View Full Version : For the Riders: DISTURBING VIDEO

01/29/2008, 05:39 PM
This was shared on the ADVRider forum and I thought to share here as many of us are motorcyclists as well. Just another poignant reminder of how invisible we are. :(


This is why I'm always checking my six when riding, sometimes the greater threat is right behind you. :eek:

01/29/2008, 05:45 PM
OOF not for the faint of heart... definitely be careful out there guys

01/29/2008, 05:57 PM
Man, that is disturbing. I am tempted to show my daughter just to show her why she WILL NOT ride a motorcycle. That is one, I will just say, that I want to forget.

01/29/2008, 06:08 PM
Dude, that is effin' knarley. Looks like his head came off.

Oh well, it happens everyday to thousands of animals and no one really cares.


01/29/2008, 06:28 PM

01/29/2008, 06:28 PM
Man, I hope I die instantly if that ever happens to me ...

01/29/2008, 08:19 PM
I just happened to catch that about a week ago on the Ducati Board.

which reminds me...

don moore
01/29/2008, 08:21 PM

01/29/2008, 09:01 PM
And that is why I will never buy or ride a moped..

But yes on 2 wheels its all about me not others because they arent looking out for me so I have to look after myself.

01/29/2008, 09:10 PM
:eek:wow, it left me speech less, i so didn't see that turning out to be really bad, thought he was going to get bumped and throwen on the middle of the road, but wow, that dude was truely a crazy ***** road kill, man imagen all those poor animals out there, that get the same thing:eek:, wow.

01/30/2008, 07:23 AM
Pop goes the weasel! Every orifice becomes a geyser!

Yep, dont know what to say except, um.... glad I gave up bikes years ago. Too many motorists on the road to "have faith" anymore. Riding bikes has gone from "being careful" to "being lucky" now.

01/30/2008, 04:04 PM
On two wheels, I'm pretty much impossible to run over unless you get me at a light....running INTO, would be the most likely problem. Anyone spot the new 70,000 buck Duck yet? One of you well heeled, left coast guys???:bwgr: Ducks are the way to fly:bwgr::bwgr: ............Didn't look like Mr. Man felt much...it was pretty thorough.