHp6t94JcE/s800/Fart-Power.jpg&imgrefurl=http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/eUIfhZvf90xwtXDONGy-Kw&h=388&w=580&sz=38&hl=en&start=61&tbnid=mWU_znzYbW62DM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2B%2522Fart%2Bpower%2522%26start%3D5 4%26as_st%3Dy%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%2 6sa%3DN



04/11/2008, 04:11 PM
Just looking to get good miles per....:p

NOT for the (very) easily offended....:o

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://lh3.google.com/_VQbQ9cP4gJk/RmYsu4bcP6I/AAAAAAAAAAs/VEHp6t94JcE/s800/Fart-Power.jpg&imgrefurl=http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/eUIfhZvf90xwtXDONGy-Kw&h=388&w=580&sz=38&hl=en&start=61&tbnid=mWU_znzYbW62DM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=134&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2B%2522Fart%2Bpower%2522%26start%3D5 4%26as_st%3Dy%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%2 6sa%3DN



Wow, that actually looks like it is up his arse...


04/11/2008, 04:18 PM
I'll bring the Malibu and Martinelli's and maybe some M&M's just to go with the theme I have going... :p

Name: Cece
Co-Pilot: Kahlua (my dog not the drink...)

... I almost wrote my god... which might entail that I'm tipsy...but I'm just dyslexic (sp?). It made me laugh...

Can't wait to see everyone there!!! ::EXCITED::

04/12/2008, 05:13 AM

"Can I have some more beans?"

:laughing: Bart

That's funny...even more so since I just watched that movie a week or two ago.

"I think you've had enough"


I was trying to stay away from the fart angle, but knew I could count on you guys to bring it.

04/12/2008, 05:18 AM
I'll bring the Malibu and Martinelli's and maybe some M&M's just to go with the theme I have going... :p

Name: Cece
Co-Pilot: Kahlua (my dog not the drink...)

... I almost wrote my god... which might entail that I'm tipsy...but I'm just dyslexic (sp?). It made me laugh...

Can't wait to see everyone there!!! ::EXCITED::

M & M's...
:homer: mmmmmmmmmmmmMOAB!

In my world, it's spelled cixelsyd.:smilewink

Is Luie coming this year?

04/12/2008, 05:19 AM
VXIRONWOMAN, didn't Eric, PHO2GR4 have some kind of issue last last when he took his dog's? Just seems like I read something in his thread from last year.

04/12/2008, 05:36 AM
Nope, we are not going into one of the Parks. I had considered it but the trail I was thinking about I did 2 weeks ago with the family. We had 3 vehicles all of them with lockers and decided the hill was just not doable without some risky strapping in other words dangerous, for close to stock vehicles.
So dogs are not a problem unless you don’t trust them next to overhanging cliffs :eek:.

VXIRONWOMAN, didn't Eric, PHO2GR4 have some kind of issue last last when he took his dog's? Just seems like I read something in his thread from last year.

Just the trails in the parks aren't doggie friendly.:sighwgray

04/12/2008, 06:38 AM
Thanks, just remember Eric saying something about it. Hate for her to get down there and have to leave her co-pilot in the room

04/13/2008, 09:20 AM
MAN...has anyone else noticed how fast time is going by the closer we get to "zero hour"???

I've still got a bunch of wrenchy:_wrench:wrench type projects to get done & I'm starting to get a bit ummmm, queasy.:rolleyesg

I'm guessing that I've got about a 50-50 shot at getting the locker installed...the open carrier should show up this week & I have yet to order a set of bearings, shim set, crush collar(?)...guess the crush collar wouldn't be necessary, unless the pinion needs to be shimmed.

Anyone with any further gear related ideas or parts I've overlooked, please post em' up.
I'm gonna be calling Mr. Merlin next week.

04/13/2008, 09:50 AM
Dub, if you give Matt a call he can tell you all you should need. He knows his shizizzle and is very helpfull.

04/13/2008, 10:13 AM
Dub, if you give Matt a call he can tell you all you should need. He knows his shizizzle and is very helpfull.

Thanks Billy, but I hate to bother Matt with stuff like this, I know he's a busy guy & his business is expanding all the time.

