View Full Version : Satellite comming down...NOW!

02/14/2008, 03:15 PM
It's full of nasty stuff, it's falling outa orbit now, and it's supposed to come down somewhere in the U.S.......Whoa! Hey, I got a great idea! Let's take one of these missiles we got laying 'round, and BLAST it! "Gee, I don't know Eddie, sounds kinda dangerous" "Quit whining Wally, it'll be cool, like fourth of July... in February! Now hand me a missile, a nice BIG one."
I sure do hope they shoot it where I can see it, this has the potential to be pretty freakin' cool....aluminum rain aside.

02/14/2008, 03:29 PM
I like the part where after they blow it up the pieces may float around knocking out DTV and other Sats, for Decades!
I'm glad GW put a lot of thought into this.
If it hasn't work since Day One, they could have scheduled a shuttle to salvage it. Last I heard, even the parts of these spy mods, are worth $$$$

02/14/2008, 05:11 PM
They're gonna whack it at 150mi., way out of orbit. Nothing should float from that altitude, and if they miss (won't that be reassuring) they have time for a second shot. They claim it's the full tank of Hydrazine fuel they are aiming at. Wonder what an explosion in near vacuum looks like?

Mark B
02/14/2008, 06:11 PM
I just saw it on the news.
WTF. The government has enough toxic waste in space already.
Now they want to shoot it down and rain all over the planet.
Put a VX on it and sent it our in space.

02/15/2008, 05:26 PM
Yeah, it's amazing how things change over a couple of years. China did the same thing, and guess who protested the loudest?

Yep, that would be us. Our arguement is exactly what you mentioned. The arguement is valid, but I guess it doesn't pertain to us. Funny isn't it?


02/16/2008, 05:55 AM
The problem was/is, that China destroyed theirs at around 500 miles up. One hunk of space crap became 150,000 hunks of space crap. Something like 46 percent of all the useless stuff up there is theirs....they don't engineer their projects to come back down...when it's of a sensitive nature, they just intend to blast it in place. We need to become a bit more cooperative all around, on this stuff. The way Maritime laws work, is a good starting point. Someday real soon, they're gonna have to start sweeping up some of that mess in orbit.

02/16/2008, 10:21 AM
Why doesn't something sensitive like this have a self-destruct feature?

It have the explosive already, it just needs a small initiating charge and trigger.

John C.

02/16/2008, 10:43 AM
Why doesn't something sensitive like this have a self-destruct feature?

It have the explosive already, it just needs a small initiating charge and trigger.

John C.

I imagine, if it's not communicating, they couldn't order it to self-destruct.
I think it's coming home to make "contact":grino:

02/21/2008, 06:19 PM
http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&vid=74568d58-17f7-4e99-8ec5-5b7edec53602&playlist=videoByTag:tag:source_today%20show:ns:Msn bc_Top_Cat:mk:us:vs:0&from=MSNHP&tab=m17&GT1=10856

02/22/2008, 07:26 AM
If you believe it was for public safety and not for intel purposes, I have a bridge you may be interested in....

Also, no self destruct because that radio signal would have to originate from earth and could be hacked.

02/22/2008, 03:45 PM
We just showed you all...... your crap in orbit, is not beyond the reach of just one of our ships.......#@%* You! Do not underestimate me.

02/22/2008, 03:53 PM
The sheer power of our Navy is friggin awesome...if you just unleash 'em........