View Full Version : Read any good bumper stickers, lately??

02/19/2008, 12:14 PM
Driving home today, I saw one that said...

What would Jesus do? For starters, he'd use His friggin' turn signal!!!



02/19/2008, 02:03 PM

02/19/2008, 04:07 PM

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

- Quoted by Ronald Reagan

02/19/2008, 04:16 PM
"my guns have killed less people than Ted Kennedy's car."

02/19/2008, 04:38 PM
Driving home today, I saw one that said...

What would Jesus do? For starters, he'd use His friggin' turn signal!!!


BrianI had one in my head a long time ago along those lines that I wanted to get printed...
"What would Jesus drive? A big freakin' truck, moron, he was a carpenter!"
Good thing I am lazy.

02/19/2008, 05:12 PM
I saw one in New Orleans once that I try live my life by:

"O.K., but wash it first."

It can apply to SO much.

02/20/2008, 05:49 AM
I didn't see this one but my friend was called and told me when he saw it...only because I joke with him about his mom:bwgr:

"My Other Ride Is Your Mom"

02/20/2008, 06:02 AM
Not really appropriate for Reno at the moment.....

"Fat people are harder to kidnap"

02/20/2008, 07:04 AM
I actually saw these just the other day:

"If it were up to me, you wouldn't have a license to drive"

"Proud parent of a self medicated paranoid mentally ill gun wielding honor student"

02/20/2008, 07:26 AM
I worked at a sign shop years ago, and had cut this one out for my car:

"How's my Driving?"
1 800 RAT ON ME

I had people asking me all the time to make one for them, but liked to be unique. Guess that's why I bought a VX!


02/20/2008, 07:46 AM
"Tight butts drive me nuts" - HUGE Dodge truck with WVA tag

"Frodo lost, Bush has the ring"

"Bad cop, no donut"

"Failure to launch" - I guess his parents put it on his car, hahaha

02/20/2008, 07:49 AM
not a bumper sticker.. but i saw a chevy silverado with the license plate "Ms Mopar"

02/20/2008, 08:51 AM
I didn't see this one but my friend was called and told me when he saw it...only because I joke with him about his mom:bwgr:

"My Other Ride Is Your Mom"

My friend got me that as a joke. also other one said.

" your little princess is my little whore. "

Not really appropriate for Reno at the moment.....

"Fat people are harder to kidnap"

HAHA I am going to start using that more often.

02/20/2008, 10:01 AM
I saw one the other day that read:

"Watch out for the idiot behind me"

I laughed until i realized i was behind him.

02/20/2008, 10:11 AM
I love animals.... they taste great.

02/20/2008, 10:33 AM
This one is good, homemade sticker...


People are silly....


02/20/2008, 11:59 AM

02/20/2008, 02:28 PM
No but I did take a upstanding citizen to jail the other night who had a big heart tatoo on his chest. Below it read: "The Bitch Can't Break This One"

02/20/2008, 03:44 PM
"Save the Whales...Collect the Whole Set"

02/20/2008, 03:50 PM
Blaming a gun for killing, is like blaming a fork for making Rosie O'Donnell fat.

02/20/2008, 03:52 PM
If your gonna ride my a**, you better pull my hair.

don moore
02/20/2008, 10:09 PM
When I was in fort knox in 76 I got a bumper sticker for my moms car ..
Drive defensively. Buy a tank.
she had a 75 ford grand torino


VX crazy
02/21/2008, 05:12 AM
If your gonna ride my a**, you better pull my hair.

Ohhh I love that one! I have one on my gas tank that says "If you can read this BACKDAFUCHUP" But I want that one now!!!

02/21/2008, 08:07 AM

That gives us a LOT of insight into your personality. NICE!!

02/21/2008, 08:56 AM

VX crazy
02/21/2008, 09:30 AM

That gives us a LOT of insight into your personality. NICE!!

You know it, I actually went to makestickers.com and ordered one of those, you make them yourself....I need a replacement for mine and that one seems much more interesting! :smilewink

02/21/2008, 11:36 AM
I saw one with a capitol "W 04". It think it stood for "WRONG 04".

Scott Harness
02/21/2008, 11:45 AM
I saw an suv with a Dallas "blonde" driving,It said , Trophy Whore, at least she has a sense of humor.Ha

02/21/2008, 12:13 PM
"if you can read this, you're too close"

02/21/2008, 02:58 PM
Can't feed 'em
Don't breed 'em

...how true.