I've got a few emails off to a few wheelin' buds that have tinkered with gears & installed lockers before, have picked Zeus's brain a bit, talked to Strawmeyers on the phone, & have one or two local mechs who ARE experienced, in mind for the set up. I'm tryng to find one that'll let me help, so I can learn how to do it right.:_wrench:
I have the factory instruction manual that details gear set up, but don't have any experience in tearing into the third member & diddling with all the thingies & dingles contained within...also don't have a dial gauge or hydraulic press.
I'm pretty sure I could install the locker itself, but gear setup is crucial to get right the first time...& I don't wanna be the one to screw it up.:smilewink

04/13/2008, 01:34 PM
Is Luie coming this year?

I've been trying to convince him to go. But he doesn't wanna drive. I drove him last year. He's a trucker and doesn't want to spend his vacation time driving, i guess... understandable. And I think he may be short on vacation time too...

VXIRONWOMAN, didn't Eric, PHO2GR4 have some kind of issue last last when he took his dog's? Just seems like I read something in his thread from last year.

I will just leave her in the room when we go out on trails... she won't mind. Thank for looking out for me and my doggy though. Thanks for looking out for me though.

04/13/2008, 07:57 PM
29 days, 13 hours till the start of the VX run!!!!!!:cool:

This could very well be the biggest concentration of VX's in the US! Looks like its going to surpass the LA meet! 21 confirmed so far and I know of at least 6 who are seriously thinking about it!:dance:
Don't miss out!

04/15/2008, 06:12 AM

04/17/2008, 08:41 PM
Can't wait to see all of my fellow VXers & Zoids... getting more excited every day! Looking forward to some wheelin', and seeing all those customized (and stock) VXes. See you all SOON!

Todd Adams
04/20/2008, 07:27 AM
Can't wait to see all of my fellow VXers & Zoids... getting more excited every day! Looking forward to some wheelin', and seeing all those customized (and stock) VXes. See you all SOON!
Well... I have not heard back from 5 of the confirmed folks concerning names and the pot luck dinner. :confused:
Jolly Roger
So if you don’t know what I am referring to go back a few posts.

04/20/2008, 09:56 AM
Well... I have not heard back from 5 of the confirmed folks concerning names and the pot luck dinner. :confused:

I updated my response to include what I'm bringing to the pot luck dinner, and I'm adding this to ramp up the excitement a bit more...


04/20/2008, 07:44 PM
Todd, I'll bring pop(a variety)
first time to Moab

04/20/2008, 08:23 PM
Well is there any other specifics that any one wants so we can chip in to the pot luck?

Seems like there will be lots of grub so far... Any other beverages that any one wants?

04/20/2008, 11:27 PM
Seems like there will be lots of grub so far...

Yeah, I was a little slow on the uptake on this potluck deal too, any chance we can get a list of what's still needed or some recommendations on what to bring?

04/21/2008, 08:55 AM
How about some deviled eggs (for a nice, hot sulphury seepage), raw cabbage (for power), some really cheap beer (adds wetness), Bush's baked beans (no explanation necessary), a tuna casserole (to give the impending cloud a pungent, fishy tinge), and like 25 bags of McDonalds French fries. Oh yeah, and a case of Charmin Double Roll.

:) Bart

04/21/2008, 09:27 AM
Ok, sounds good, just bring some extra gasmasks for me, OK?:eek:

04/21/2008, 10:25 AM
LOL!!! You guys make me laugh!!!

04/21/2008, 10:48 AM
Ok, sounds good, just bring some extra gasmasks for me, OK?:eek:

I call # 2 spot behind the trail leader...ain't no WAY I want to be behind the "Reno Stinkbutt Mafia".:sighwgray

Todd Adams
04/21/2008, 10:59 AM
Yeah, I was a little slow on the uptake on this potluck deal too, any chance we can get a list of what's still needed or some recommendations on what to bring?

Since this is Linda's deal and we have a list started I will put her to work. In other words I will post a list (provided vs needed) soon.

Jolly Roger VX'er
04/21/2008, 02:41 PM
You are the MAN Larry

provided I can get some (not foreseeing any issues)......how about MORE of that brew you were talking about. I was thinking a case?

Jolly Roger VX'er = Greg Nofsker (just me....no guests....first timer to Moab!)

If not......I'll look for your upcoming list to see what you still need.

