View Full Version : 5 years later....

03/19/2008, 03:48 PM
Five years to the day since we went into Iraq.
They told us the oil would pay for the war...
But we still keep paying out and our economy is in toilet.
They told us that Saddam had ties to Al Queda and had weapons of mass destruction.
We now know that was just a bunch of B.S.
Oil companies are making huge profits and gas is at an all time high.
We will probably be in Iraq, defending "Iraqi freedom" for years to come.
How many lives lost, destroyed and wasted at the hands of a man who deploys our Armed Forces like he was playing with toy soldiers.
This is an election year, 8 years of Bush and is this country any better off than we were in 2000?
I don't think so...
In fact only an idiot would argue we are better off.
So all of you who are gonna defend us going into Iraq,
you better be responding from Iraq, and not the safety of your suburban home.


03/19/2008, 03:52 PM
Are you going to Moab in May?

03/19/2008, 03:54 PM
Are you going to Moab in May?
naww...I can't afford the gas!

03/19/2008, 03:54 PM
Sweet! :p

03/19/2008, 04:25 PM
Sweet! :p

Dude...so how's the wiring coming along on your Jeep ?:_wrench:

03/19/2008, 04:41 PM
Waddya call a blonde with pigtails???????????

03/19/2008, 04:42 PM
Waddya call a blonde with pigtails???????????

Popular ?:naughty:

03/19/2008, 04:44 PM
Clue: it involvs handlebars:eek:

03/19/2008, 04:46 PM
Clue: it involvs handlebars:eek:

I was operating under that assumtion, just can't remember the punch line right now.:sighwgray

03/19/2008, 04:48 PM
Bologna Juice

03/19/2008, 08:32 PM
How do you keep a bunch of douchebags going to Moab in suspense?

I'll tell you tomorrow................

03/19/2008, 08:35 PM
How do you keep a douchebags going to Moab in suspense?

I'll tell you tomorrow................

Don't you mean "a bunch of douchebags" ?

Geez, if you're gonna call people names, at least form complete sentences.:rolleyesg

03/19/2008, 08:40 PM
People.....a lot of people who I have respect for.......just don't seem to care about the facts. I care.
I wish you were going to Moab. Peace to you.


03/19/2008, 08:43 PM
What I wanna know is how you dudes have anytime behind the wheel at all when your online more than those guys on "To catch a predator. "

03/19/2008, 09:57 PM

03/20/2008, 05:00 AM
What I wanna know is why are you still here? If life is so bad here in the states, why not move to ... France. Their political viewpoint seems to match yours.

03/20/2008, 05:06 AM

Now THAT was funny...I haven't laughed that hard, this early in the morning for quite some time.

03/20/2008, 05:16 AM
[QUOTE=HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE;121122]Five years to the day since we went into Iraq.
They told us the oil would pay for the war...
But we still keep paying out and our economy is in toilet.
They told us that Saddam had ties to Al Queda and had weapons of mass destruction.
We now know that was just a bunch of B.S.
Oil companies are making huge profits and gas is at an all time high.
We will probably be in Iraq, defending "Iraqi freedom" for years to come.
How many lives lost, destroyed and wasted at the hands of a man who deploys our Armed Forces like he was playing with toy soldiers.
This is an election year, 8 years of Bush and is this country any better off than we were in 2000?
I don't think so...
In fact only an idiot would argue we are better off.
So all of you who are gonna defend us going into Iraq,
you better be responding from Iraq, and not the safety of your suburban home.



Nothing else is more true than what you've described.
One man lies not to his country,but to the whole world,our reputation as a democratic country is way down....What a shame upon us have this "president" done.:mad:

03/20/2008, 08:07 AM

Hahaha.... took about 10 minutes of outright laughter before I could start typing again. Thanks for the morning pick-me-up.

Huh? What? War? Oil? Economy? Oh, it all makes me so tired....

03/20/2008, 08:35 AM
What I wanna know is how you dudes have anytime behind the wheel at all when your online more than those guys on "To catch a predator. "

Easy, we type while we drive! :work::_steering

don moore
03/20/2008, 08:38 AM

03/20/2008, 08:52 AM
Wasabi, I agree with you as well. I'm sure many of us do. I think its just that a lot of the so called "douche-bags" were just trying to put off another heated political debate on their beloved VX forum. :)



03/20/2008, 09:22 AM
Wasabi, I agree with you as well. I'm sure many of us do. I think its just that a lot of the so called "douche-bags" were just trying to put off another heated political debate on their beloved VX forum. :)



Nobody in here is a douche bag, and I am sorry I said that.
But I think heated political debates are cool. We are all linked by the fact we all drive the same rare car, so in a way, we all have a similar mindset on what we think is cool as far as our choice of vehicle(s), and hey Americans love their cars. We as Americans also love our rights, such as the right to free speech. The right was not bestowed on us to protect popular speech, but actually unpopular speech. I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it.
So I think it is no secret that I think that George Bush IS a Douche bag and that this country has suffered under his bumbling leadership. You may think he deserves to go down in history as one of the world's greatest leaders...one man's junk is another man's treasure.We have been in Iraq 5 years after he stood under his "Mission Acomplished" banner....Seems like something any true thinking American might have an opinion on....

