View Full Version : Tranny shifter button ie. not shifting from P

01/25/2008, 11:32 AM
Hello all:

I have a weird problem that I don't think I have seen mentioned before. Since the cold weather started, I have had problems with the button that needs to be depressed on the tranny shifter while holding the brake to move the selector out of park. It seems to be tougher and tougher the colder the weather. I basically have to move the shifter around for ages, and find a "sweet spot" for the button to be depressed. I had a similar problem years ago, but that was due to the tranny mount bolts being loose, and the alignment of linkages was off. I think that is the problem this time, except I know the tranny mount bolts are not loose, and I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with the linkages with the transmission lock out system? I have yet to crawl underneath, or remove the trim around the shifter yet. Also, right now I would be unable to have a second person try to shift while I was looking underneath anyways. All I do know is that it is completely independent of a locked steering wheel problem.

The only short term fix I have found for now is to park in neutral with the key "off" in the ignition, and use my second set to manually lock/unlock the drivers door. Thanks for any input fellow VX'rs!!!

01/25/2008, 06:33 PM
I have had problems with the button that needs to be depressed on the tranny shifter while holding the brake to move the selector out of park.

There's a gate that moves out of the way when you depress the brake pedal. Some people have had problems with that gate sticking. Is this your problem, or does it feel like something else?

01/26/2008, 07:36 PM
I hear the clicking under the dash when I go to fiddle with the shifter. I reallly think it is the button, or the linkage underneath the stalk when I go to shift out of P in the cold. I can move it around a bit, and then miraculously, if I keep pressing the tranny button and moving the tranny shifter around just right, it will engage, and then work fine. The colder it gets, the harder it is to get the button to depress and be able to shift from P. If I am at home or at work (private, secure parking lot) I just leave the key in andon off, and just use my backup to lock the doors. The freezing weather has been a bear on my right thumb. Lolololol

Maybe it is the gate, I guess I'll have to remove the plastic interior, then look for linkage problems. It could be because of the cup holder launcher that we have, plus my driving that seems to get everything I put in the cupholder to manage to fly all over the place. It seems the only place to put something securely is when I pull out the behind the knee pad, and place things between my legs. Lol

01/27/2008, 10:01 PM
It seems the only place to put something securely is when I pull out the behind the knee pad, and place things between my legs. Lol

Oh... so THAT's where my phone went...

01/28/2008, 07:36 AM
"cup holder launcher "

Too funny - still cleaning up coffee from last summer.

01/28/2008, 09:02 AM
Yeah, thats exactly what it is too! I can't tell you how many times over the years I have had "explosions" of gooey mess to deal with because of that stupid cupholder. Literally, the G forces from braking, turning, or braking/turning will launch anything larger that a can like a missile towards the shifter, dash, or the passenger footwell. I can't even count how many aborted liquid launces I have intervened after a close call and spill. Now its just habit to reach down when something is in there and I make an abrupt maneuver. Its to the point where I keep a large cup in the truck, and pour everything in it because it sort of "jams" into the cupholder.:p I'm wondering if it has something to do with "goo" in the shifter base and linkage, or if it really is mechanical. Maybe I'll get time this weekend to troubleshoot.

Maybe I'll just mount a camelbak behind the drivers seat. Too funny!

01/28/2008, 09:33 AM
In retrospect, it's probably a good thing that they didn't make it big enough to hold a super big gulp.

01/28/2008, 09:45 AM
i try to only buy drinks that i can put a cap on

when i have fast food cups i usually have chapstick in my pocket, fits into the corner of the cupholder well and holds everything in a little better

01/31/2008, 08:12 AM

I think I "accidentally" verified it is the gate on the brake pedal.

1. I went to brake for a red light using cruise control with a car in front of me. AHHHHH!!!! the cruise control didnt want to disengage. Luckily, I reached over and hit the main cruise button on the dash in time.

2. This morning, I was doing the usual fiddling with the tranny lock out button, and I leaned my body to the right for a better grip with a tired hand, and VOILA! my foot on the brake pressed the pedal laterally to the left while it was depressed. Click! the button depressed.

3. After a morning stop for coffee, I did the same thing and used the lateral left pressure. Click! Shifted just fine.

Now I just have to figure out how to get under there and adjust it. At least I have a backup plan now until the weekend gets here.

Thanks mdwyer, you were right about the gate!!!

01/31/2008, 08:25 AM
FYI - you may not have brake lights either if the switch isn't engaging (assume it's all on the same circuit).

01/31/2008, 06:33 PM
Thanks mdwyer, you were right about the gate!!!

Damn, I love being right. :) You might give the search engine an attempt. Sticky shift gates seem to be a pretty common problem, and I'm almost positive I've seen it discussed before. If I come across it, I'll come back with a link.

02/01/2008, 05:27 AM
Yeah, but I was ***-uming the center console area and the button, and was unaware of a "gate" until you mentioned it, so my search was futile early on. Also, this morning I had to laterally press the brake to the right, so I am thinking that maybe the gate is loose, or something else has developed some play. Luckily, the brake lights seem to function ok.

Thanks for the help!!!

02/01/2008, 07:53 PM
Ask Tone Monday about this he knows alot this problem. It's not unique.