04/21/2008, 09:22 PM
I had this list on my fridge for things to do for Moab last year.
Guess I should update it and put it on again.
Maybe some others can get use out of it - and others can add items.

Seems I might be scaring some people in this being a "must have" list... sorry. It's not.
I'm one of those "be prepared for anything" guys. I hate to put others out.
- However, last year there was probably 8 or 9 trucks and one of us opened up their differential and only one of us had axle lube.
- Oh, and I remember someone needing to top off their brake fluid, and again only one of us had that. Or maybe only one person was willing to share...??:) - So relying on others has its limits - I'd still suggest bringing one or two consumables (oil, lube, water, TP, etc..)

And man, tire deflators are worth every penny!
Example - http://www.rockcrawler.com/techreports/staun_tyre_deflators/index.asp



04/22/2008, 05:36 AM
I had this list on my fridge for things to do for Moab last year.
Guess I should update it and put it on again.
Maybe some others can get use out of it - and others can add items.



Good point on the Mothers Day card Ken...:thumbup:

04/22/2008, 07:16 AM
Tire Deflators? Pep Boys didn't know what those were. Where do you get those?

BTW-Nice list.

04/22/2008, 07:32 AM
Tire Deflators? Pep Boys didn't know what those were. Where do you get those?

BTW-Nice list.

Any store that sells handguns and/or knives...I like .40 cal myself, but...:rolleyesg

J/K...sorry Tom, couldn't resist.:smilewink

04/22/2008, 07:46 AM
Ummmm....... no need to get to crazy and buy things you might not need. For those that haven't been here, Moab is a "regular" town.... indoor plumbing, hot and cold running water, two grocery stores, 4 auto parts stores, two micro-breweries.

There should be a Wal-Mart coming soon too. :mad:

04/22/2008, 09:24 AM
For the other newbies... You don't HAVE to have all the items on that list. I am sure others will be willing to share... say a tow strap, a tire gauge, tire deflaters... if you need the FRS Radios I have a spare set, but I suggest if your buying a radio set go for the CB radio instead.

04/22/2008, 09:57 AM
Tire Deflators? Pep Boys didn't know what those were. Where do you get those?

BTW-Nice list.

Good call, Tom. Where do you get those???


04/22/2008, 10:03 AM
There should be a Wal-Mart coming soon too. :mad:

Wow, that sucks.

:( Bart

04/22/2008, 10:27 AM
yea most of the things on that list are a good idea in case of emergencies...then again keep in mind if we have an emergency we always have people like LDUB who carry and extra EVERYTHING in truck....so im sure he would loan ya something till you can get to the parts store the next day...
(sorry to offer ya up larry but you do always have everything needed)...
but yes, a tow strap WITHOUT THE HOOKS is a good idea...
extra oil and fuses never hurt
and CB radio is a MUST....

<at least thats my opinion>

04/22/2008, 11:00 AM
Good call, Tom. Where do you get those???

Summit sells a teraflex set here locally for $9 Bart.

04/22/2008, 12:07 PM
[QUOTE=pbkid;125076]Then again, keep in mind if we have an emergency, we always have people like LDUB who carry an extra EVERYTHING in truck....so im sure he would loan ya something till you can get to the parts store the next day...
(sorry to offer ya up larry but you do always have everything needed)...

No problem at all...being able to get myself, or my Fam, out of a jam, is just what I do.:_wrench:...:_wrench:...:_wrench:...:_wrench:.. .:_wrench:...:smilewink

04/22/2008, 07:21 PM
and your DAMN good at it larry :bwgr:

04/22/2008, 08:37 PM
You can get tire deflaters at any descent 4 wheel drive shop. Make sure you know how to use them though...they ned to be set up for the propper pressure.

Another thing to add to that list for all you fair skined, northern, snowed i types...SUNSCREEN! The sun will be bright and hot on the trail.:bgwo:

04/25/2008, 08:52 AM
15 days 'til I launch my vouyage to the shores of Moab...
17 days 'til Mt. Biking in Moab...
18 days 'til the VX run...
19 days 'til more wheelin...
WhooooooooooHooooooooooooooooooooo!:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

04/25/2008, 10:19 AM
Well, it looks like my plans have changed...

