View Full Version : Macs anyone?

02/19/2008, 08:43 PM
Just curious...how many of us are on Macs...owners or operators? My first computer was a Mac and it's been that way ever since. It was a Performa something that had like 750 MB of hard drive space and a processor speed of 75 MHz and 64 MB of ram. Wow, times sure have speeded up. Got a Mac at work, got a Mac at home. When I'm on this site it's with a Mac laptop. :grino:

02/19/2008, 08:55 PM
i've used both.. PCs only at home because i use autocad at home a decent amount, i worked for a little over a year in an office that used macs.. i didnt mind it but im just more comfortable on a pc.. after a year my boss bought all new macbooks w/ the intel chips and had me install parallels on them so we could run windows and autocad on them but still have macs for some of the older files (macdraft files)

02/20/2008, 04:56 AM
Ahh, the good ole' Performa series. My first PC was a 575...monitor and box all in 1 unit! Not a bad machine back in the day...These days, I don't care to pay the premium that Apple commands.

02/20/2008, 08:13 AM
I just got a Mac Mini in the mail yesterday which is my first attempt at moving to a more enlightened OS. Of course, then I was notified I am being deployed to Iraq (USAF tasking, so only 6 months). I'm assuming Bill Gates heard about my new purchase. No good deed goes unpunished. I'm assuming my mini will be EOLed by the time I get back.

02/20/2008, 08:25 AM
Ahh, the good ole' Performa series. My first PC was a 575...monitor and box all in 1 unit! Not a bad machine back in the day...These days, I don't care to pay the premium that Apple commands.

The 578, was my Mom's first. If you have to help your 80+ year old Mother program the VCR,
Be very happy she desided on a Mac.:grino:
My first was an 8500 AV---Bad machine for it's day.
I had it set up to page my watch, when friends called the house.
Burning custom CD's was drag and drop, long before iTunes.
I use a Macbookpro now, with a G-4 mirror door, running my network.
The ONLY reason to install Bootcamp, that I can think of, is to run Autocad.

Oh! BTW: that old 578 still works.

02/20/2008, 01:18 PM

Love my macs. Course, my PC has a use too. zBrush and 3DS MAX.

Got's me a MacPro at the office and a MacBook 17" at home.

I have been a bit annoyed with a few things in leopard, but they are slowly fixing all that.

Love my iPhone too, almost as much as my VX ;-)