View Full Version : The Final verdict with the Issue I Had with my VX. Come and find out the results.

01/13/2008, 11:14 PM
So here we go. So as many of you might of known, i was having a cheese load of crap going wrong with my VX, you know, issue after issue and still no solution. But just a week ago, my problem was fixed once and for all, Finally the VX is running like a beast and eating spinich. so like a week ago, my tranny fluids spilled out again for the second time sence 8 months ago in Colorado, and man it sucked. so i took it to aamco and the filled it up back and it only spillled 1 1/2 q's. and off course they fed me a load of crap to get more cash out of me. so anyways let me continue with my story here. So for those who don't know what was going on with my VX. Here is what was going wrong. the Vx stalled after a big bump every time. the tranny was shifting like it was about to drop the tranny, kinda like if the Mode switch went bad but a worse feeling and sound. the Thermostat was not working and so for that reason thats why the tranny was over heating, and the EGR valve was not working as well, and for that reason i was waisting in more gas. the MAP sensor was out for the count as well. and still the Beast held up like a champ. So i asked my self what the @#^%* is going on here, so for 8 months i fought this fight and finally i have won. So i went to a mech and he told me to do the wiggle the pickle test on the wires and connectors to see if any thing was wrong in the area of the court. But i knowing i have already done that i still did it again just to cheack if i missed something before in the past. so having the engine turn on, witch i never did that before, i started wiggaling the wires and connectors, and after 5 min's wala, I had found the Son of a Bi%#@. So after i got it fixed, the whole VX came to life with a perfect heart beat and every thing that was wrong got fixed a 1 min. the VX thermo starting working, the EGR as well. The tranny shifted like a Champ, i took it off roading and hit giant pot wholes on the road and still drove like a champ, it's buring better gas and oil now, and it accels so nice and smooth now. So i bet you guys what to know what was it, that was cousing everything to malfuntion baddly. well it's another little story, so i'll tell it after i tick some of you guys off after your done reading this, :). so to -------------------------------Be Continued-------------------------------:bwgy:

01/14/2008, 05:12 AM
Hate to tell you this Costey, but yoo alreddy let the cat out of the bag...it was the pickle connection, right?:_wrench:

:dance: Woo Hoo what'd I win ??? :dance:

01/14/2008, 10:23 AM
I bet it was the wiggle connector:rolleyes:

01/14/2008, 10:30 AM
Don't know about you guys but, I would be putting my "pickle" any where near a running engine!:eek:

01/14/2008, 10:33 AM
:_brickwal The blinker fluid is poorly located and it was spilling onto the wiring harness at the firewall, right!?

01/14/2008, 10:34 AM
Don't know about you guys but, I would be putting my "pickle" any where near a running engine!:eek:
Worst. Typo. Ever.

01/14/2008, 10:36 AM
Damn I need to start proof reading before hitting the send button!


01/14/2008, 11:06 AM
Brevity in all but directions is a good thing

01/14/2008, 11:59 AM
I think, you know, it was the cheese load of crap. either that or it has spinach in its teeth. but let me suggest another theory. well it's another little theory, so i'll tell it after i tick some of you guys off after your done reading this, :). so to -------------------------------Be Continued------------------------------- :bwgy:

01/14/2008, 12:44 PM
What if it wasn't really a typo?:eek:

01/14/2008, 01:53 PM
Then let us hope he really is an Ironman or he will be putting sliced pickle on his sandwich! :_wtf:

01/14/2008, 04:59 PM
Worst. Typo. Ever.

That's some funny stuff right there

01/14/2008, 06:03 PM
Babelfish ain't helpin' me out here. :confused:

But I am curious to see what comes out when this devil let's go of his pickle. ;)

01/14/2008, 08:47 PM
no the pickle didn't really tickle just wiggle. :). well i think your right Ldub, it's those 3 big fat connectors, the one on the bottom was loose, i taped it and the vx shut off. I connected and it all came back to :heart:LIFE:rotate: . so yeah, that little magget was cousing a bucket of crabs. those Dam* Crabs. :_beer:

01/14/2008, 08:56 PM
Welcome back to Lovin' Life.:dance: :thumbup: :dance:

01/14/2008, 09:49 PM
I will redeem myself here!

Pickles and Crabs do not play well together! (insert smiley scratching himself here)

01/15/2008, 03:08 AM
I remember the last time I did the wiggle the pickle test .... more later.....

01/15/2008, 04:49 AM
thanx Ldub, now i feel better and i can finally go to meets, if there is any.

01/15/2008, 06:48 AM
I will redeem myself here!

Pickles and Crabs do not play well together! (insert smiley scratching himself here)No pickles and ENGINES don't play well together! Pickles and crabs play together like "man, heat, and fat"! :rolleyes:

01/15/2008, 07:23 AM
no the pickle didn't really tickle just wiggle. :). well i think your right Ldub, it's those 3 big fat connectors, the one on the bottom was loose, i taped it and the vx shut off. I connected and it all came back to :heart:LIFE:rotate: . so yeah, that little magget was cousing a bucket of crabs. those Dam* Crabs. :_beer:

Where is it? Can you take a picture of it? (the connector, not the pickle....)

01/15/2008, 07:41 AM
"Hey man, somebody put a pickle in your tailpipe!"