...but only slightly! My wife just found out that she can not have vacation time do to work being short staffed! That sucks!!!!! She had put in for it a LONG time ago and they kept beating around the bush, not giving her a yes or no answer. Well today they gave her the NO!:mad: She doesn't have much leverage since she has only worked there for about 8 months.
So, it looks like I will be traveling solo this year.
Also, I have a tent spot at Portal. If anyone doesn't have a spot or can't get into the group spot let me know. I am sure that you can throw your tent up at my spot.

04/25/2008, 11:17 AM
Sorry to hear your wife can't make it. Give her my best.

04/25/2008, 12:18 PM
Billy, if you want to cancel your tent spot there is room in the D spot and I am sure there is room in the C spot too.

04/25/2008, 01:02 PM
Thanks for the offer, but I like having the table, shade cover and BBQ since I will be cooking and eatting at the site (keeping the trip on the cheap...especially with the gas prices).

04/26/2008, 09:47 AM
Not looking good for me :( Have a deadline of May 15th on a project. And I'm the only one who can work on it.

Even worse is it's a 100 hour project Jammed in 3 weeks, while juggling other projects...

Looking very slim.

When Is everyone headed home? Possible I could come up Friday night, but not sooner.

04/26/2008, 01:07 PM
Your the closest one. You gotta make it at least one trail, but I do understand about work. Hope you can make it out.

04/27/2008, 05:03 PM
Just got done changing the oil...5 fresh quarts of Mobil1 and a new K&N oil filter
and changing the coolant. This is the first coolant change since I have owned the VX...6+ years and 70,000+ miles...and the coolant came out looking like I had just put it in this morning! No discoloration or rust!:clap:
Next weekend the off road wheels/tires go on! (No time during the week to do major stuff) Then I just have to pack a little each day so I'll be set to take off on Sat. the 10th!

04/30/2008, 07:27 AM
Never got an answer on what day everyone is leaving...

If people are still there the 16th I'm going to head in.

04/30/2008, 08:30 AM
Never got an answer on what day everyone is leaving...

If people are still there the 16th I'm going to head in.

The Reno VXers will be there all week. We leave for home Saturday morning (17th).


04/30/2008, 09:03 AM
Never got an answer on what day everyone is leaving...

If people are still there the 16th I'm going to head in.

I am here all weekend. ;)

04/30/2008, 09:53 AM
The Chi-Town VXers will be heading out from Moab on Saturday as well (Friday night is usually the big dinner party)... see you there!

05/01/2008, 06:32 PM
WOOHOO!!! just under 8 days till the Reno VXers head to Moab!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to meet everyone!! :bwgy:

05/02/2008, 10:06 AM
Mrs. CrnCnn,
I like your Tude (attitude).
See ya in Moab.

05/02/2008, 01:05 PM
Its looking as if another ZuZoo is going to pass without me:(
However I WILL be doing some new armour with the money saved! SOON! Contacting Stric9 about bumpers (front and rear) and sliders.

05/02/2008, 01:25 PM
Sorry you will have to miss ZuZu. On the positive side, it sounds like the 2009 ZuZu you will have a Beast of a VX with you.

05/02/2008, 10:59 PM
Its looking as if another ZuZoo is going to pass without me:(
However I WILL be doing some new armour with the money saved! SOON! Contacting Stric9 about bumpers (front and rear) and sliders.

Sorry to hear you're not gonna make it this year Billy, you will be missed.:sighwgray

Jolly Roger VX'er
05/02/2008, 11:09 PM
Sorry to hear you're not gonna make it this year Billy, you will be missed.:sighwgray

Major Bummer!

05/03/2008, 11:30 AM
6 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bgwp:

05/03/2008, 02:54 PM
6 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bgwp:

Sooooooo...whaddya sayin' here?...gettin' a little excited for the Moab dealio?...:cool:

All kidding aside, I'm with you...I can't hardly get to sleep at night, thinking of all the details that still need attention. Trying to prioritize the "must do's" & the "can wait's"...:rolleyesg

Unfortunately, my plans to have the locker in before blast-off have been put on the "can wait" list...still waiting on some misc. backorderd parts & it's one project I'm not going to do in a rush.:_wrench:
I think if I try hard enough, I might still be able to have fun...;)

05/03/2008, 03:08 PM
yeah i'm just a little excited!!!!!!!!!!! I think i get more excited than Clint!! :eek:

