View Full Version : uh oh.....

04/03/2008, 11:10 AM
guys i was screwing around on yahoo and i found some interesting information...i dont know what type of reprocussions this is going to have on the value of our cars, but i think we should take this into consideration...
check this out, isuzu is no longer going to produce in northern america....

does this mean that our cars are going to just completely sink in value???? or are they going to become more valuable????
thank god that they are still going to help out with production of parts just for means of getting things like the little red nobs in the back door of the VX and things like that....but this could effect our community a lot im sure...

anyone who has been around longer than i (21) care to chime in on what this is going to do to us?

04/03/2008, 11:27 AM
I think someone already posted this, but I think since our parts aren't made here anyways, it shouldn't hurt us there too bad. There will need to be a lot more scavenging and maybe some enterprising soul will try to make a selection of aftermarket replacements/accessories/upgrades if things get really scarce.

04/03/2008, 11:28 AM
ok, i was gonna say...this scares me, leans me towards getting a taco or suby....
guess we are all going to become better friends with morgan-tec for parts eh? good thing he lives 20 miles away from me :bwgy:

04/03/2008, 11:30 AM
I just read this in a article on Yahoo, "Ten Cars That Lose Value Fast" and though information wasn't available on Isuzu cars for this particular topic, it did say,

"Isuzu announced in January that it will discontinue selling Isuzus in the U.S. after January 2009."

This aligns with pbkid's info. But I noted in that article that it also stated, "Although Isuzu will cease supplying passenger vehicles in North America, "we are fully committed to continue providing service support to our customer base and Dealers for years to come" said Terry Maloney, President/COO. Isuzu will continue to honor all product warranties and roadside assistance programs and will maintain its owner-relations call center."

Either way, I think we are fine.

04/03/2008, 08:25 PM
Ummm...Jack, Morgan isn't really active much any more since selling his Ax.

But I consider this to be good news, as the price of VX's drops like a stone, we'll all be able to glom onto "pennies on the dollar" bargains as parts pigs from those who get skitterish & bail.:naughty:

04/03/2008, 09:25 PM
true, i guess this just means time for us to stock up on parts from anyone who bails out huh?
well it would never make sense for me to sell my vx anyhow because after the blows motor i have spent around 22k on this vehicle and im sure as hell not going to sell it for what they are going for and lose that much money....if it happens again i guess its time to get creative and do a diesel/SAS......

04/03/2008, 09:27 PM
true, i guess this just means time for us to stock up on parts from anyone who bails out huh?
well it would never make sense for me to sell my vx anyhow because after the blows motor i have spent around 22k on this vehicle and im sure as hell not going to sell it for what they are going for and lose that much money....if it happens again i guess its time to get creative and do a diesel/SAS......

Now yer talkin'...hey, just my opinion...my uncle had an Edsel...:sighwgray

04/05/2008, 11:56 AM
AMC doesn't build cars anymore, either, and look what it's done for the price of the Gremlin! :)

Rene M
04/05/2008, 12:07 PM
sweet if the price falls then i can build my rally vx!!!!

04/05/2008, 01:48 PM
i'm still around but i am working on my volvo for the time being and surfin the snow as much as possible.