02/21/2008, 03:25 PM
Can't feed 'em
Don't breed 'em

...how true.


THAT is awesome. I want to get a bunch of stickers made that just say "BREEDING" so I can stick them under the "STOP" on any and all stop signs I can hit!

:) Bart

02/21/2008, 06:59 PM
not a bumper sticker but I have seen jeeps that have windshield stickers up high. Some are upside down and say "if you can read this, roll me over" a couple say "hummer recovery vehicle" I also have a liscense plate frame my mom gave me way back that reads "in case of rapture, this car will be unmanned"

02/21/2008, 07:10 PM
I saw a 1974 Ford LTD, rusted all over, taillight broken out, vinyl roof torn and flapping in the breeze. The cleanest thing on the whole car was a bumper sticker that said, "My other car is a piece of crap".

02/22/2008, 05:58 AM
Republican - Because not everyone can be on welfare

don moore
02/22/2008, 08:45 AM
"visualize whirled peas":gring::gring::gring::gring::gring::gring:


02/22/2008, 10:35 AM
I have been overly unimpressed with a number of inputs on this thread. Just purely not funny.

02/22/2008, 10:54 AM
I just saw this one:


:) Bart

02/22/2008, 10:56 AM
I have been overly unimpressed with a number of inputs on this thread. Just purely not funny.

I smell a debate!

;) Bart

02/22/2008, 01:51 PM
I have been overly unimpressed with a number of inputs on this thread. Just purely not funny.

what's funny is your response, where is your sense of humor?

02/22/2008, 02:54 PM
what's funny is your response, where is your sense of humor?

Come on man, you know Republicans don't have a sense of humor!

Just kidding, J! ;)


02/22/2008, 03:36 PM
I think you'd drive better, with that cell phone shoved up your *****.

02/22/2008, 04:31 PM
How many letters are in A@$?:)

02/22/2008, 04:43 PM
How many letters are in A@$?:)

I thought Chopper came up 1 letter short...or wasn't he going for rEc+vm?:naughty:

02/22/2008, 06:40 PM
Is it me, or am I just a snob, but does anyone else feel political bumper stickers are lazy and well...lame? Clever, funny ones are, well, clever and funny...but what's the point about 3x10 Dubya/Clinton/[whoever]-bashing? I see at least two types who invest the cash on these: 1)THe selfrightous [ignorant]college student or 2)lazy, lowbrow [likewise selfrightous] child masquerading as clever intellectual. Neither honestly believe that lady in the minivan behind them suddenly smacked her head with her palm and exclaimed "THat's right, Bush DID lie and soldiers DID die!" thus altering the course of her life's decisions. THe kicker is that said folks are SO intellectualy lazy that they PAY someone else to write the pithy comment.

I like the funny ones...cleverness gets extra points (though, it's almost a necesity in light of the sticker real estate). THey sometimes make me chuckle and lighten my day. But throw in politics? Yeah...we get it...you're smart because you think politician-du-jour sucks.

Seems to me the only reason for political bumper stickers is the same as throwing up a pro sportsteam logo. Sad state of AMerican politics...it's all about choosing a team. Go OBAMA! I'm a Dubya fan! Go Lakers!

Just my 2 cents. Sorry. I get wordy on the internets. ha

TO answer the question :) I don't remember anything funny enough to add to this thread. Like i said...most give me a chuckle...and thats pretty much it. Some of the ones in this thread I've seen and smiled at. I like the cell phone ones. I have no stickers on my cars, looks tacky on them and it doesnt match. But on the VX, I have the non-statement variety. crossed sabers and a tank, a ducati emblem,an NRA sticker, and a diver down (scuba) flag. Been wanting a bantha skull or star wars empire crest (because I"m a stormtrooper!) Lame, i know...just think the wordy ones look lamer :) It's a design thing...that art school dropout in me clinging to composition habit.

To completely kill my high horse, the last sticker I chuckled at: [VULGARITY ALERT] "Jesus is my copilot, and we're cruising for [chicks]."

02/22/2008, 06:53 PM
Oh, few more:

"Last time Jesus showed up in church, they killed him."

"Jesus Saves ... Gretzky steals, he scores!"