05/03/2008, 03:26 PM
WHAT?! Who is going to strap us all up the last part of Cliffhanger?! :rolleyes:

The first one up...:rolleyesg

I'm guessing Jay D. & his mighty FJ...:smilewink...:cool:

05/03/2008, 07:55 PM
I found a bunch of maps of trails both hiking and 4WD in Moab! I have printed them out and made a book of them! The most exciting ones seem to be the trails in Arches National Park! I also found info on the best places and times to get the best photos!!! We are going to try and take in as much as possible! From what i understand its $5.00 a person for a 7 day pass to Arches and the pass also works for Canyonlands National Park! Can"t wait!!!:razzgray:

05/03/2008, 09:37 PM
Arches is nice. Great hiking. There are a few 4x trails that skirt it but none through it...

05/03/2008, 09:41 PM
Arches is nice. Great hiking. There are a few 4x trails that skirt it but none through it...

Thats a awesome pic! Yeah most of them were trails for hiking!

05/03/2008, 10:06 PM
Here are a few more from arches...
Fallen arche

Balance Rock


These can all be seen from the road through the park.

05/03/2008, 10:09 PM
I am so excited! Its such a bummer that you cant make it! We almost couldnt go! and the thought of coming so close and then not being able to go was sad! You will be missed! I will take some great pics and send them to you!! :D ;)

05/03/2008, 10:13 PM
I expect EVERYONE to be posting all their pics/video everyday at the nd of the day for us who will be sitting on the couch. I know there will be several laptops there and Portal has free highspeed internet!:bwgy:

05/04/2008, 10:51 AM
I found a bunch of maps of trails both hiking and 4WD in Moab! I have printed them out and made a book of them! The most exciting ones seem to be the trails in Arches National Park! I also found info on the best places and times to get the best photos!!! We are going to try and take in as much as possible! From what i understand its $5.00 a person for a 7 day pass to Arches and the pass also works for Canyonlands National Park! Can"t wait!!!:razzgray:

Wow, that's very wise of you... I am disorganised as usual.. would greatly appreciate if you can share this document with me in Moab, as I'm also planning to travel around quite a bit!

05/04/2008, 07:53 PM
Wow, that's very wise of you... I am disorganised as usual.. would greatly appreciate if you can share this document with me in Moab, as I'm also planning to travel around quite a bit!

I will gladly share ;D Yeah i like being organized for big trips like this! I make LOTS and LOTS of lists!!!!;)

05/04/2008, 07:59 PM
I expect EVERYONE to be posting all their pics/video everyday at the nd of the day for us who will be sitting on the couch. I know there will be several laptops there and Portal has free highspeed internet!:bwgy:

Well, I just finished a rigging on top of my roof rack for my camera. I was going to use a little helmet cam, but I made a decent mount up top to support my whole camera. So I will take some surplus gas mask water proofing bags (somehow I have like a dozen of these) and wrap it in one of those to keep the dust off, and then I will add a few pieces of velcro and a few zip ties for extra security and I will coming home with hours of Moab video. :)

Plus I am still planning to do the little book afterwords as well. It really sucks that you're not able to come Billy, I was looking forward to meeting you, and chances are, I will not be going to Moab next year. Two VX anniversaries is enough for the Mrs. :)


05/04/2008, 10:07 PM
hey guys, sorry if this has already been covered, if so just refer me to post number lol....

but is this like 2 years ago last time i went? do we need to go on another web site to register for zuzu???
or is it just like show up and we will see what happens type of thing???

05/04/2008, 11:00 PM
There is no official event...just a bunch of friends who happen to be in Moab at the same time.
No site, no registration...just fun!

05/05/2008, 06:13 AM
Well..It's coming down to the wire...:freek:

:_wrench: Got the brake system flushed & filled with synthetic brake fluid, changed oil & filter, fuel filter, pcv valve, greased everything on the bottom side, converted the roof lights to HID, and wired in a blue "neon rope light" around the overhead console...

Won't be getting the rear locker in, as I'm a little gunshy about trying to remove the(e-z break) rear sensors this close to departure time.:sighwgray

Still might (if I have the time), pack front wheel bearings, clean IAC & EGR.

