View Full Version : Blogger's Delight

03/10/2008, 08:07 AM
A few weeks back I was asked to do a Q&A for the company's blog site. Some simple questions regarding general crap, nothing really project oriented (probably since our current project has been a matter of debate for previous Fallout fans).

Anyways, it's always fun doing Q&As for the fanbase and thought you all might at least get a kick out of just how dull a game developer's life really is. :bgwg:



03/10/2008, 08:50 AM
Gary, is this you?


Man you look pissed! :)


03/10/2008, 11:56 AM
We'll see if my comment gets passed the moderators!

-- John

03/10/2008, 05:15 PM
Anyways, it's always fun doing Q&As for the fanbase and thought you all might at least get a kick out of just how dull a game developer's life really is.

I'm just pleased to hear from someone who digs on pinball. I got hooked on the silver ball back in college, and now days it is tough to find a machine -- especially one that's well-maintained.

Do you actually own your own? Adams is a great pin, but I'd settle for any of the Williams machines from that era. Twilight Zone is probably my favorite. I almost purchased World Cup Soccer, but I couldn't figure out where I'd keep it in my house!

03/10/2008, 06:58 PM
Fireball was one of my favorites!
Black Knight comes to mind. How about Hercules. That one had a pool cue ball!

03/11/2008, 01:53 PM
Yep, that pic is me. And considering our webmaster caught me just as I got in that morning for a pic, BEFORE COFFEE, you can understand. Hell, you can still see the 1/2 asleep all over my face. Thanks.

My brother in law has a lot of old machines in his basement. Pinball, stand up arcade games, air hockey, foosball, you name it. His house is a favorite on their block for the neighborhood kids. I would love to do the same but my rinky dink house could barely house the XBox and Playstation that I have.

Oh, there is another pinball system that I always loved, but I couldnt recall the name of it to save my life. Something to do with trucking and big rigs and "Put the hammer down".... I used to love that one....

03/11/2008, 05:27 PM
Oh, there is another pinball system that I always loved, but I couldnt recall the name of it to save my life. Something to do with trucking and big rigs and "Put the hammer down".... I used to love that one....

That one doesn't ring a bell... I recall Red & Ted's Road Show -- that was kind of highway themed, but that doesn't sound like the right one...

There's always the Pinball Database, though: http://www.ipdb.org/