"Jesus is my gardener"

yeah, i find Jesus funny. I had a few other ones but I they felt oddly too vulgar for this board for me

02/22/2008, 07:45 PM
That's the spirit spaceCADETzoom, people can think they are funny for many reasons. I don't have any bumper stickers on my car either but sometimes i do enjoy reading some of the shameless crap people choose to put on their cars.:)

02/23/2008, 08:18 AM
"My kid beat up your honor student"

02/23/2008, 10:48 AM
My kid's selling weed to your honor student;)

02/23/2008, 04:32 PM
My Boarder Collie is smarter than your honor student.

02/23/2008, 06:08 PM
Wis - I did not say all just some were very lame. The thread is titled "read and good bumper stickers lately??" right? I dont want to point fingers but some posted were just normal everyday stickers - just thought I would make it a point of my dissapointment.

NFP - haha good one...I liked that one alot. Its a bumper sticker right????? ha.

I purely dont like stand up comedy either its not spontaneous when it is scripted. And I hate the blue collar stuff. It takes the right kind of humor to make a comedian laugh.

02/23/2008, 08:07 PM
Yeah, some of those were pretty funny... I saw one not too long ago that I couldn't help but laugh about:

"God was my copilot...
But we crashed landed
in the mountains and I
had to eat him."

02/23/2008, 08:24 PM
I always liked the ones that they used to sell in the back of Nat Lamp (or was it High Times?), that were just a picture of a screw on a white circular background.
The funny part happens when you find an unattended vehicle with a :heart: sticker on it...
As in, but not limited to: "I :heart: my poodle" :smilewink :razzgray:

02/24/2008, 07:06 PM
Not a bumper stickr, but a friend sent me this & it made me chuckle...


02/29/2008, 08:44 PM
Next time wave
all of your fingers at me.

My breaks are fine
Hows your insurance

My truck doesn't leak
It's just marking it's territory

02/29/2008, 08:46 PM
one more;

I'd like to help you out
How did you get in

04/11/2008, 01:04 AM
This was two bumper stickers put end on end from left to right reading:

"Who would Jesus Bomb?" + "Barack Obama 2008"

I guess it was a little Q&A for the people behind him. I just get the visual of Jesus sitting in a Howitzer with a little green army helmet parked outside the Democratic National Convention waiting...... just.... waiting.

04/11/2008, 07:55 AM
"I'd rather be driving ... Oh SHTT, I am"

04/11/2008, 05:51 PM
I had one made for my RX-8 that said
If you dont limp you aint sht.
I have cripple tages and my 8 had a blower.:)


04/11/2008, 05:55 PM
Also look for my wing man, lol.

04/12/2008, 11:51 PM
I had one made for my RX-8 that said
If you dont limp you aint sht.
I have cripple tages and my 8 had a blower.:)

So you do not have the RX8 anymore? Were you ever on RX8club.com? What year and color did you have?

04/13/2008, 05:46 PM
I still have it but im waiting on major repairs because of an accident. Yeh im on the forum. Gets a little touchy on the rx8 forum. This one seems a lot more down to earth. Mine is an 04 auto.

04/13/2008, 06:26 PM
I still have it but im waiting on major repairs because of an accident. Yeh im on the forum. Gets a little touchy on the rx8 forum. This one seems a lot more down to earth. Mine is an 04 auto.

yeah I know the last "Olympic Torch" thread I had to chime in to keep some people in check, people are less friendly and more likely to seriously be mean to each other over there, I like Vehicross.info about 10 million times better.

Oh it is an auto..... LOL..... How many times have you heard that over there? Sorry about your accident, what color is your 8?

Oh and I have not seen any cool bumper stickers sorry.

04/13/2008, 09:49 PM
yeah I know the last "Olympic Torch" thread I had to chime in to keep some people in check, people are less friendly and more likely to seriously be mean to each other over there, I like Vehicross.info about 10 million times better.

Oh it is an auto..... LOL..... How many times have you heard that over there? Sorry about your accident, what color is your 8?

Oh and I have not seen any cool bumper stickers sorry.

Its yellow. Its ok being an auto since I have the auto only restriction on my liscense. Funny you should say that they have a problem with autos, I went to Deals gap [tail of the dragon] and smoked EVERY RX-8 at the meet, atleast all those guys now whats up.