The closer it gets, the more I feel like I'm forgetting something...as usual.:rolleyesg

05/05/2008, 06:54 AM
converted the roof lights to HID, and wired in a blue "neon rope light" around the overhead console...
Whew, thank God that's taken care of...:p

You can do it Larry, see you there!

05/05/2008, 07:11 AM
Whew, thank God that's taken care of...:p

You can do it Larry, see you there!

Yeah...can you tell I have a problem with prioritization???:rolleyesg

Todd Adams
05/05/2008, 09:00 AM
Billy, Sorry you won't make it.
Larry, Talk to me about syn brake fluid.
Linda and i will be at camp sometime Monday.

05/05/2008, 12:45 PM
Thanks Todd. I will be there next year even if I have to pedal my bike the whole way there! Hmmm, lets see, that would only be about 65 hours on the bike. So I would have to leave here by...

05/05/2008, 07:33 PM
4 more days and the Reno VXers start their journey to MOAB!!!!!!!!:yeso:

05/05/2008, 09:44 PM
Can't make it.. will be in Florida workin


Todd Adams
05/07/2008, 07:59 AM
Linda went over the pot luck list and it looks OK but we could use more chips. We will work it out on tuesday.

05/07/2008, 08:06 AM
Well..It's coming down to the wire...:freek:

:_wrench: Got the brake system flushed & filled with synthetic brake fluid, changed oil & filter, fuel filter, pcv valve, greased everything on the bottom side, converted the roof lights to HID, and wired in a blue "neon rope light" around the overhead console...

Won't be getting the rear locker in, as I'm a little gunshy about trying to remove the(e-z break) rear sensors this close to departure time.:sighwgray

Still might (if I have the time), pack front wheel bearings, clean IAC & EGR.

The closer it gets, the more I feel like I'm forgetting something...as usual.:rolleyesg

Man dude, you really got yer bases covered. I just changed the oil/oil filter/cleaned my K&N/new PCV last night. I am going to try to swap my fuel pressure regulator with a new one tonight. I probably should have done my diffs but I think we will do that as soon as we get back. Now all I have to do is giver her a wash and buy a whole bunch of food for the trip! :bwgy:


05/07/2008, 08:07 AM
Linda went over the pot luck list and it looks OK but we could use more chips. We will work it out on tuesday.

That's fine, I was just planning on getting some chips, cookies and more drinkage, so just let me know on Tuesday what is needed.


05/08/2008, 09:18 AM
http://image.weather.com/web/blank.gif7 Day Forecast for

11 (Sunday Arrival) Sunny High 80°F Low 51°F Precip. 20 %

12 (Monday) Isolated T-storms High 82°F Low 51°F Precip. 20 %

http://image.weather.com/web/blank.gif13 (VX RUN and BBQ) Partly Cloudy High 74°F Low 48°F Precip. 20 %

http://image.weather.com/web/blank.gif14 (Wednesday) Partly Cloudy High 80°F Low 53°F Precip. 20 %

http://image.weather.com/web/blank.gif15 (Thursday) Partly Cloudy High 82°F Low 54°F Precip. 20 %

http://image.weather.com/web/blank.gif16 (Friday) Mostly Sunny High 85°F Low 53°F Precip. 20 %

http://image.weather.com/web/blank.gif17 (Saturday) Mostly Sunny High 87°F Low 55°F Precip. 20 %


Yeah, this looks really good. Temps under 80°F make me REALLY happy. Last year I was broasting in my Ebony the whole time. It will make camping very pleasant. A little rain might create some magical photographic moments as well...

Its only 9:26am in Reno, and the day is already dragging. I can't wait to blow outta here Saturday morning!

:_steering Bart

05/08/2008, 10:56 AM
yea no kidding.... i have my last final today for classes then im off for the summer!!!!!!

i work tommorrow and saturday but not sunday....ill be really itching by sunday...

05/08/2008, 11:37 AM
I've got my lesson plans finished for next week. Tonight, all I have to do is pack and I'm DONE! Oh yeah, I have to mow the lawn too. THEN I'M DONE!

05/08/2008, 01:00 PM
Can we leave already!!! I can't take it anymore!!!!!!!:eek:

05/08/2008, 04:11 PM

05/08/2008, 07:05 PM
It's gettin' pretty short...:dance:

I was in my driveway this evening, doing a little this-n-that before we hit the dusty trail Sat...fiddling around under the hood, when I hear a familiar "beep- beep"...WTF???