Scott Harness
03/20/2008, 10:30 AM
Worst administration EVER!! Did anybody see Cheney's interview,I think it was on MSNBC if sombody can find it. The newsperson said that 2/3 of the public disagrees with the administration. Cheney said "SO" "people don't know what to think"

03/20/2008, 10:31 AM
People.....a lot of people who I have respect for.......just don't seem to care about the facts. I care.
I wish you were going to Moab. Peace to you.

012009Man, you are way too nice! The fact is I can't stand George Bush (1 or 2) either and never could... but it has become a hobby to give Wasabi a hard time when he starts up again! He gets all riled up and dramatic when what he is actually trying to do by starting threads like this is get everyone else all riled up and dramatic. He used to bug me, now he just makes me roll my eyes, giggle, and crack jokes. So I agree... Peace.

03/20/2008, 10:37 AM
Man, you are way too nice! The fact is I can't stand George Bush (1 or 2) either and never could... but it has become a hobby to give Wasabi a hard time when he starts up again! He gets all riled up and dramatic when what he is actually trying to do by starting threads like this is get everyone else all riled up and dramatic. He used to bug me, now he just makes me roll my eyes, giggle, and crack jokes. So I agree... Peace.

You never did answer my question about your Jeep wiring project...:smilewink

03/20/2008, 10:39 AM
Parts parts parts... always waiting for parts! It will be coming along in the next couple months. The metal work is pretty extensive though! How is the locker install going????

03/20/2008, 10:43 AM
Parts parts parts... always waiting for parts! It will be coming along in the next couple months. The metal work is pretty extensive though! How is the locker install going????

I'm weighing out some options & waiting for the spring weather thing to happen...supposed to get more snow tomorrow, but at least the below zero stuff should be over.

03/20/2008, 01:13 PM
have you been to iraq and seen the improvements our armed foeces have made in the lives of the people over there? i serve not for the damn oil or promises of a dissolutioned president but because we are actively driving out the ones who would do away with freedom and democracy. so if that is why you feel we are over there well i accept that because that is what freedom is all about. beiing able to voice your opinion is a corner stone of our country, but understand if you haven't been there you wont get the full picture. take it from one in the military

Matt Durrenberger. USAF

oh yeah to anyone who wants to start throwing around **** about this, you go stand post in the 130 degree weather wondering if the next mortar is going to get you and if you will ever get to see your wife and family again, think about that when you go to bed tonight

03/20/2008, 01:35 PM
Recently released Iraqi Documents Show al-Qaida Ties:


03/20/2008, 03:24 PM
I love midgets...and I love a spirited debate...but this topic is so worn out...like asking,"Who here doesn't like to pee their pants" Doesn't beg a response. Think about it, rewrite your loaded statement(try not to act like you're baiting ten year-olds to respond) make it compelling....and maybe it'll work. More midgets!!

03/21/2008, 01:45 PM
What cracks me up is how some people feel the need to post a comment even if they have no opinion one way or another, or feel the need to diss me because I do. When I don't like what is on TV, I change the channel or turn it off and do something else. Why do I get the feeling some of you in here talk to your TV when the show sucks rather than find something better to do....

03/21/2008, 03:59 PM
So I think it is no secret that I think that George Bush IS a Douche bag....

Well if you watched South Park you would know that he is not a douche bag... he's a Terd Sandwich and John Kerry is the douche bag :bwgr:

03/21/2008, 05:04 PM
Man this guy must have been picked on one too many times on the playground......

03/21/2008, 08:03 PM
So much for highbrow discourse....

03/21/2008, 08:19 PM
So much for highbrow discourse....

ooh ooh, you mean, like this??

Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE
After that retard GWB and the F'N mess he has made, The republicans should not be allowed to hold any political office for at least ten years....


03/22/2008, 05:50 AM
:laugho::laughp::laughb::laughy::laughg::laughgray :laughing::disturbed