View Full Version : For all you homeowners (Bart) out there

03/23/2008, 01:51 PM
We built this house fourteen years ago,and it's been great. Two of our Weimaraners started getting old a few years ago, and so, one room at a time, the Berber carpet has turned into tile (done by me) The pool pump gave out around New Year(and was replaced by me) The fridge an' microwave have both taken a crap in the last few months (and been picked up, by, paid for by, you get it) the dishwasher sounds different, but I'm afraid to say it out loud. I have a new washer!!! But the dryer takes so long to dry, I hang my stuff outside.(my wife uses the dryer...I prefer outside) Two outlets work sometimes, and don't sometimes (I've not gotten to this one at all, though it's potentially fatal) The pool light went out last week (I'll get to it) Three weeks ago, we had a windstorm (some had tornado's) on a Friday....I spent Saturday and Sunday replacing shingles, and cutting up the pine tree that came down (had to wear a knee brace for eight days...I love roofs) Two weeks ago, the filter canister for the pool, burst at the casting seam....400 bucks, 5 trips to Lowe's, and a lesson in PVC plumbing later, it has been upgraded. Last week, I awaken to the sound of a heavy rain, but I see the moon shining. The solar has split a pipe (fixed by me). Today, the wife tells me, she has a mold issue in her bathroom (I don't go in there) I check...she has a MOLD issue in her shower(who puts a window in their f%$@%! shower!) I'm gettin' a beer....go to the beer fridge in the garage, grab the handle......and ZZZZAAAAPPPP!!!! 110 to the right arm! AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

03/23/2008, 05:24 PM
We built this house fourteen years ago,and it's been great. Two of our Weimaraners started getting old a few years ago, and so, one room at a time, the Berber carpet has turned into tile (done by me) The pool pump gave out around New Year(and was replaced by me) The fridge an' microwave have both taken a crap in the last few months (and been picked up, by, paid for by, you get it) the dishwasher sounds different, but I'm afraid to say it out loud. I have a new washer!!! But the dryer takes so long to dry, I hang my stuff outside.(my wife uses the dryer...I prefer outside) Two outlets work sometimes, and don't sometimes (I've not gotten to this one at all, though it's potentially fatal) The pool light went out last week (I'll get to it) Three weeks ago, we had a windstorm (some had tornado's) on a Friday....I spent Saturday and Sunday replacing shingles, and cutting up the pine tree that came down (had to wear a knee brace for eight days...I love roofs) Two weeks ago, the filter canister for the pool, burst at the casting seam....400 bucks, 5 trips to Lowe's, and a lesson in PVC plumbing later, it has been upgraded. Last week, I awaken to the sound of a heavy rain, but I see the moon shining. The solar has split a pipe (fixed by me). Today, the wife tells me, she has a mold issue in her bathroom (I don't go in there) I check...she has a MOLD issue in her shower(who puts a window in their f%$@%! shower!) I'm gettin' a beer....go to the beer fridge in the garage, grab the handle......and ZZZZAAAAPPPP!!!! 110 to the right arm! AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Add to all that shoveling snow & mowing the lawn + re-painting etc. and you can easily see why I love to pay my landlord $360 every month for my two bedroom crumbly abode.:cool:

03/24/2008, 06:56 AM
All that Chopper said is too true. Now my list just doubled since we closed on my daughter's house last Friday ... Oh joy.

03/24/2008, 07:42 AM
It needs not saying but, you just can't win. I started all the work on my house 2 years ago and have given up. I haven't touched a paint roller, floor tile, or spackle in so long that I have no idea when I will even have the time, energy, or care to get started again. I have a place to rest my head when I sleep so for now, I am happy enough as it is.

03/24/2008, 08:55 AM
"I am happy enough as it is"

Me too but Wifey said she is tired of showering in a half finished bath (2+ years) so I scrapped what was done and started over (not my brightest moment:))

03/24/2008, 10:36 AM
but Wifey said

And that's why I'm not married either.:dance:...:rotate:

03/24/2008, 11:13 AM
Well, I have been there, and done ALL that. We owned a house for 2 years back East, and it was the hardest 2 years of my life, hands down.

This time around however, we bought NEW house. So, I am hoping that we won't have any serious issues for at least 5 years....

And out here, there is almost NO yard work! :)

All that said, I spent the last 3 days tearing out all the carpet, tile and vinyl flooring to make way for the wood and nicer tile that is getting installed this week.


03/24/2008, 12:18 PM
"This time around however, we bought NEW house. So, I am hoping that we won't have any serious issues for at least 5 years...."

{Turn on sound effects}

Start patronizing chuckle

{Turn off sound effects}

03/24/2008, 12:22 PM
"And that's why I'm not married either."

Priorities ... Priorities ... Priorities ...

03/24/2008, 01:19 PM
Hey man, we got a *SWEET* deal on this crib, and I mean SWEET! My VX will have a pimpy home now!

:) Bart

03/24/2008, 01:33 PM
If you can swing it, now is the time to buy.

03/24/2008, 01:40 PM
Yup. That's why we talked daughter into buying rather than renting.

03/24/2008, 02:07 PM
If you can swing it, now is the time to buy.

Yup, we were patient, and looked and looked and looked. And we were also a little lucky. We found a new development going up, went to the sales office, looked at a floor plan and liked it, then they told us about the incentives they were offering for that particular weekend, and we just said, "where do we sign?". It was THAT good of a deal. So good, it afforded me a completely finished garage! ;)


03/24/2008, 03:49 PM
Hey man, we got a *SWEET* deal on this crib, and I mean SWEET! My VX will have a pimpy home now!
:) Bart

I bought my garage 10 years ago. Upgraded the lighting, new doors, etc. Still looks like crap. But it makes a great "crib" for my VX. Oh, yeah, it came with a house attached. Go figure!

03/24/2008, 04:06 PM
I bought my garage 10 years ago. Upgraded the lighting, new doors, etc. Still looks like crap. But it makes a great "crib" for my VX. Oh, yeah, it came with a house attached. Go figure!

Yeah, I want to put some nice florescents in there and a sink. I really don't understand garages that do not have utility sinks.


03/26/2008, 04:54 PM
Yeah, I want to put some nice florescents in there and a sink. I really don't understand garages that do not have utility sinks.

BartMine even had a checkered line, with ''Start" on the garage side And "Finish" on the street side. Wife freaked out, and I had to remove it. Guess the checkered garage door is out of the question....we don't agree on decor. She always wins.

03/26/2008, 05:41 PM
Mine even had a checkered line, with ''Start" on the garage side And "Finish" on the street side. Wife freaked out, and I had to remove it. Guess the checkered garage door is out of the question....we don't agree on decor. She always wins.

Yeah, me and the wife do ok in this area. We basically comprimise. If it was up to me I would paint the walls black and hang skulls and guns everywhere, but I guess that is a little extreme...

:) Bart