Then I look over my shoulder to see a very clean 99 Astral going away from me down the street.

Gotta be Tritons Moon, maybe someday he'll stop & say Hi...:smilewink

Not holding my breath on that though...:rolleyesg

05/08/2008, 08:26 PM
When is this Moab event happening again?

I want to head out on the road NOW!!!

05/08/2008, 08:38 PM

A bad sinus infection that won't go away has sidelined me this year. 20+ hours of driving is just not possible, I'm lightheaded off meds and groggy on meds...
(plus the chance of getting even more sick out of country is scary.)

It's a bummer to miss old friends and new alike. I'm trying to get a little care package sent to the Red Rock for you Larry 'n' 2007 ASC crew. Keep a lookout. (Hint:my Avatar).

I really hope it's such a success this year to ensure as good a turn out in 2009.

Be safe y'all, eh.

Ken and Donna

05/08/2008, 08:59 PM
Ken, NO say it ain't so!
We are going to miss you and Donna. Take care and see you on the slickrock next year.

05/08/2008, 10:16 PM

It's a bummer to miss old friends and new alike.

Be safe y'all, eh.

Ken and Donna

Man, this blows, eh! I was looking forward to seeing you again... I know it must be real difficult for you to have to sit this year out, but you have to take care of yourself... I hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe you can make our Wisconsin get-together in August? Take care Kenny.

05/09/2008, 05:56 AM
When is this Moab event happening again?

I want to head out on the road NOW!!!

The Reno VXers are hitting the road tomorrow!!!!!

05/09/2008, 06:01 AM
Ken, NO say it ain't so!
We are going to miss you and Donna. Take care and see you on the slickrock next year.

Man, this blows, eh! I was looking forward to seeing you again... I know it must be real difficult for you to have to sit this year out, but you have to take care of yourself... I hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe you can make our Wisconsin get-together in August? Take care Kenny.

Don't know what else there is to say, except that I'm WAY bummed that You & Donna aren't going to Moab...:nogray:...:cryb:...:waab:

Best wishes for a speedy recovery...You will both be missed.:sighwgray

And yes, a wheelin' trip to Gilbert this fall is almost mandatory.:thumbup:

Scott Harness
05/09/2008, 06:40 AM
Get Well! See you and Donna next year and take care of yourself.

05/09/2008, 08:37 AM
Damn Kenny, sorry you're sick, bro. Get better.

Looks like we are down to 20 or so VXes only :(

Still more than last year!

:) T minus 21 hours to departure.


05/09/2008, 09:04 AM
man Kenny that does suck. I hope you get better man. Will see you in Moab next year.

05/10/2008, 04:44 AM
WOOHOO!!! We hit the road in about 1 hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bgwp:

05/10/2008, 05:10 AM
OUT THE DOOR BABY...everyone drive safely, & those not going, hold down the fort till we get back...:thumbup:...:dance:

05/10/2008, 10:33 AM
Heading out! Meeting up with Jolly Roger in an hour! See you all soon!!!


05/10/2008, 11:03 AM
Y'all have a safe trip and take plenty of pictures.:bwgr:

05/10/2008, 11:10 AM
everyone drive safely:thumbup:...:dance:

This would have been good advice, oh like, a week and a half ago!:rolleyes:

We want daily photo updates!!!!!!!:cool:

05/10/2008, 02:53 PM
well my awesome update we just get west of Amarillo and bam 2 inner cv boots tore to hell. well luckly I packed the box set I bought from indy 4x. 950 dollars and 40 minutes left of 5 hr or so wait @ the dealership to fix it then I am back on the road. be safe all.

05/11/2008, 11:31 AM
To quote the "Roaming Gnome""...

I'm on my WAAAAAY!!!!

See ya all in Moab




05/12/2008, 04:33 PM
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/yes.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/11149)


05/12/2008, 05:32 PM
Started a post for all the Moab stories/photo's! (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?threadid=13499)

05/12/2008, 06:41 PM
Welp I'm going after all...

Just made reservations... 15th-18th, Just a quick trip, but should be fun... too bad I'm missing the VX run...

And hopefully I'll be able to get in touch with someone :D

05/13/2008, 03:50 AM
I’m on my way, See you in Moab!:dance: