View Full Version : Porsche

02/02/2008, 07:33 PM
so today im getting out of a parking lot a this porsche cayman lets me go infront of him and while we stopped at the red light some guys get out of a car with their cellphones and i saw and they werent taking pictures of the porsche behind me, they were taking pictures of my car all around lol
i never thought people would actually get out of their cars to take pictures that only happens when i drive the prowlers!!!
so ya i loved it i was so prud again of my VX and people are always asking me wth is it! love it!

02/02/2008, 10:17 PM
Ya get used to it after while, but it's always fun.:thumbup:

On the return trip from Moab last year, we stopped for gas somewhere in Wyoming, & a group of local "good ol' boys" sauntered over to look at Suzy.(I thought I heard the banjo-a-playin' there for a second)
They were driving blu ovals & bowties with nosebleed lifts & ginormos tires, but were all blown away by the cool factor of the VX.
When I opened the hood, I thought their eyes were gonna pop out...good fun.:cool:

02/05/2008, 04:58 AM
Driving back from Tennessee last summer, we passed a couple of slammed mini P'ups that must have just been in a show (saw others on the road too). As I drove by, one of the drivers (doing 75) leaned out the window to snap some pix of the VX using his cell phone.

02/05/2008, 06:48 AM
Yeah there's nothing like raising the hood around some honda modders and seeing their faces when they see the supercharger - good for a laugh or two.

-- John